King Merk

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Everything posted by King Merk

  1. Psyduck is based off of a platypus... mind blown?
  2. The self deception series has been by far the most influential for me. Followed up by understanding survival. Talk about recontextualizing your entire fucking life???
  3. The purpose of the senses is.... to sense things
  4. Take an ice bath. That’ll wake you the fuck up
  5. Just about any program works if you stick to it. Here’s a simple plan I start most my clients on, do 3 full body resistance training days per week (with rest days or cardio/stretching days in between them). Progressively overload meaning increase weights/reps/intensity over time. Get around 1g per pound you weight. Sleep 7-9 hour per night and you’re golden.
  6. I think Frank makes some interesting points here. For example... All 6 senses merging as zero. The perception of centeredness existing as a sense of self in the "awareness bubble" Leo spoke on. Groundlessness/God/Consciousness being turned into a new ground/self. A sense of self existing while perceiving "God Consciousness" Witnessing from the perspective of the witnessed, witnessing and witnesser simultaneously. Neither perception nor non perception. I'm not sure what to think..... I've followed Frank for years and benefitted a lot from his videos but something has felt "off" about him ever since his claimed enlightenment. And Leo has always had an air of arrogance/superiority to him that feels "off" too. But then again I really don't know what to think. Idk what consciousness is. Idk what God is. Idk what what awareness is. Idk the degree of Leo's delusion or Frank's delusion. I don't know what the fuck these men are even talking about half the time. This "spirituality" shit is wild y'all.
  7. My advice is more mindful eating. How conscious are you when you're over-consuming these sugar foods? You're likely no. You're likely checked out completely and in autopilot mode. Continue to eat the sweets but do it more mindfully. Turn the TV off. No cellphone. No distractions. Chew eat bite 15-30 times. Smell your food. Take deep breaths or sips of water in between bites. Then notice how you feel afterwards. Notice the bloating. The skin rashes. The foggy headedness. The itchiness. The oversized gut. The difficulty breathing through your nose. The energy crashes. Etc. Notice the signs your body is giving you in response to eating all that sugar. If you become more conscious more of the time (especially while eating) then you'll naturally stop craving these foods as much. Replacing the foods with healthy foods that make you feel good and then being aware of these sensations is also important of course. "Awareness alone is curative"
  8. Before doing any crazy prolonged fast, try intermittent fasting. After you can go 16-24 hours water fasted easily then you can start bumping it up to 36 hours then 48 hours then 3 days, etc. Doing a week long fast out the gate is setting yourself up for failure. Don't underestimate the difficulty (and potential danger) of a task like that... Besides fasting isn't a "cure all". Fasting can only help so much. You must address the foods you do eat on a regular basis. That should be your priority.
  9. For about the last 4 months I've been regularly seeing an eyeball during my meditations. It doesn't happen every time, typically about once per week. The first time it happened, it felt as if somebody had shot me through the eye. I felt this electric beam rush through me so intensely that it jolted me out of my meditation and caused my eyes to open widely. Since then I've grown more familiar with the eye and can calmly watch it as it randomly appears for anywhere from 10-15 seconds and then slowly fades away. It provokes an odd feeling in me. In fact, it feels almost as if it is my own eye and I'm looking back into myself. I'm curious if anybody else has had a similar experience and if y'all have any ideas as to what is going on? Is this "normal"? I've been meditating regularly and doing consciousness works for a few years now. Never before (while "sober") have I had any sorts of vivid hallucinations like this.
  10. @seeking_brilliance Interesting. Thank you for the reply. I don't know anything about "image streaming". Do you have any advice or resources on how to do this? I'd definitely like to be able to explore this eye phenomenon in more depth.
  11. @seeking_brilliance Hypnagogia is the state in between slumber and wakefulness, correct? I'm quite certain I've experience hypnagogia before and the experience I'm speaking on is concistently different. I am not drifting away into sleep when I see the eye. In fact, I am usually very awake and attentive. There is no "dreamy" essence to it. It is an extremely clear and sharp perception.
  12. @Pilgrim genuinely inquire about their position in life. It has to be deeper than "how was your day?" Just some throw away examples, if they say they've been feeling stressed at work ask, "what does that stress feel?". Or if they say they're pissed off ask them where they're experiencing that anger in their body. It's all about being genuinely curious as to where they are in life and what they're experiencing. Invite them to go deeper than their norm. Your curiosity will help them introspect to a higher degree and do the self exploration work required to develop a healthier ego/understanding of self.
  13. Start by loving him to the highest degree possible. Ask occasional questions that will facilitate self reflection and continue working on yourself. I've found the greatest way to facilitate change in others is by changing myself. Keep focusing on you.
  14. How detailed oriented do you want to be? How resonant is your current list? If your value list doesn't speak to you emotionally then it needs more work. I say run through it again. This is your life purpose you're investing in after all
  15. The zero app is a great resource and how I track my daily intermittent and occasional prolonged fasting
  16. You’re creating suffering in yourself out of the desire to control someone else... good intentioned sure but try to focus on yourself and your own development
  17. I’m a fitness trainer who has studied human biomechanics for the last 5 years and I can say from a physiological perspective the lotus positions are stupid. Our knees aren’t designed to have that kind of mobility. Now if there’s some sort of “spiritual” benefits to it I can’t speak on. Personally, I prefer to do the Burmese pose and it makes more sense anatomically
  18. I’ve never tried 5-meo so I can’t speak on it... but done n-DMT and it’s BY FAR the strongest substance I’ve found. However it’s always been very hard for me to integrate what I experience on DMT back into my everyday life. And the ego backlash is typically quite severe. In fact, my most extreme DMT trip where I experienced complete ego death even caused me to be suicidal for a few days after I “came back”. Perhaps I’ve just not advanced really reap the rewards of DMT. Perhaps it’s too great a leap in consciousness, idk. I have found the insights from shrooms and LSD are much easier to integrate into my every day life. Been using these substances regularly for the last few years now and they’ve facilitated pretty rapid growth.
  19. I’ve always kept it under my tongue for 5-10min and then swallowed it. Not sure if there would be a benefit to plugging it
  20. @Leo Gura do you still meditate on a daily basis? If so what technique do you use?
  21. Find a way to save up for it. You’ll be glad you did. The LP course has radically changed my life and can do the same for you if you work the course
  22. The “do nothing” technique Leo has spoke on is heavily influenced by Shinzen Young. Shinzen also has a YouTube video specifically explaining his version of do nothing
  23. You’ve got a good start but moving into tier two requires integrating ALL of tier one, including stage red, purple and beige. Don’t ignore the value systems of these stages as well
  24. @flume your feedback has helped in more ways than you could know. Thank you Flume