King Merk

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Everything posted by King Merk

  1. Probably my bias to fucking women rather than men But sexual beauty is different from the beauty of say a sunset or a masterfully written song. Beauty is a hard thing to really pin down (for me at least)
  2. Yea it’s way easier for me to go about my normal business after a 5meo trip than an LSD trip. There’s just such a positive loving afterglow every time I do 5meo. Not the same heaviness after a 12 hour LSD trip for sure.
  3. I think you should leave her and focus on developing your skills with other women
  4. I’m not sure how to logically explain beauty… but I know it when I see it
  5. What’s so wrong with talking about yourself?
  6. One trip I was meditating on DXM and completely left this reality. I was sitting facing a gigantic golden Buddha statue with a white glowing oura in all other directions. Closed eye visuals as clear as day. It felt like nirvana. Definitely psychedelic properties.
  7. I’m very experienced with DXM. Done over 50 trips with it. Beautiful substance but not ideal for consciousness work imo. I stick to the big three of psychedelics now days (DMT/Shrooms/LSD). They’re safer and easier on my body. Its hard for me to explain but doing that much DXM took a toll on my body. And I did the acid-based extractions for about 25 of those trips so it was relatively pure DXM. (One time I did fuck up the extraction and ended up drinking lighter fluid and puked blood while tripping balls lol what a night that was) My eyes don’t work the same as they used to. Hard to explain but when I wake up in the morning I can only use one eye at a time for a couple minutes because my vision gets really weird. Very similar to how they act when you’re tripping on DXM. They’ve done this for years now. I could feel internally that damage was being done from my repeated use of this substance. I don’t feel that from traditional psychedelics. Trip wise DXM is extremely similar to ketamine. It’s hard to differentiate the two but K feels a bit cleaner to me. DXM at high doses is extremely dissociating (even more so than K) in a way that makes any kind of focused contemplation quite difficult. That said it has similar benefits of empty the mind and achieving no self like Leo mentions in his ketamine video. It’s a complete different “ego death” than what you get on normal psychedelics. There’s different plateaus with different types of trips depending on dosage. Most of my trips were in the 3rd and 4th plateau range which is where the pedal hits the medal. I really pushed my dosing because I fucking love exploring consciousness so maybe that’s why I had harsher sides from it. In summary, DXM is an amazing substance that absolutely has psychoactive properties to it (and a therapeutic potential) That said I would stick too tradition psychedelics when possible. But if you’re having a hard time finding psychedelics or want to explore legal alternative forms of consciousness exploration then DXM is your friend Like always with drug use… be careful and do your research.
  8. As mentioned above this insight is very orange. And that’s cool. Other people at a similar level of development will read this and resonate deeply with it. I certainly used to think this way too. Now days I’m still hyper productive & consciously pursue suffering/adversity. I still have solid work ethic but my motives have changed. Now I strive for authentic self expression, beauty, creativity, aestheticism and self mastery. I no longer am running away from mediocrity but rather run towards excellence. The stage orange approach is… “beat my inner bitch” ”fuck average” ”it’s never enough” ”first or last” “no pain no gain” Etc. Its very harsh and lacks the softening & compassion that you gain through stage green. Again, nothing wrong with a stage orange approach. I have a special place in my heart for the stage orange value system. It’s simply important to accurate assess where you are. Keep slaying shit my dude. Stay hard.
  9. I find myself at a bit of a crossroads in my dating life. I’m in a 2+ year relationship with a great girl but I’m not satisfied. I’ve had multiple long term relationships and grown tremendously from them. However something keeps pulling me towards the idea of getting into game & dating multiple women in a more casual way. I do this every time. I find a cool girl that I vibe with and stay with here for a year or two but then get bored and no longer wish to be in the relationship. I’m craving to go through a “hoe phase” but I’m also hesitant to throw away the relationship I’ve built with my current gf. My question for y’all is why do you do game? What drives you? Also how do you know when to commit to a woman and when to continue playing the field?
  10. Thank you for checking me on this. I can see what you mean by that. He does seem like someone deeply troubled in life.
  11. It’s not okay. It’s prefered. Life is a dance. Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow. Now as a masculine man I tend to lead my woman 90% of the time but the other 10% she appreciates that I can follow. You don’t want to be overly rigid but you also don’t want to be a spineless dweeb that doesn’t go after what he wants. Tender agression.
  12. Consciousness isn’t something you have… Consciousness is the substrate of reality. Yes, you & your dog are both made of consciousness. But so is everything. I recommend you going and rewatching Leo’s “What is Consciousness” video
  13. You know how Leo says you can criticize something from above it or below it? Well this is a critique from below. JP has obvious flaws to himself (for example his blatant transphobia) but his “energy” is not one of them. It seems like you have some stage blue shadows to integrate… which JP could help you with quite nicely
  14. Focus on one area at a time. It sounds like you have your psysiological & safety needs met (the first two levels of the pyramid). Now focus on the third level, belongingness & love needs. This means you should focus on your relationships. That could be your relationship with your parents, friend group and intimate partner. Sounds like getting into dating would be a good place for you to start. After a couple years of focusing on your relationships, then you move to the next level on the hierarchy which is esteem needs. You want to make sure you feel a sense of higher purpose & that your career is deeply fulfilling. You feel good about who you are and are grounded in authenticity. Then you move to self actualization which is taking all the lower levels and getting them into a harmonic balance where you’re operating at your highest capacity. But for now, sounds like your next step is focusing on relationships.
  15. I’ve noticed there’s a certain beauty to be found in languages that I don’t speak/understand. They sound very “artsy” if you will. Versus languages I do know or are learning lose that “artsy” sound to them because I’m so busy meaning making in my mind.
  16. @Raptorsin7 it’s possible that you could repressed it from your conscious memory. That’s what I did. For me it happened when I was about 8 and I didn’t have the memories in my head until I hit 23. It was so trippy. I was sitting at home one day watching an Eminem documentary and then this song played that me & the guy that molested me used to listen together and then a floodgate of memories came back (including the event). It’s like my mind had shut off this guy and all my memories with him (which were quite a few as he was a childhood friend). Then when these memories came rushing back to my conscious mind it felt like a lightning bolt hit me. With regards to healing the issue… I believe that you have to do the thing that you’re afraid to do. You just do it in low enough doses that it’s not overwhelming. So for you, I’d focus on being intimate with others. Maybe it starts super simple like getting a pet that you become very intimate/close to. Then maybe it evolves to being vulnerable around a friend. Then a romantic partner. Then even more people, etc. Or maybe it’s simply you going to a public washroom and hanging out in there even though it makes you anxious. In my experience whatever it is that I’m holding trauma/fear around is the very thing itself that I need to be doing to heal the trauma. Also meditating on the situation while on psychedelics has proven to be helpful for me. Try to bring this shadow to the light of day.
  17. It’s hard not to support LGBTQ+ if you have any degree of love in your heart
  18. And the coolest salamander award goes to…
  19. This meme is too poorly made to be this funny lolol
  20. “Boundaries are for us. They’re not against other people.” Powerful. Thanks for sharing❤️
  21. I hear you that it’s hard to find people you have a deep and honest connection with. One avenue you could go down is looking for the beauty in the people that you currently interact with. From reading your post, I feel a heavily judgmental tone in how you relate to others… coming from that angle may be muddying the waters of your social interactions.
  22. Every time I’ve done LSD around groups of people my ability to articulate myself goes to absolute shit. I lose interest in anything but contemplation so to use psychedelics to help with gaming seems a bit contradictory to me. That said I have heard from a buddy that being high on shrooms helped him pick up some girls once. I say test it out and see how it works for you. (Although probably not a good long term solution haha)
  23. @Leo Gura what’s your personal approach on long term relationships currently? I know in the past you’ve mentioned that’s your end goal but it seems like you’ve been consistently gaming for years now. Have you tried settling down with one woman and how would you know if she’s the right one to even do this with?
  24. I like this a lot. I’ve definitely lost connect with my initial intention behind the relationship which was to connect deeply to other & explore new aspect of myself with her. This feels pretty resonant. I like the biggest thing calling me to get into gaming is the growth potential. I definitely feel stagnant with my current partner. Breaking off this relationship and being forced back into the dating scene is the scariest yet most fruitful seeming avenue currently.