King Merk

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Everything posted by King Merk

  1. Yup, that’s survival in action. I think it just takes time. As Leo said it’s just getting the reps in. Whenever you desire truth more than you desire to live then you’ll be willing to yield into nothingness. Keep it up!?
  2. @LSD-Rumi yea the high dosing is probably why my eyes have the damage I spoke on. Overall I think DXM is a fairly safe chemical. Especially at first and second plateau. It’s also more enjoyable there too. Especially if you’re doing it in a social context. I’m a sicko who loves to get mindfucked which is why I’d push the dosing so high haha It’s an acquired taste
  3. @G_A_L_E_X_Y yea DXM is weird haha. All that said about the damage DXM has done to me, I’m sure I’ve done more damage with alcohol to my body than I ever did with DXM sooo??‍♂️ @LSD-Rumi tbh im a fucking extremist. Most of my trips were third or fourth plateau. I like to push things and found my sweet spot to be between 800-1000mg. The highest I ever went was around 1600mg. Unfortunately at that high of a dose you lose most memories of the experience. However I’d stay high for ~24 hours at that dosing. Sometimes even longer if I was doing slow release. Wild stuff. Don’t recommend that high of dosing unless you’re just dying to experience radically altered states. (note: I was aware of the LD50 and didn’t come too close to it. The damage at 1000+ mg isn’t overdose but rather what you might do in such a dissociated state. I am also about 210lbs so I can semi-safely push the dosing a bit more than most) If you’re interested in doing DXM then definitely start with lower dosing like first plateau then after a few trips go for second then third if interested, etc. Fourth plateau is a dangerous & foreign land that I don’t recommend visiting. I’d also recommend looking into extraction methods to get rid off all the bs additives you find if assuming you’re buying otc. Please for the love of god DO NOT overdose on acetaminophen. In fact I wouldn’t even buy product with that junk in it. DM me if you ever have any questions. I’m all for harm reduction. But again to make this blatantly clear… Stick with true psychedelics if at all possible. DXM has psychoactive properties but is very much NOT a true psychedelic.
  4. @Jake Chambers sending you my love ❤️
  5. I prefer fasted. My trips have a “cleaner” feel to them while fasted. I feel like it helps with mental clarity
  6. Also, Ketamine is extremely similar to DXM but less harmful physically (in my experience at least) It’s also legal in a therapeutic setting in some progressive states such as Washington & Oregon If you’re interested in dissociatives then I suggest looking into K Its another beautiful chemical that will absolutely facilitate spiritual gainz
  7. @LSD-Rumi one very tangible way DXM has damaged me is with my eyes. It’s hard to explain this exactly to people who haven’t done DXM but when you’re on DXM everything is very dissociated…. Especially at high doses. So it would be normal for me to look at someone and see 2-3 different heads with anywhere from 4-6 eye balls on each head. So picture one head with one or two additional overlapping heads to the left and right of it. Now add on an extra set or two of eyeballs below and above on those heads. These are pretty typical halicinations of DXM. It really warps the visual field in this way making things duplicate & overlap, seem very far away or even very close up. To combat this heavy dissosciation which can be quite uncomfortable at times I got into a habit of squinting one eye shut which would usually turn 3 heads into 2 and 6 eyes into 2 or 4. Well this experience someone change my neuroprogramming or at least ocular processing because every morning to this day I wake up and I can’t see unless I squint one eye shut like I’d do on DXM trips. And I haven’t done DXM in years. This visual distortion doesn’t last long in the morning, maybe 10-15 seconds after I wake up but it’s a consistent and seemingly permanent damage done to my body by my DXM use. Now that’s just one example. I’m sure I did at other acute damage to my kidnies, liver, etc. There is a heaviness one feels after a DXM trip that doesn’t feel good. It’s not like the fatigue after a good psychedelic trip. It feels like “damn I’m less healthy than I was before doing that.” Similar to an alcohol hangover but with its own unique spin. That said, I fucking love DXM and it’s a very interesting chemical. It’s just no longer worth it for me to partake in that particular chemical. Especially when there are chemicals better used for spiritual gains (LSD/Shrooms/DMT) which all have less of negative impact on the meat suit
  8. Wow. Yea I’d never heard him talk about god realization so directly either. Thanks for sharing
  9. People do talk about DXM. Personally I’ve done over 50 trips with this powerful compound. It’s also damaged me physically. In my opinion you can get all you need from the classics LSD, psilocybin, DMT & 5meo DMT. And these don’t inflict the physical load on the body that dissociatives do.
  10. Yea when I’m honest with myself I’m attracted to female “minors” meaning women that are under 18 years old. That said I don’t allow that desire to truly actualize itself due to the social norms of my culture. From a selfish perspective I don’t see an issue with fucking a 16 year old girl but I can see how disruptive it could be to actually do that. So I keep those fantasies confined to my masturbation practice. I used to judge myself for this desire. Now I do not.
  11. I pulled this from Living 4D episode 203 “God is that for which there is no other Do you understand that? God is that for which there is no other God can’t be God if there’s another God There is nothing outside of God So the reason you are here (listener) and the reason I am here is because God is so desperately alone that God had to look into itself to create love and that’s the origin of desire Desire is the deep desire to make love and have companionship It’s because God is alone that God has the desire to explore itself and in that process it dreams up companions to experience what it truly is” (After a brief break/silence) ”I have been so deep into God that the loneliness almost broke me in half I realized why God creates all that is It’s really that the vastness, emptiness and magnitude of God is so inconceivable for the human mind that if you take your deepest and most painful hunger then magnify it by infinity then you would know what it feels like to be God” -Paul Chek
  12. I can hardly fucking move on a high dose DMT trip…. But that’s only for a few minutes. Now other psychedelics sure. Although I’ve tried working out on LSD before and it felt like a total waste of time. I was more interested in looking at the fractal patterns on the ground than moving a barbell around.
  13. I’ll just come out an say it… that’s probably a terrible idea.
  14. Great question man. I’d be lying if I said I’ve full resolved this area…. That said what’s helped me the most is the dropping of judgments & increased mindfullness. I let myself indulge in “junk” food whenever I deeply desire too but I remain mindful throughout the process of eating and how I feel afterwards. By doing this the cravings have diminished and I’ve naturally ate healthy foods. No strict discipline required. So enjoy that fucking pizza but be aware of the impact it’s having on your body… without criticism.
  15. I love… brazilian jui jitsu rock climbing spirituality my home state of arkansas mountains hiking my dog my girlfriend my friends my family the trees clouds in the sky the sun a good rare steak fashion excision leo gura meditation my Mohawk tattoos driving down country roads My list could go on and on infinitely…
  16. Sounds suss. I wouldn’t give her any money. Nurses make bank. Talk to her about her spending habits or ask her to hire some sort of financial advisor.
  17. His book “Can’t hurt me” is fantastic. Goggins is who inspired me to run my first marathon. Such a badass.
  18. @Yarco no this is what rings of Saturn sounds like
  19. When you truly own yourself it doesn’t matter. I’m introverted. I love death metal. I do drugs. I have a receding hairline. I hold polarizing opinions. I’m a Pokémon master. I am many things that on paper are not attractive… but in practice because I love myself for who I am women in return find me attractive for that. Being yourself is all about self acceptance and self love. Women reject you because you don’t love yourself enough. That’s what they mean when they say “be yourself”. It means be authentic. It means stop trying to get women’s approval. It mean to be willing to take a stand for what your authentic values and unique interests are.
  20. Speak for yourself. I’m introverted and women love me.
  21. Shitting where you eat is always risky business
  22. I find myself more and more questioning the concept of mariage. Do I desire mariage simply because of culture conditioning or is there a deeper authentic desire for monogamy? I’m not so sure. What are your arguments for and against marriage?
  23. @Emotionalmosquito I can see that man has a lot of pain associated with the falling appart of his marriage. That said, be careful not to demonize women. He chose to get married and to gamble away all of those assets… nothing moral in playing the victim. Thats why I’m question marriage & my intimate relationships up front so I don’t end up in a situation that like.
  24. I agree 100%. In fact I think we should be legalizing sex work. It would greatly reduce illegal sex trafficking, make the act of sex work/prostitution much safer, stimulate the economy and help fulfill a physiological need that many are suffering from. Whats holding us back from doing this? Our collective shadow around sex… thanks Christianity?