King Merk

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Everything posted by King Merk

  1. Wow that’s absolutely amazing. This is what a “correctional facility” is suppose to look like. Shoutout Finland.
  2. My top male role models are… Paul Chek Leo Gura Kobe Bryant Conor McGregor Roger Gracie Frank Yang Daniel Ingram J Cole Adam Ondra Alex Honnold Itachi Uchia Geralt Of Rivia
  3. @P Michael I wouldn’t consider the n word a playful insult
  4. Wait, you mean Jesus wasn’t a long haired white guy born wearing a MAGA hat and a glock?!? I call bullshit
  5. You’re overthinking this dude. African Americans were raped, murdered, mutilated, kidnapped and sold as objects for no reason other than the color of their skin. You don’t say the n word because you have empathy towards the suffering they have been through. Simple.
  6. I think there’s something to be said of your mindset regarding high school. I hear you that you authentically dread going to school. However, if you tell yourself that you hate school every day and hyper focus on all the negative aspects of it then of course you’re going to be miserable. Assuming you’re not going to drop out and get your GED, I’d start looking for the positives. Start counting your blessing. You mentioned being social which is cool. Focus on that. What else so you enjoy about school? You mentioned not liking math which is fair but is that a class that you do enjoy? Focus on the things you enjoy.. Daydream in math about how excited you are for next period to see “x” friend or to go to “y” class. To be honest man I really relate to your situation. I hated the academic side of school but high school was some of the best years of my life. That’s because I focused on fun stuff that brought me joy like playing magic with my friends or going to basketball practice. And I just skated by with a “C” average so I didn’t have to work very hard on the classes I didn’t enjoy. There will always be menial task you don’t particularly enjoy in life. Learn to efficiently grind them out and then spend the majority of your time focusing on what you do enjoy. Hope this helps.
  7. One blatant form of hypocrisy I’m juggling is that I expect my gf to prioritize our relationship above most other areas in life while I personally prioritize things like my growth & development over our relationship.
  8. Would you mind explaining how the use of CRT is a regression towards ethnocentrism?
  9. Men’s titties aren’t hyper sexualized like women’s titties are. That’s a false equivalency. (Not that I’m against letting women show their tits in public LOL)
  10. Donald Trump being banned from Twitter yet the Taliban isn’t
  11. Doing martial arts makes me feel really good. Also rock climbing. For my work I help kids in a psychiatric hospital. It’s a pretty stressful job but definitely has it’s moments of deep fullfillment.
  12. It’s the history of our country. Nearly 150 years ago an affluent white man could buy & sell black a man to do whatever he wants with him. Spend some time to really think about that. The ripples of that way of life are very alive today. We as white Americans don’t use the word out of respect for what we put our black brothers and sisters though. This country is built on the genocide of the natives and the enslavement of the blacks. Not saying the N word is an acknoweldge of that.
  13. Intuitively it never seemed just to me that the penalty for murdering someone can be 10 or even 25 years in prison. How would you feel if someone killed someone you loved and got away with only losing 20 years of their life? I’m no Christian but I think there’s some deep wisdom in this Bible verse… Leviticus 24:19-22 “If a man injures his neighbor, just as he has done, so it shall be done to him: fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth; just as he has injured a man, so it shall be inflicted on him. Thus the one who kills an animal shall make it good, but the one who kills a man shall be put to death“
  14. Take it from a guy who works in a psychiatric hospital… You definitely can’t save everyone. Some are so far gone that they’ll never be able to function normally in society. The underlying question is, what do we do with those people? There isn’t an easy answer.
  15. I had an awakening experience in my dream last night. It was horrifying. It felt like a DMT trip but with torture. I would live one torture experience such as having my back repeatedly broken by being stretched backwards over this wooden structure. Then I would flash into a new scene of laying on a table having my limbs ripped off. Then I was a disfigured fish like creature being eaten alive by some alien like predator. Then I had various body parts hung from metal wires and was flown around for the entertainment of others. This went on for what felt like an infinity, each experience transitioning into the next like a fractal zoom. Over & over again I experienced the most painful of deaths. It made me feel absolutely crazy. I remember in the middle of one of my torture sessions having a piece of advice manifest in front of me in the form of an forum text box. The box said to not get lost in the bewilderment of the torture and rather to focus on the sensations of the experience. Essentially, the advice was to develop more sensate clarity of the pain rather than running from it. I did. I started to feel into the torture. Started to vipassanize every sensation I was aware of until eventually… I woke up. I’ve never been so happy to live my egoic human life. Never have I seen such beauty in the human experience. I woke up with a newfound sense of compassion for all life beings. Not just earthly life beings but the many, many other beings that are also experiencing deep suffering outside of our known universe. I’m glad to be alive.
  16. The issue is 4% of people killed via the death penalty are innocent. Until we develop a better judicial system I think it’s irresponsible to be killing people in this way. In theory I support the death penalty. In practice however it’s a much murkier sitiation.
  17. It doesn’t appear to me that you need a high degree of consciousness to be successful in the traditional sense of the word. In fact high consciousness may even be a detriment as higher consciousness individuals generally tend to care less about social status, money, etc. Characteristics I’ve observed of a “successful” people are… A clear vision work ethic Confidence/Conviction High tolerance to discomfort Ambition/Desire for growth A believe that it’s possible Patience/Long Term Thinking Creativity/Thinking outside the box socially competent/witty an ability to lead a team
  18. @7thLetter I’m with you dawg. It was a sarcastic post lol. I was trying to point out that some of us tend to overthink things. Life can be simple.
  19. This zen shit huh Haha regardless, congrats. Maybe one day I’ll understand what you’re talking about.
  20. One way is opening up to new experiences. Doing things you’ve never done before. Visiting new cities or countries. Being around new people with new perspectives. Listening to new music. Etc. Another is time in silence. Meditate and contemplate. Through that silence, creativity will naturally arise. Also tripping your balls off helps.
  21. Nothing wrong with crating space from them. You don’t even have to “dosconnect” from them entirely. Personally, I was growing tired & resentful of my friends and family back home so I moved 2000 miles away to the other side of the country. This move has counterintuitively helped me with my relationship to my family. It’s allowed those I care less about in my family (like the extended aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc) to naturally drift away out of my life. All the while those who I do truly care about (parents, siblings, cousin) I still keep in contact with via monthly phone calls and 1-2 times per year visit home. Dont let societal conditioning tell you that you’re a piece of shit for not valuing family above all. That’s just not authentic for some of us.
  22. Love this video. I feel like there’s such an obsession with getting lays in the pickup community that it puts a lot of pressure on guys (for me at least). Taking an approach like this of just getting out of your confort zone and having positive interactions with ppl is so cool. Thanks for sharing
  23. Too simple. That can’t possibly work?