Alex K

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Everything posted by Alex K

  1. @poimandres well latest Leo vid put an end to that. Our conscious universe is a small piece of "absolute" infinity.
  2. Topic is old and looks stale. Still read lots of your interesting stuff so going to post mine I tell deep stuff and random dark fantasies to my wife - things I'm insecure about, parts of my shadow. I walk without a jacket during -20. I tell semi random shit or purposefully turn to awkward dialogs with people. I take over-assertive positions with colleagues and my boss, start to describe some random Leo self growth stuff to them. I look in the eyes of beautifull girls on trains, in my cubicle open space, everywhere and smile sometimes. I do this with dudes too. Hald a dozen times we stared for solid 10-15 minutes. I take overly relaxed poses and do more private things like writing mostly in trains also. I confront group decisions and status quo/defaults. But what I really work towards right now and hold dearest is doing my emotional catharsis not caring about the crowd. I purge and cry during forest walks and also in trains and even in my cubile. My boss saw me in silent tears 2-3 times. Interestingly enough, people in the public places do not take any interest for the most part! My inner child is so worth caring for and cleaning, orders more than any social awkwardness!
  3. I suspect there is no such thing as infinity. What enlightened people perceive as infinity is an unusual categoriсal/ontological vastness that feels right to call infinite.
  4. In capitalism capital gives leverage -> wealth inbalance would only grow. But as it grows by percentages of what poor have, it would grow slower and slower, reaching some asymptote. In parallel, world accumulates wealth and there is again something to trim off of the poor -> ratio would search a new even higher asymptote, but even slower. In the end I speculate, now small business margins, increasing society humanism and great new technologies, would bit by bit lead to game rules changing which would start slowly back the apportioning. Again, it would reach some balance and something of a counter tide would start, but that would be a drastically different society which is hard to predict.
  5. @No-Thing Methinks can it be so that we are really piling up new, more scruitiny-proof concepts by using such techniques?
  6. - There is no need for Leo to forgive you, forgive and accept yourself. - I do not buy into notion of "there is no death" - this is a current definition of death for me: You cannot talk, connect to a human being you used to connect to all the time - he died As there is a glimpse of pure consciousness in us, this glimpse profoundly changes it's state Physically manifested sleeve of consciousness in form of our functioning body, would dissolve
  7. Haha but again I've been watchng Leo for 3 years now and meditating since last June. And since than my results are tremendous. So I'm actually balancing this okay for myself currently. Haha!
  8. @Raphael Hi, describe how do you meditate, what changes had it given you
  9. It's a complex matter, I feel totally overwhelmed by amount of labor Leo found necessary for powerful understanding. I can learn these principles, but I tremble before the thought of taking it into practice. I've used successfully the rule of swift implementation of new ideas, but this is like 11 times that and each one is more of an abstract concept rather than simple rule.
  10. @JKG You're certainly bright, motivated and disciplined enough to become a software engineer in my books, but anything more fascinating I can't tell as I've never really studied at school or uni, just getting by on low hanging fruits. Starting to study now at 28, I feel this incredible inertia of rusty cogs moving with each paragraph of material I sq3r through, so I need some oulet for my grief. Lol. Cheers.
  11. @AndreiC Well my post contained three points: - You can't make a real breakthrough in fundamental AI without some serious prerequisites. - You should be Really Special character-wise to enjoy deep software developement / CS / Math stuff. - Going "against the tide" with any of the two points above tends to be a strategic blunder. Does it really consitute a limiting belief? Each of us have been dealt some cards, do not they limit us? Are we really all equal while in here? Our Mayan world seems to be so filled with global competition nowadays and competition marketing like "you can do whatever you want, anything is possible for you", you almost do not see where the authentic motivation crosses paths with gerbils in wheels. And I guess this is a natural vector of the system, it is not even malevolently chosen by anyone day to day, it's just an attractor. And Leo always teaches to choose counter-maisntream, counter-intuitive direction.
  12. @AndreiC I do not know if you actually are a developer, but developers of good stuff know their way around machine code) and bytecode) as those are keys to how the system works under serious pressure. Moreover, we even need to know some about hardware workings as well. I never said you must be a math phd, I said you should have a strength of mind on par with one. Also, when one talks of math it means abstract, pure math like topology, groups theory, chaos. On the other hand an applied math ph.d. can be exactly about ML among dozens of other things. @JKG What is your arrogance about? How old are you? How deep are you into pure math?
  13. Wow you guys, I feel smarter and more motivated just from briefly conversing with you over the net. Maybe I can pursue something exciting like AI as well since my mortgage should be finished this year.
  14. @Huz great to have you here. What type of work do you think you would be doing after studies over?
  15. @Dragallur omg I'm so jealous
  16. Where is a meditation habbit?
  17. Hello, I'm a mediocre software developer thus inferiority complex ))== To make some serious breakthrough work in AI field, you need to be at a real high phd in applied math scientist level with asperger, just watch some vids from Watson coding team - and they just barely process cold knowledge. It is not good enough to be "naturaly good at math", you should be 1 in 1000-10000 good at math I'd estimate which is the level when you win at chess with mediocre adults at 5 years old, like to program at 7, finish math bachelor at 15 etc.... My advice is not to destroy yout next 15 years with CS. Do something humane like being an MD, a teacher, a jurist to some high-consciousness organization like GreenPeace or Civil Rights protector, an artist, a conscious business owner, be an economist on a panel to create new models for sustainable world etc... Just don't spend your life carefully wording your message to a bunch of computers!
  18. @Fatrat Well maybe you can describe a little more. How exactly do you meditate and which benefits have it brought to you already.
  19. @Who_Am_I You do not need to force yourself in any way onto anyone. As you come closer to the non dual Truth and in parallell your ego is healing more and more via Martin's suggestions, people will feel the quality of peace of mind and no suffering in you and will be automatically interested and brought close to listen and learn. Other egos are so deep in Maya they would want to fight agaisnt you as you're their enemy. You would want to keep this two tendencies in mind. Do not force any knowledge onto egoes, let them come to you inquiring.
  20. Commits do not work for me, decisions do not stick, I am not interested in resolutions anymore as well. If I would not be aware, knowing and conversing here as much, my life would be characterized as unconscious . I've watched anime and ate wrong food for the last 4 days. My meditation habit is not there anymore, I try to meditate now and then but it is not systematic or rigorous. I don't like this situation. I want to look at Khan videos for some insight and motivation, I have no intrinsic motivation. I do not want to have a life purpose other then becoming free. I want to learn this approach of listening to the universe and doing as it says, I want to go with this flow maybe as there is no flow within me.
  21. Which 'Textbook' or 'Mentor' to choose to learn what are the steps on a hero journey? How to understand which one am I on right now so that I can know what to work on, how to structure my life? Because usually people give simple advice to cover it all like 'practice unconditional self love' or 'do the self inquiry' or 'knock yourself out with years of Vedanta knowledge mesh'
  22. @LifeLife Hi, first of all, why don't you answer in your own topic? I can try to talk/help you. Just PM me if you really need to figure out the stuff.
  23. Hereby I'm committing to serious self actualization work (raising the quality of my consciousness) at least for the next 3 years, currently contained in the following: - Strife to abstinence from addictive phenomena namely: - Food - Talking to people (including forums like this one, all kinds of messengers) - Watching anime and music videos - Masturbation over the minimum healthy limit (just like with minimum healthy limit of food) - Serfing the web, reading fiction and non-practical non-fiction books - etc. - Strife to quality meditation and concentration practices - Strife to study quality Satsangs and books - Continuous working on my: - beliefs - should statements - possible shadow and emotional baggage -goals and motivations - especially with regards to enlightenment This list is subject to refinement. Signed Alex K 13 April 2017
  24. So, I failed to start normal meditation. New opportunity is lack of tasks at work. So I'm going to meditate 5-10 minutes, then concentrate for 3 minutes on a slight round-dot like imperfection on my cubicle wall. Than 5-10 minutes of do nothing, then concentration. Let's see how many cycles I'll mamage. What I want now is get rid of addiction to stimulation and to get intrinsic motivation going towork hard on meditation and enlightenment. My addictions: - Food - Talking to people (including forums like this one, all kinds of messengers) - Watching anime and music videos - Masturbation over the minimum helathy limit (just like with minimum healthy limit of food) - Serfing the web Regarding motivation - I need to go waay deeper isnide of myself to find out why do I not crave the enlightnment the way I think is needed to crave it to actually work hard enough to get it. We'll see.
  25. My head hurts third day in a row. I haven't been meditating normally for more then a week. I've been reading and posting some comments here in the forum. I want to turn to unintoxicated minimalistic lifestyle. Today I'll start meditating normally again and I'll start trifinity academy.