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Everything posted by iKokomo

  1. I am wondering how I could improve my public speaking? Before I give a public speech, I imagine myself speaking dynamically with great inflection, but when I actually speak, it comes out boring. How can I fix this? Does anyone have any tips on dynamic public speaking? I have seen certain apps out there that claim to help with public speaking like "astound them (http://www.astoundthem.com/), however it is a freemium app that is very expensive per month. Would an app like this help? Are there cheaper alternatives?
  2. Hello! This is my first post! The reason I joined the forums is the fact that I would like to make some changes in life for the better. Therefore I am looking for either audiobooks, podcasts or YouTube channels that I can read/watch/listen to on my free time instead of watching random videos/entertainment. I am currently in college right now, so taking classes about leadership at a local community college are not feasible at this moment. The topics that I am looking for are the following: 1. How to be more assertive. 2. How to converse better/ make better conversation. Sorry, I know it is a random list, but these are topics that I have been thinking about for a while that I would like to improve.