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@Apparition of Jack The intelligence would've found documented conversations in which Trump asked for dirt on Hillary. Instead the opposite happened, Hillary asked for dirt on Trump. Another type of evidence would've been Trump hiring hackers. Trump would've also removed sanctions on Russia, not pulled out of the nuclear deal, stopped bombing Syria, never tried to install coups in Venezuela and Bolivia, stayed in the Iran nuclear treaty, and helped enrich Putin. Everything except the last thing is actually even a good thing but since the MSM keeps insisting Trump is a Putin puppet, he tries so hard to make himself look like he's not a puppet to the expense of increasing tensions with Russia and Russian allied countries. The evidence found by our Intelligence would've been more than just finding fake bot accounts from Russia, but not tied to the Russian government, posting mostly memes and ads about Christianity and stuff that'll help people not jerk off. An insignificant amount of the memes (less than 10% of them) were just ridiculous and childish stuff like showing Hillary as the devil. Let's put all of this aside though and assume that it was Russia that hacked our election in the way that the media is claiming. That would mean that they hacked into Hillary's emails with Padesta and gave it to Julian Assange (I wish the poor guy well, he's currently being tortured). And then the American public found out information they should've known anyway. That her and the DNC committed dishonesty and cheating to prevent Bernie Sanders from being the Democratic nominee. There's actually more evidence to suggest that the emails were leaked from within the DNC, though, not by an outside foreign source.
@Leo Gura So you no longer believe Trump had any part in it, huh? ? What makes you say the Russian interference is obvious?
@Serotoninluv I will say I feel like I need to work on not sounding so attached to some issues. It has potential to lead to distractions. I'm going to have to continue to practice more meditation and mindfulness to prevent groundlesness and promote serenity.
@Serotoninluv Look man, it feels like I keep having to repeat myself lol. I've said this to you before. If information came out that shows Russia had leverage on Trump and all the actions he commits against his geopolitical interest was part of some master plan, then I will accept it. The reason why I have counter-arguments is because I'm aware of the information, it's not dogma, I'm just telling you what is known. Everything im going to tell you in the following paragraphs I've said to you before. Mueller was one of the people who lied to us about WMDs in Iraq and got us into war. Fiona Hill was only simply known for being at the Brookings Institute and writing a book-length attack on Vladimir Putin before she was hired to be the Russian expert of this investigation, this is a conflict of interest. She also had ties with Christopher Steel and other Clinton staffers. They also do not disclose any specific evidence to the public about how they "know for sure Russia interfered and are trying to interfere." Maybe they are, maybe they aren't. How about we try to secure our elections anyway? Our corporatist leaders arent committing themselves to solving this issue, which shows that they aren't serious and are only interested in partisan theatrics. Once again, the Clintons and their Foundation also have financial ties with the Russian government and Trump has financial ties with so many other countries besides Russia. This is not ne being attached to a particular narrative, this is the information that is publicly known. Trump, for the idk how many nth time I've told you, has committed so many geopolitical acts that would've gotten his dirt exposed if they truly had leverage on him. Putin and the Russians are not happy with him putting sanctions on his country and committing acts of war and installing coups on so many of his allies. It's pretty blatant that you're the one with the attachment on a narrative that has so many literal events that contradict it. I will abandon the notion that Trump is not a Russian asset if there was more information to suggest it. I am by no means attached. They've already done a deep investigation. Now it's time to find solutions to election integrity. Continuously calling people Russian assets, even calling Trump a Russian asset, is modern day Mccarthyism.
You haven't given me any evidence. I'm open to hearing the evidence that there is leverage on him but you have yet to inform me what it is. And this isn't just me, other people in our other discussion were also asking you.
Election integrity is definitely a concern. However, the vast majority of people aren't as afraid of foreign governments interfering as they are of domestic powers interfering since there is more reliable evidence supporting the concern for the latter. Regardless, precautions need to be taken to prevent both from happening but that's not what the main MSM and political instigators of this issue are trying to do. Instead of taking measures to secure American elections, they are trying to find anything to portray Trump as a Russian asset. Would you agree that since nothing significant has come out to suggest he is a Russian asset that the more productive thing to do is to promote solutions to prevent any future interferences to pur elections?
@Serotoninluv The reason why I bring up Russiagate is not to discuss weather its black or white true or false, but that the vast majority of people do not care and that discussing it was indeed counterproductive and distracting from issues that would more effectively hurt Trump. The people we need to win over also do not care. I still to this day do not know what evidence you have found that suggests that Russia has leverage on Trump. What politcally stage yellow people see is that there is overwhelmingly more evidence that goes against the notion that they had leverage, especially with the most recent and shocking assassination of General Soleimani. Iran is Russia's ally. I gave you so much evidence a couple weeks ago too. The "truth" that you see and have told me is overwhelmingly overshadowed by all the evidence I listed to you a couple of weeks ago and what continues to happen to this day. A systemic thinker can tap into the perspective of the major groups impacting the decision for our new president and the acceptance of the Russiagate narrative: the poor conservative that wants his/her financial situation to improve and thought Trump would be better than a neoliberal politician like Clinton because he's an outsider and was offering them something; they are generally skeptical of MSM narratives the Trump sycophant who will just get angry at the media's claims of Trump being a Russian puppet, so they want to support Trump even harder the middle class centrist that trusts the mainstream media and were going to vote against Trump anyway the politicaly stage green progressives that uncritically trust TYT and believe Trump is a Russian asset or has been infiltrated the politically higher stage green or stage yellow progressive that critically questioned MSM and TYT analyses of the situation and looked at more facts that both outlets were ignoring the CIA/FBI and MIC lobbyists and CEOs that saw this as an opportunity to make more money by portraying Russia as a dangerous enemy, regardless of whether it's true or not; these stage orange individuals are out for themselves and have been shown throughout history to manipulate public thinking for their own benefits the Democratic and Republican politicians that succumb to partisan theatrics on purpose (by corporate Dems or Republicans) or unknowingly (by Justice Dems and Bernie Sanders) It is true that different progressives care more about different issues. However, the effectiveness of this strategy that people like TYT use to attack Trump no matter what and damn the opposing evidence will not effectively win over the votes of former Trump voters or people who stayed home and we've seen it misinform a vast number of people on our side. Such tactics keeps people divided.
Bno replied to Revolutionary Think's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Revolutionary Think If a billionaire becomes more conscious, they'll most likely stop being a billionaire. -
@Apparition of Jack Indeed we all do have a level of hypocrisy, it is not black and white. However, my point was about people with lower conscious levels having more blatant hypocrisies that can cause repulsion from people with at one or two lower conscious levels that would've otherwise transcended if they were listening to a stage yellow political pundit that was more understanding of their problems. They have high levels of unchecked biases that cause them to be counterproductive to their goals. I also never said they aren't allies (overall), just that they often work against their own interests and goals because of unchecked biases that you don't see in more systemic thinkers. For example, TYT and the likes of Mike Figueredo and David Doel smearing Tulsi Gabbard and purposely ignoring her progressive record and platform goes against their interest of progressivism and helping Bernie Sanders. They thought that unfairly attacking her was going to help Bernie. It's so myopic and counterproductive. This needs to be brought to people's awareness not for infighting but for realization and improvement. Can people here acknowledge this counterproductiveness? How can I have some people here understand that what I'm doing is not to cause any infighting but to engender improvement? It's constructive criticism.
Healthy discussions with people with opposing views is very much needed during this time in order to ease transitions to higher levels of consciousness with low levels of resistance. They're very respectful and bring a vastly diverse set of guests. They even have people like Rudi Giuliani on the show! I wonder if they had some inspiration from Joe Rogan's approach to having a diverse set of guests.
CNN beats the drums for war and they instigate fighting between different races of working class people all for ratings. Making it seem like all Trump supporters are racist, that countries with better democratic processes and education systems than our own are savages, attacking and resisting progressives like Bernie and Tulsi who want to solve the problems of all working class people in the world and deliberately spreading misinformation about them. They distract from the real issues oppressing people. This led to laws that oppress poor minorities like NAFTA, the 94 Crime Bill, the deregulations of corporate conglomerates, and right-wing regime change coups and wars. This also led to President Donald Trump.
TYT and Sam Sedar were important in 2016 to help people transcend into a more conscious political mindset and awareness until people noticed their blindspots and hypocrisies when they told people to back Hillary Clinton despite her and the DNC's blatant cheating of Bernie Sanders. They did that instead of standing up for election integrity. That's why I say it's democracy first, the progressive movement second, and your preferred candidate third when it comes to conscious values. Having her as president would've prolonged awakening to corruption and the disasters destroying the planet since she capitulates with corporations in a more secretive way. At least the sense of urgency for change under a Trump presidency is more ostensible.
@Serotoninluv I hope you can understand why I state fallacies in people like Sedar and TYT and why it might seem like an attachment as what @Leo Gura perceives in me. As a biologist, I appreciate nature very deeply even before studying it in academia. I was relieved and vindicated when I learned nature and the ecosystem I interact with is still me, better said: Me or My Self. I may be preaching to the choir here, but there is an urgency to turn this climate crisis around. In ecology, there is still much to understand about our biodiversity that we are highly likely underestimating the damages that will occur if we do not act now with absolutely no middle ground at all, i.e., no corporate capitulation that'll continue to damage our environment. With that being said, in order to solve these problems we need to know who is truly on our side, sticks to facts and the has least amount of hypocrisy in order to gain the cooperation of the powers that can proceed to the systemic changes that need to be done to save the planet. We need the most conscious voices. Pundits who are hypocrites will not help with transitioning other people to higher levels of consciousness nearly as much as people who understand what is truly going on. For example, the example you brought up about Maddow. She might help transition some people from stage blue to orange, but it's a negligible amount and it's more likely that there'll be resistance from stage blue people who will see through a lot of her bullshit and resist the transition. The same is true for people like Sedar and TYT, they are full of hypocrisy and ignore several facts because of their biases, which then causes many stage orange and blue people to resist transitioning to higher levels of consciousness. On the other hand, we have the more systemic thinkers. We have people like Jimmy Dore, Niko House, Kyle Kulinski, Fiorella Isabel, etc. who understand the reasons why stage blue people are angry with their situations. They understand why they are allocating their anger towards the wrong people like minorities for example. Rather than distract from this issue by discussing ridiculous narratives like russigate which are based on little evidence and causing more resistance to transcend, they stick to the REAL ISSUES that matter to these people: ending the corrupt finance system in our politics, increasing wages, better healthcare programs, increasing regulations on corporations. Speaking to these people about these issues helps people put aside some of their stage blue mentalities (like anti-abortion or anti-LGBT) aside for a bit for a cause that is more important to them. After gaining the trust of systemic thinkers who understand their problems, they are less resistant for transcending to higher levels of consciousness. I have seen it happen. I have seen many former conservatives gain support and trust to politicians like Bernie Sanders or journalists like Niko House and Jimmy Dore. Some are still conservatives but still support the cause of these systemic thinkers. The thing right now is that many of the stage yellow voices are being suppressed and conservatives or stage blue people have this false belief that every liberal is a stage green hypocrite like MSNBC or TYT. Then many stage green liberals have this false notion that in order to progress is to attack Trump and conservatives every chance they get, as if everything they do is automatically bad (Trump derangement syndrome). I hope this makes sense. What I'm basically trying to say here is: stage green political mentalities with unhealthy unconscious biases distract from the important issues that help people transcend to higher stages. Stage yellow political mentalities are more understanding and better at spreading higher levels of consciousness, they can even potentially help transform stage green political thinkers to stage yellow. Another thing, I think Leo is stage turquoise when it comes to some aspects of spirituality, but when it comes to political systems thinking he is stuck at stage green. That's why he gets so angry at stage orange and especially stage blue people and disagrees a lot with stage yellow political thinkers. For example, he thought Warren was a progressive this whole time and ignored Tulsi Gabbard despite her progressive record that I shared with him (idk if he acknowledged it). And the result of Leo's political thinking is because he got his news from people like TYT and Sam Sedar ?. Anyway, I still thank Leo for everything else he has done. My life has definitely benefited from this work. I just think there needs to be more political consciousness from people especially in this forum in order to save the planet which is part of the Self. Staying comfortable with Trump derangement syndrome and being misinformed by only listening to unhealthy stage green pundits will not help. The reason for our demise, if we do die in a climate crisis, will be because we refused to acknowledge egoic blindspots. We thought we were so enlightened with spiritual work that we forgot to transcend how we think politically and systematically. We forgot that this was the key to not only transforming our consciousness, but society's.
Hello Leo and fellow self-actualizers, I saw this video and really put things into words about intuitions I've been feeling even among stage green people. How much does race and gender play into blinding people with their ego, even when they are stage green? I hope you can understand some frustrations I've been feeling as a minority. Even though there are some minorities that want to embrace the progressive movement, sometimes minorities do not feel welcomed because people, mainly whites (not all, there are a few who I feel very welcomed by), doubt my knowledge. The whole video is insightful, my main points are explained starting 46:30 into the video though.
@Raptorsin7 Love, joy, peace, determination. I find more meaning now.
@Leo Gura Yea, this was the wrong time and place for me to mention it. I have to figure out how to articulate my thoughts without seeming attached.
@Serotoninluv You make some very valid points. I will come back tomorrow with a response. I have a lot going on career-wise that I want to prepare for atm. Just wanted to let you know so it doesn't seem like I'm disingenuously ignoring your well thought out response.
Bno replied to Baotrader's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I'm curious if anyone has ever experienced a dream that was then experienced in a similar fashion years later. When I was little I had a dream that my dad was in the hospital and I walked with him in the halls while he held on to his IV. He was bald in my dream too. Many years later when he had lymphoma (blood cancer), I was walking with my dad in the hospital as he held on to his IV and felt the strongest sense of deja vu. I remembered the dream I had as a child. The exact same depressing feeling I felt during that dream was also felt in that moment. It all just came back to me. To what capacity do dreams have with this "reality" we perceive? -
@Leo Gura You don't make this argument when you have people on here who listen to Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson, Steven Crowder, or Ben Shapiro. You let people know about these pundits' low-level consciousness and major fallacies. That's essentially what I'm concerned with here since I've seen you let yourself be misinformed by some of these myopic pundits. I would like you to be the best teacher you can be because I have learned so much from your work, but you do not see a major blindspot that you have. As I've said multiple times also, everyone has the freedom to choose who to listen to as long as they're aware of the full picture. Idk how looking at the full picture instead of ignoring facts is a dogmatic gripe. Especially if we're trying to spread more awareness and increase consciousness. Isn't listening to the wrong sources a limitation to going meta? Edit: I realized arguing about this won't really help that much. It'll just make us more stubborn. I guess you're going to have to realize it on your own
@Juan Cruz Giusto You're welcome! Some people give good suggestions in this thread:
@Juan Cruz Giusto He kept begging to get his job back with MSNBC, he kept pushing the MSM's conspiracy theory of Russiagate, he didn't catch on to Warren's fakeness until last week when she ostensibly backstabbed him and her record of lying didn't bother him (so, only when it became convenient for his youtube channel), he brought down a WoC progressive Tulsi Gabbard, and he constantly and enviously makes videos trashing Jimmy Dore. Feel free to listen to him, but just be aware of his strong ties with MSNBC and his capitulation with their corporate narratives.
@Juan Cruz Giusto Sam Sedar is also an MSNBC hack.
No More Presidential Wars Act Stop Arming Terrorists Act War Powers Amendment Saving America's Pollinators Reinstate Glass Steagal Legalize Marijuana (and all drugs) Opioid Crisis Accountability Act Keep Families Together Equality Act Net Neutrality Improve Social Security Water Affordability, Transparency, Equity, and Reliability Act College For All Nurse Staffing Standards for Hospital Patient Safety and Quality Care Act Inclusive Prosperity Act (which will fund education and Medicare For All) Expanded and Improved Medicare For All Act Automatic Voter Registration Securing America's Elections Act OFF Fossil Fuels Act (better than the Green New Deal) Funding to Improve Infrastructure and Jobs Protect our Oceans and Fish Sustainability Federal Assault Weapons Ban Sustainable Energy DACA Mass Violence Prevention Raise the Wage She's young and part of the movement. She is the future. She is loyal and reliable, as shes shown to stand up for Bernie ever since 2016. Bernie needs a a true progressie VP and successor and needs delegates from her if we want to win and progress society into higher consciousness. Of course, you won't hear all this from the white gatekeepers like TYT. However, they loved her when she stepped down from her Vice Chair DNC position to back Bernie back in 2016. It's myopic to put your candidate above all criticism as if they're the only ones you should be backing. In terms of values, it's democracy first, the progressive movement second, and your preferred candidate a distant third. This is what TYT doesn't understand. To them its Bernie first, the movement second, and democracy last.
This is a cherry-picked perspective that Sam Sedar illustrates to his viewers. This is unfair to the overall person Jimmy Dore is, especially his importance and inspiration he gives people in this movement.