Loving Radiance

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Everything posted by Loving Radiance

  1. Wanting to feel special through putting itself on a pedestal (separation?) The thing is, how do you differentiate something you imagine and something that is "real"? Do you mean like the sun or famous people? My personal experience is that I didn't believe in energies and then on my vipassana retreat I felt a pulsing sensation at my forehead. The buddhist monk leading the retreat said that it is the 3rd eye. The interpretation is the story you create. Sure, without the story I would have gone crazy while searching in conventional science for an explanation.
  2. Just from the title I can say that you are pretending to know that other people don't know Don't you see that the contracted perspective is very sweet and attractive? Now, why do so many people fall prey to this? Nice insight. I asked myself, how come he indirectly mocks a SD blue person for asking if rape is objectively wrong ("Of course not. Nothing is objectively anything."). Now I see.
  3. Lol, the last one for me here in Germany was on 10 days ago. Just before the ceremonial drinking I chatted with a girl and I felt sliding into the flowing of this moment where there was no resistance whats-o-ever. Feels good to see love, wisdom & beauty even before the cacao was given to us. Gotta try this out ?
  4. @fridjonk Cacao ceremonies (raw cacao mixed with spices and what else in a bitter drink) are super chill. I just love the vibe and the heart opening effect and surroundings that enable it to unfold itself through alignment with love. It's also a cool place to talk with people about fluffy things like love & wisdom of the moment.
  5. Yes! I merely watched part 1 and that got me to seriously consider the occult and witchcraft. Gotta look into part 2 & 3 to get my mind shattered. Interestingly enough, the openmindedness video wasn't quite as destructively liberating as the science video. Maybe I have to get my mind broken first to consider with radical openmindedness what is possible to explore. No spoilers please, is it as mindblowing as the last video of the conscious politics series?
  6. ...can exist when one believes time? Transpiring means imagining?
  7. @Leo Gura That's like saying to the absolutist that the sky is green. It doesn't compute for him.
  8. Stop several times throughout the day and ask yourself what you want in this moment. Feel into what you want right now and it will present itself as a good feeling. There might be critical or hindering thoughts attached to it, which can be let go of. I like to make an important "decision" a few minutes later after an initial idea/suggestion to hear my calling. It helps to get still and let the dust fall down to see clearly. It's like temporarily laying something down and picking it up again later on. Feel into an inspiration for days, weeks and months and see it manifesting as just goodness. While contemplating using my journal I also get still and "listen to" the blank space. There is always something manifesting, which is distinct from a thought, however the insight then is expressed as a thought or an abstract collection of thought-images.
  9. Thanks for the suggestion! I was creating some statements of stages that also highlight the limitations. In blue it was: You can't have morals without a holy book. ...which is true and limited. I thought in orange it would be fitting that it would be science. Hmm, maybe at green something about free love? I dunno.
  10. You can't do science without the scientific method. I am not sure what the Green version would look like. Does some one else?
  11. 19:27 - 20:50 How can you have morals which aren't coming from a book?
  12. @Ali Bakali Have you meditated at least once? If yes, how did you feel afterwards? If that feeling was positive, then focus on that positive feeling and be inspired to feel that feeling more often. Are you structured? Maybe pick up a planning habit, to plan out the next day beginning with what you want to do from the morning till evening. Feel into your intuition and feel what you love most. Put aside a fixed time of the day to just do what you love most, something that "brings you home". I have 2 hours set aside in the morning and I even get up earlier for that. These things create good feelings for the rest of the day and they ground you when you are enmeshed in the daily drama.
  13. The legend of the two wolves
  14. Is this again Green wanting to tear down structures? Or is it Red value signaling?
  15. No dumping down needed as they are already contained, and it just needs the right highlighter... instead of choosing the widely used neon yellow, maybe select neon orange & green for clarifying what is for whom
  16. lol, the structure is inherently scewed to mainstream Stage Orange, or have I misunderstood you?
  17. Because of the long-term effects of cannabis consumption. Do you care to share some of these with us? Lol good one
  18. You mean the practices were enhanced like meditation on steroids but the steroids left 'marks' on your state of being? So you would also reject to drink a freshly brewed tea for your stomach ache? Yeah, listen to your heart. If it feels good, then it's right. You can try it out. You can surely become aware of God. I for myself wouldn't use it long-term.
  19. I don't see a difference between "spiritual completeness" and "psychological completeness". What distinctions do you see? Haven't read Napoleon Hill. That being said, being connected to source includes a burning desire.