Loving Radiance

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Everything posted by Loving Radiance

  1. @soos_mite_ah Look at the contempt microexpression at 0:51
  2. @Forestluv I only attended those morning sessions (11am here in Germany). Was the session with Emily recorded? Rebecca was one of few facilitators I had a good feeling with. I don't know if it's an ego-backlash of feeling disconnected to some facilitators (thought masked as feeling) or if it's truly a dissonance on an energetic-intuitive level.
  3. I love hiking. This was last year's summer.
  4. @Forestluv Today's morning breathwork by Rebecca Coales wasn't really shamanic breathing but still mind blowing nonetheless - mind blowing in another dimension. I think I will try out freediving in the future. What an experience. On the 3rd dive I fell into the darkness beyond the end of the line. Just beautiful.
  5. I am in the movie. So, all I gotta do now is to find the freshly wiped hard drive... haven't I seen a spare one lying around here or have I just seen myself?
  6. @Nahm You throw that 'round are you?
  7. @Nahm Brother, you just got me inspired to really write more than I ever could imagine achieving in one lifetime. Just for inspiration's sake. ?
  8. @levani I found that meditation as well as psilocybin brought me closer to my feeling state. Less layers to feel emotions. You love to laugh, cry, be grounded, feel anger, feel disappointment, feel sadness, feel gratitude, feel stillness, feel awe, feel ecstasy. It's like you honor and bless yourself to feel that right now. To feel the depth of feeling. Edit 1: It doesn't matter how often you cry but why you cry or don't cry. Edit 2: What I might add is that in my case I transformed anger into sadness due to trauma. Repressed to feel anger for more than a decade. I did not allow myself to feel anger. Maybe that is also the case for you with crying. In your family or close persons in general, who cried openly and how did you related to that person, or who didn't cry and how did you relate to that person?
  9. @StateOfMind My center of gravity is definitely green. However here it is: Recognizing content. Compassion towards everything on the right spectrum of politics. Being aware of the character I play. Starting to feel what stages need integration - feeling hollow and not loving in these aspects. Loving it to be be revealed, to be proved "wrong" especially when it hurts. Deep appreciation for functioning systems of any kind. Right now there is a bias towards systems of the mind. Loving it to play with ideas, to build sandcastles and deconstruct them. Perspectives are taken on and off and get swapped to explore facets of... anything. Introspection & contemplation through journaling reveal all that above.
  10. @Husseinisdoingfine People will use the 20th to defend their identity against the threat of oppression just as they defended it on the 6th.
  11. Something that I recently read: If you want to, I can turn this limiting belief around. A feeling of liberation.
  12. 2 weeks ago I rediscovered my desire. It felt freeing to finally express myself after more than a decade of repression of that part. However, the way of expression revealed itself to be immature like an entitled child that knows what it wants and rebels to get what it wants. Feels SD Red to me. Maybe SD Beige too, but I am too uninformed about that. Is it plausible to assume that trauma occurred at that stage of development and that this aspect of myself was frozen in time in its development through repeated suppression?
  13. @Megan Alecia @Elevated Thanks! @Username Very insightful. Thank you.
  14. It feels not good to hold this energy. What helps is stopping the breath completely and just playng dead. Dancing before SB and after is the same. Pure enjoyment. No judgement, flowing where it feels good to go. Childlike in playing with energy. No spike in hunger/appetite. How then do you differentiate between sensing your holes (being hollow; that the foundation is not set) and distracting yourself?
  15. Yes. How do you manage not good feeling energy in the body that "comes up" through breathwork?
  16. @SirVladimir How do you manage the energy? As of now I have to relax after 5min as the energy in the body feels too much to hold. Initially after 30min I was in a calm meditative state and goddess love revealed herself to me in the first few days. In the present my body isn't even wanting to last that long. Exhaustion is not a thing but rather the energy. Energy feels not good and could be interpreted as corrupted.
  17. I now drink at least 2 liters during the trip and also drink more water than usual the following days. Maybe that changes in the future but for now it works.
  18. How does one go about recognizing the masks one wears?
  19. Lol, what would that video be about?
  20. @Forestluv Uhh, that's 0-1am for me. However thank you for the facebook group suggestion!