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Everything posted by marinaaniram

  1. I dont undesrtand i notice that everything "i", my mind is trying to do throught the day is to find ways how to pleasure itself, to get satisfaction and enjoyment from anything but why?? pleasure is not survival, right? it s logical that mind urges to do things that are necessary for survival like craving food when there is strong hunger, but why it craves junkfood when there is no hunger, just to get pleasure, for what reason hope someoone can answer thanks
  2. so i got heartbroken lol and as a person who is into spirituality, i blame myself for feeling like shit like i m not completely awaken yet, but i understand that it s all a mind game, an illusion and SELFISHNESS (me being selfish) being depressed about it is just my ego constantly showing that it got hurt i really wanna reach the level when i dont care of things like that, but everytime i sit down at meditation i just burst in tears i feel SOOO STUUUPID and i dont wanna go through a regular heartbreak recovey steps when u put yourself out there to the world, meet new people, do as much activities as u can i wanna "do nothing" and reach the state of fulfillment through meditatioin seems hard though please tell me it is possible guys... thanks much love
  3. @Vercingetorix Thank u so much! i want the playlist.....
  4. THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. okay i get it, all we tryna do is literally just maintaining life, survive, i notice it in every move my body makes , every thought i have, everything others do and i know this feeling of becoming rigid and numb when u r on the edge of death but WHY? why do egos wanna live so bad? what s the point? why r we doing this????
  6. from the big picture there is no difference between telling lies and telling truth so why everytime i have to say some bullshit i feel so ashamed the society made it so? with their moral principals that we have been fed since childhood or is telling lies actually WRONG?
  7. just wanted to share a great documentary from a great russian journalist , it is about tortures in Russia. please put on english subtitles it is about how ANY citizen whether he is an ordinary guy or trying to get into politics can be forced under tortures to agree on commiting a crime, to become unfairly convicted, unfairly injured, unfairly killed im not fully enlightened yet but i truly believe in that everything is Love and this cringes me ony because i m selfish but when u face such INJUSTICE it is soo hard to stay calm , or be truly happy after for example something like this happend to you here is the link
  8. @AdroseAkise right now russian elections are very falsified, there are no real opposite candidates allowed, most valuable person that was trying to run for elections against putin is locked u in prison right now but if u wanna vote ,vote for anyone but putin
  9. hey, i ve never tried psychodelics, but i d really like to try DMT. Unfortunately (or not) i live in Russia, so i should be VERY careful about the quality of substances that we have here... so i m wondering is there any way that people can falsify DMT (or how the bad quality DMT looks) and how to recognise it? thank u!>>>>>
  10. @Daniel347 оо класс а ты и какого города? думаю правда мы тут не одни
  11. Everytime i feel bad, down, disturbed, something "bad" happens i realize and am very consicous (with my mind) that these things hurt only the egoic side of me, selfishess, SURVIVAL but even though i can see that,think about it, i cant TRULY become free of these emotions i believe (again) you can not fully escape from feeling negative because otherwise you would not (need to) survive but WHYY is everything IS TRYING TO SURVIVE SOO DESPERATLYYYY???
  12. мдамс
  13. For instance, something is happening in "real" life, and i surely can tell that i ve seen this before, like this movement of me drinking coffee or the way i play with a kid, literally anything, but it s like i saw a dream about this moment and it came straight to reality anyone understandss???
  14. thanks for the answer!! yea.. but it is possible that i ll never find anything that ll replace my past passon (that i now cannot be active at) because i ve already tried so many things and i m really open to the world and new experiences and nothing feels like THAT, BESIDES THOUGH self-actualizing, enlightment , but i think that it is very personal and i dont wanna share my journey with my friends etc,but still want to be social
  15. So basically my question is - does everyone HAVE TO find their passion and purpose in life? because i m really struggling with finding my own for my whole life i ve been interested and passionate only about one particular thing (doesnt really matter what is it) i ve been doing really greeat but i got an injury and there is no chance i can go back and doing this again i started to ask myself what else do i wanna do in life and devote myself to besides that? and there is just nothing that interests me as much as that thing, of course i get excited about thing and curious but nothing lasts long and i dont have the same feelings for anything I understand that my happiness doesnt depend on success and i actually feel completely fine not doing anything particular and just living my life But there is always a thought that i m missing something, that i should somehow realize my potentiol especially under the influence of social media and i dont really understand, is that really my need to find and devote myself to ONE thing thing and to DEVELOP passion for that or is it just coming from society and i should just relax?
  16. I ve been a frutarian / raw vegan for quite a while now. It s actually fascinating how it turns your world view and health upside down (in a gooood way). Ive treated my acne, weight problems, stomach issues, etc etc (in 23 years i had a bunch of sicknesses because of non natural human food i consumed) There is so much to explain but try to be open minded and if you have questions feel free to ask me, i ll definetely could help you with any health struggles what is the reason of our ilnesses according to modern medicine? EXTERNAL bacteria. there was a "healthy" body, got infected, we need to kill the germs and it s gonna be fine. BUT bacteria and viruses are a part of Nature and should not be a danger, so we should travel far afield and look for solution inside us, humans. and here is the solution: we constantly pollute our bodies with unnattural food, food that was not designed for human beings. this kind of food (everything but raw and fresh fruit and vegetables) creates substances that load our excretory systems to the point when an organism gives up. food pollution can be divided into slags (mucus) and toxins. every and each of you is familiar with it - when you are sick,your body is getting rid of the mucus -runny nose, sputum from coughing etc every day your body wastes lots of energy on cleaning itself up, energy that could be saved and spent on something you love the majority of our ilnesses, the processes we call "i m sick" are simply body cleaning itself procedure when on a daily basis organism's excretory systems cant handle excreting mucus and toxins here is what happens: an organism realizes that sooner or later something might stuck in breathing system or poisoned with toxins, gets all power together and makes a big cleaning up - sickness(fever, cold, runny nose, coughing etc) another example or a destroyed body function (because of food toxins) is a HEART ATTACK (myocardial infarct) a heart is a mussle that works all our life and it requires high nourishment but pollution from traditional food stays on vascular walls, makes it smaller, there is less blood going on as it happens, the heart is lack of nourishment. a part of it dies. an infarct happens. toxins in our food there has been a revolutoin in modern food industry. a combination of a food and chemical industries happened. huge amount of synthetical staff were added to the food products. with the purpose of extend the lasting period of expiration and to be able to sell more and more those preserving agents are literal antibiotics that supposed to kill the bacteria wich is responsible for spoiling. and all of us know how hard antibiotics can be on our health.added flavours, colors are unnatural and little studied. but besides those, there are toxins that are emerging digesting meat, fish, eggs (non-natural for human body animal protein)
  17. @Theo E YES! i d really love to share my knowledge with you that will really help you improve! please text me in instagtam (sorry moderator not sure if i can put it here) @rawmanticize_health
  18. @Tetcher sure! please text me in my insta, right now i coach people (for free) - @rawmanticize_health
  19. @Village @Michael569 replied to you guys
  20. K, so why if fruit just healed you , you go back and return to staff that s killing you? dont you wanna be healthy all the time? i d really like to continue this conversation , please text me in instagtam (sorry moderator not sure if i can put it here) @rawmanticize_health