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Everything posted by SvanteTheBeast

  1. @JonasVE12 I did that just now and it felt amazing. It was like my perspective shifted. I made the subjective world shift by making a statement. It was like that yanny and laruel video where if you think of yanny you here yanny and vice versa. I will continue for at least 90 days!
  2. So I suffer from to much self-criticism in mostly things I have no control over like my apperence. In a video leo made called "how to love yourself" He talks about an exercise where you look in the mirror and say "I love and accept you exactly as you are" over and over. He didn't mention making it a daily habit but in another video about affirmations he talks about saying affirmations 5 min daily for around 90 days so that phrase or feeling that the phrase is making is more or less your new normal, etched in your mind. Would that work with doing the self love affirmation in the mirror? Would it change my limiting beleifs about my apperance to do that for 5 minutes a day 90+days?
  3. @kinesin the thing is that no one has ever said that im bad looking, but people have said that i am goodlooking. Its subjective. Isnt better to love myself no matter how I look. Even If I would have been super ugly and heard that often I would want to be able to accept myself. But again good-bad apperence is subjective. And about changing perspective and so on. I dont value apperence in anyone but myself. Also I dont think trying to neglect a problem of self-esteem is going to fix it.
  4. I have a multivitamin with 150% d vitamin of what you need daily but theres also alot of other stuff in there, is it not better to get all those extras then?
  5. Does anybody have some videos or pictures of Ralston winning the open full contact martial art tournament in China? Couldn’t find a single video or picture of the thing, seems a little weird to not be available.
  6. I quit caffeine like 3 days ago and have little to non withdrawl symtoms. I read the book "the easy way to quit caffeine" by Allen Carr and it opened up the ability to quit without any real pains or willpower. I just have realized that caffeine dosent give me any real benefits, its the withdrawl that is lowering your baseline and the fix is getting you to a normal level of consentration, energy, happiness and so on. Just as someone else said, 80% of the pain of withdrawl are your thoughts about it.
  7. Ive watched so many videos by leo when hes talking about how eq is so much more important than iq. I see in my self a very strong identification with being "the smart one" the one who always has the cleverest combacks in arguments" and so on. I also see myself doping my feelings with drugs and videogames. I need eq. What should i read? Any book segestions. I have the book list so just comment which order the book is and catagory if it is in the book list! If you have any other suggestions, videos and so forth, please let me know! Thank you so much for helping me with this!
  8. Can you guys give me some examples or techniques how to develop my emotional intelligence. I have non. So see me as a beginner.
  9. I have become really insecure about my body and face the last year and tried different techniques with dealing with it, like not looking in any mirrors, which didn’t go so well. Do you guys know some technique that you can do like everyday, a short little ritual for developing more acceptance and love for my appearance? This judgyness against myself is making me very scared to even go out in public because I’m afraid people will think badly about my appearance. Any advice?
  10. So I just found a website that reveals a whole book about Kriya and I would like to ask if it’s a good source to learn from. I’ve watched the video about kriya and that he has a great book about on the booklist but I’m only 13 years old and my parents doesn’t approve of me buying it. They think things like meditation and spirituality is bullshit. The website is
  11. I recently watched Leo’s video on the importance of concentration. Can anyone please give or link some instructions on how to correctly do concentration practise on the breathe. Is there something different than the normal “be aware and count your breathes” style
  12. I understand you but what in the breathe should I focus on? There so many things going on.
  13. Is mindfullness with labeling the same thing as vippassana meditation?
  14. I would like to start a daily vippassana habit. Does someone have a good source for learning to do it? Free offcourse.
  15. Is the book on kriya yoga on Leos booklist called "A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga and Kriya"?
  16. Me and my older brother is going to do a book club thingy and what we mostly would want to read is novels that in the very essence has a underlying deep meaning that you could go on and on thinking about. Books like siddharta by Herman Hesse. Does anybody have some booktips? Thank you very much!
  17. Im really lost with the do nothing technique. I research a little what others had wrote on the forum about do nothing but leo wrote somewhere that in meditation, including do nothing, you need to be aware. That the do nothing technique is useless if your not aware but isnt that the point of do nothing? isnt it to drop attention? is awarness and attention the same thing? What exactly are you supposed to be aware of?
  18. today i started to thing about a thing that i think makes sense but i wanna hear what everybody else thinks. So lets say you have a microscope that could zoom in infinte amount. Lets say that you start at the level of atoms and than smaller and smaller and smaller. I mean quarks need to have some sort of building blocks to. And at a certain point you must find that theres nothing. At some point there must end? Or is the universe infinite in all ways? I dont have a fucking clue.
  19. I really am not planing for making suicide but I just dont understand this, if enlightenment is equal to death or ego death, why just dont make suicide?
  20. fuck, its really worth asking these questions here because its so fucking good answers that i couldnt see before. thats a really valid point and an eyeopener, thank you
  21. yes, thank you but what im really asking is, if you really just want to be free from the ego and become enlighted why not just kill yourself
  22. ok, so leo know is has an ego but can choose to not have a ego?
  23. if enlightenment is equal to death or the death of the ego, why dont just make suicide?
  24. Which age is required to pursue enlightment?