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About Ajay0

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  1. The scientists of the Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), Ahmedabad, India have discovered a new exoplanet, TOI-6038A b, a dense sub-Saturn size with a mass of 78.5 Earth masses and a radius of 6.41 Earth radii in a wide binary system. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/science/indian-researchers-discover-new-exoplanet-toi-6038a-b-heres-all-about-it/articleshow/118295180.cms?from=mdr
  2. 'An unclean environment, if not cleaned, leads to a situation where one starts accepting circumstances. On the contrary, if one cleans up dirt in the surroundings he gets energised and then does not resign himself to existing adverse circumstances.' ~ Mahatma Gandhi This saying by Mahatma Gandhi highlights how the simple act of cleaning or sweeping can be an exercise in increasing the positivity quotient in oneself and reducing negativity and indolent passivity. As per Hinduism and Buddhism, the mind tends towards negativity and unconsciousness, so it takes day to day austerities or exercises to make it positive,strong and anchored in present moment awareness. Krishna also highlights the observance of cleanliness as an austerity in the Bhagavad Gita (BG 17.14). These austerities helps to bring auspiciousness and attract positivity into our lives. We tend to attract what is there within us, so it is important to ensure we are in a state of positivity ourselves by austerities or spiritual exercises to attract positive events and circumstances.
  3. How can we gauge whether we are unaware or unconscious at any moment ? A simple toolkit by Vernon Howard to gauge our state of consciousness at any given point of time, and apply course correction if needed . https://archive.mail-list.com/secretsoflife/message/20021118.064550.be4dbaf9.en.html
  4. A summarized teaching of Dharma by Phakchok Rinpoche... https://tzal.org/quotes-by-phakchok-rinpoche/
  5. Spiritual teacher Joan Tollifson had similarly spoken on the correlation between capitalim-consumerism and addictive behavior...
  6. Insightful speech by Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje on the necessity of regulating our desires for environmental protection. https://kagyuoffice.org/buddhism-and-the-environment-living-in-harmony-with-the-planet/
  7. An interesting excerpt on nihilism as per Buddhism, that I read recently... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nihilism
  8. Balakishore of Brahmakumaris expounds on the necessity for synergy between Principle, Context and Practice for optimal results. This also enables elimination of misunderstandings and conflicts between various groups leading to promotion of universal harmony. https://balakishore.in/articles/principle-context-practice/
  9. Teachings of Sri Avinash... https://www.sriavinash.org/teachings-from-the-master/
  10. To let go of desires you have to follow a certain code of conduct. This is the manure by which the rose of love will blossom. ~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Love is a state of mind where self interests are removed. The mind dwells in its natural state of sat-chit-ananda - existence, consciousness, bliss. Love is not created; it is a mental state which develops by living a disciplined life and developing positive qualities. Human ego is very attracted to negative qualities, so it needs much austerity to develop positive qualities. ~ Baba Hari Dass Love is connected to virtues. Virtues create love within the self and within others. When virtues reduce, the quality of love is also reduced. When all virtues are present, there is complete and pure love. ~ Dadi Janki, Brahmakumaris
  11. A free pdf book by Sister Aruna Ladva of the Brahmakumaris (Certified Negotiator in Conflict Resolution) on Conflict Resolution and its management. https://www.itstimetomeditate.org/book/conflict-resolution-free-download/ https://arunaladvaitstime.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/aruna_conflictres_2014.pdf The Brahmakumaris have received seven UN Peace Messenger Awards for their services around the world in the interests of global peace and harmony.
  12. The Pope has also similarly asked for the restoration of dialogue between the two warring parties. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ce8en1jn3n5o
  13. An article by Master Choa Kok Sui on prana... https://www.thepranichealers.com/what-is-pranic-energy
  14. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) achieved a significant milestone with the successful operation of its first space robotic arm aboard the POEM4 platform in space. https://spacewatch.global/2025/01/isro-successfully-tests-rrm-td-robotic-arm-in-space/ https://www.republicworld.com/science/isro-demonstrates-robotic-technology-successfully-captures-space-debris-with-robotic-arm