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Does anyone have any successful tips/stories in transitioning from being motivated by fear and material reward, to being motivated by an intrinsic inspiration? I am working toward the most inspiring thing I can think of right now. But because all of this is so new and I've spent like 20 years being motivated out of fear, this really is one of the hardest things I've ever had to learn. It's like my Achilles heal. I know this will not be over night, but I need to start bringing money in again and I'm also thinking I have to revert back to being motivated neurotically, until I can figure out how to motivate myself in a healthy intrinsic way not out of fear. Bills don't get paid standing still.
Lol. I have a Toyota!!
hahahaha. You know come to think of it, Leo has talked about the importance of humor in this journey. I really think it's a neglected facet., I don't see enough of it in these forums. I think a sub thread should be created for people looking to express humor on this spiritual journey. I might suggest that to Leo.
I'd have to respectfully disagree with this. For example, the halo effect of beautiful people seems very real in the Information Technology consulting industry. Leo's take on highly paid lower-conscious industries and jobs is spot on in his video "Wage Slavery". Almost all of the salesman have a specific look. Tall, handsome well put together. Think "Mad Men". They know little technologically about the products they are selling, use buzzwords and high-level explanations and usually walk around with technical architects that delve deeper into the technology. Image and soft-skills in this case is much more valuable than anything else, even the quality or knowledge of what they are selling.
@Igor82 Agreed. I will say this though, in American society there seems to be little differentiation established between fitness and health. I go to the gym and hear people talking about eating healthy, when in reality they're downing protein powders laced with chemicals and heavy metals. I can't help but think to myself, that's not healthy that's eating for fitness which are two separate things. I see the same thing with many people who live a vegan lifestyle for health reasons not ethical ones, and yet, half their meals are heavily processed tofu. It's all very interesting to me. I can't help, but think there's a little bit of self-deception in their motivations.
Unfortunately, I don't know whether it's the area I live in, in combination with the circles I'm in, but this seems to be the norm. For both men and women. Women as you described, men going too far (gym rats, steroids, plastic surgery, fitness vs real health, expensive attire, etc.).
Got it, I see where you are going with this. Thanks.
LMFAO. Touche. Not the first time!
In other words, this scientist will engage in confirmation bias? And to your first point conditioning and distraction on who's part? Mine or the people I have observed?
Can you elaborate? Obviously, the statement made is fair game to be labeled self-bias, but I'd like some back and forth to become more aware of my own biases. Hence the reason I posed it.
WisdomSeeker replied to WisdomSeeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Key Elements so you found a life purpose. Good to know. I've just developed a compelling one, thanks to leos life purpose course. I'm excited. Thanks for sharing. -
Can one use a dualistic approach to reach a nondual conclusion? For example, I participate in a people of color (POC) sangha, which is a sub-group of a much larger mindfulness community. Although having a sangha community based off of identity is dualistic, does it not make sense that dualism be used for the purposes of reaching communities that would not be reached otherwise? As consciousness level rise, one's identity would become less and less of a factor.
In the theme of the US' Thanksgiving, has anyone seen the 2013 documentary Humano? It has elements of Shamanism and Nondualism. It was very good. I think it's a good take on Indigenous nonduality. Although a different civilization (the Q'ero), I think its a good compliment to Leo's video on the Toltec's nonduality. I'd be curious what people think.
If everything is non-dual, why do we have separate values and strengths, that it makes sense to try to actualize? I think I already know the answer. I would assume this is god experiencing itself in all of its varying finite forms. Much of my pain comes from the difficulty in realizing these values and strengths in physical form. Leo has mentioned ones happiness being independent of the outcome, but that one should be committed and enjoying the process. This seems like one of the hardest lessons to master. Detachment from outcomes and awareness and joy of the process. Does anyone one have stories about their success with this and difficulties they had to overcome?
@Leo GuraPlease excuse my ignorance, but I am troubled by a nagging question. If my understanding/takeaway from Leo's videos is correct, then the point of life is to honor our life's purpose/self actualization and to work toward enlightenment. If this is the case, what about the many people in history that never had the opportunity to seek their life's purpose or even have access to methods of obtaining enlightenment ( I am assuming this was the case for some). For example, what about slaves that were forced into a life of involuntary servitude and forced into christian religious dogma and ideology by their masters. Surely, there life purpose wasn't to be a slave. Were they just supposed to be mindful of their day to day activities in forced slavery and find the beauty in that? What was the purpose of a slave's life, that lived and died in slavery and was given no other options to know who they really were? Would the path towards enlightenment be able to present itself to them in every case? I understand there are a number of assumptions I'm making here, but after pondering, this question, I have even more questions, but I will wait to pose them based off of the responses.
@Serotoninluv lol I caught the" true or not "and submitted the edit right after your reply. Touche. I appreciate your diligence. These conversations really help my perspective evolve. Meaning = Meaningless - I will have to wrap my head around this. The closest experience I've had with this, is taking 5meo, and feeling (not just conceptualizing), that nothing really matters. It wasn't in a nihilistic way either. If that is an example of what you mean by meaning = meaningless. That in its own way had a significant meaning to me.
@Inliytened1 thanks. I am on this path and feeling the pull of the ego backlash. It is always comforting to hear from so many that are further along in their journey and have reached higher levels.
@Serotoninluv I understand this is of a dualistic paradigm, but to the point of your second paragraph. It's easy to see how that perspective can lead to complacency in regards to activism and for those that could help, but don't. It also reminds me of how similar that perspective is to the misguided christian justification of slavery. That black people had to pay for the sins of their ancestors, etc. I will say , however, Leo says to be radically open-minded. And if something makes someone feel uncomfortable to analyze and look deeper in a non-judgmental manner. Which brings me to the concept of karma and reincarnation. I admit I am ignorant to this concept. I need to look deeper into the evidence of this via direct experience and knowledge. But, I do believe whether the concept of karma works in the described way or not, that it can be co-opted by the ego to justify devilry, as the example I provided regarding the misguided christian justification of slavery.
@Inliytened1 If the purpose of life is for god to experience all of itself in it's many incarnations ,which I believe Leo has mentioned, then it doesn't matter to god whether we obtain enlightenment? Therefore, why should we strive for enlightenment? Simply because it will improve our quality of life while we are on earth?
@Inliytened1 All are one. If I am understanding you correctly, a path to enlightenment is not presented to all humans, of which make-up the "one" that we are? Is this correct? Let me know if I need to reword this question.
This seems to be a common theme with awakening, but I thought I should pose it none the less. I had an awakening experience on 5meo, and proceeding that experience I have drifted into a rut/depression. I have not experienced a deep depression like this in my life, but I also haven't had my identity and ego backed into a corner like I did taking 5meo. Let me explain my story. I had a high-paying stressful consulting job. I was good at what I did, but it was very unfulfilling. After almost a year, I decided to quit the job Sept of this year and decided to take 5meo to explore the experience that Leo talks about. That same month, I took it and it was just like how he explained, it left me completely in awe. Up until this point, I had meditated, but never experienced anything close to this state. I've been taking my time, post my 5meo trip, to come down from it and really invest in being in the moment. It was something I neglected for most of my life., as I've always been an overachiever. It's now been 3 months and I have to get back into the workforce. I have a highly valuable skill set and I could get a job quite easily if I was not selective, but I know I wouldn't be happy. I've taken the life purpose class and am working on a side business, but I need an interim job in the meantime. This coupled with the fact that no one in my circle of colleagues understands why I'm so reluctant to go back into the workforce. I would say I'm even treated like I have the plague, as soon as they see I've been taking my time and that I'm unemployed they treat me like I'm of no value to them. My 5meo experience has shown me that: - Much of life is an illusion, and it's painful to see it for what it is. At least, at first. I have to believe that there is light at the end of the tunnel and that I'm just going through a temporary phase. I want to say that the state I'm in right now, my experience seems to be that things get worse before they can get better. This seems extremely counter-intuitive, but like Leo has pointed out there are many things in life that are counter-intuitive. - Before I took 5meo, most of what I did was motivated by neurotic anxiety and caffeine. Honestly, I don't know how to sustainable motivate myself any other way. I guess I will have to teach myself how to work non-neurotically, which almost seems as fundamental and difficult for me as learning to walk again. - ***This spiritual path is extremely lonely just like Leo warned. Even if loneliness is just an illusion. - No one in my personal circle understands what I am going through. And I seem to be losing the support system that I did have. For example, my girlfriend and I are drifting apart. I'm less interested in going out and doing things, and as I explained, the "friends" I had that were focused on accomplishing and progressing in their careers now look at me like I have the plague, because I'm not chasing cheese in the maze anymore. - I need to find teachers in my area. This virtual community will not suffice as my primary resource for support. Does anyone have any advice? Thanks.
WisdomSeeker replied to WisdomSeeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Maximus thanks for the response. I did not have a bad trip . It was actually an overwhelmingly positive one, but the fleeting state of a higher level of consciousness and the insights I think are what led me to depression, coupled with not knowing how I will be able to fulfill my life's purpose, which Leo has mentioned a number of times to let go of the need to know how . This is something I am working on, but I believe it is one of my biggest weaknesses and can be crippling at times. You are correct I would agree the depression is probably related to not feeling supported or getting adequate guidance in my journey to achieve peace and harmony. Regarding being abandoned by a social norm, yes there is fear, but not so much the vanity of that social norm versus the comfort, even as "illusory" as it maybe, of knowing where I'm going and how to get there. The comfort of going on an already frequented path, is that it's easier to know where you are going and easier to formulate how you will get there. The discomfort is that the path is to mediocrity and it's the wrong target to be aiming at. In this way it is illusory. Many of the things Leo mentions in his wage slavery video, were aligned with my experience especially in terms of lack of ethics and devilry. Not to mention how it was a huge distraction from my core values. I almost wish Leo had case studies of people who have done what he was able to do, follow a life purpose that was aligned with their highest values,help other people in the process and get their bills paid. Learning about how they overcame their obstacles would also be helpful. Regarding a local community, I think I am going to join a sangha in my area. I would definitely take you up on the human design reading. Let me know. Thanks again for your help. -
WisdomSeeker replied to WisdomSeeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Sandra45 what I hope to achieve, is living a life at peace and in harmony with reality and nature. Decreased anxiety and joy , love, and gratefulness in the moment. I have more elaborate goals that I believe will lead me here, but there are steps I need to take to get to them and I think it will be a gradual process vs something drastic. -
WisdomSeeker replied to WisdomSeeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@LfcCharlie4 thanks man. How did you end up getting out of your rut? What was your story like leading up to your rut and after? Do you have a circle where you live that supports your path? -
What it is. Different Schools of Thought. Traditional, NLP and Ericksonian. Its applicability in life and in spirituality. Differences and similarities between hypnosis and meditation.