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Everything posted by WisdomSeeker
@hyruga @Pookie @Carl-Richard 1. Self-Realization “the knowing — in body, mind, and soul — that we are one with the omnipresence of God; that we do not have to pray that it come to us, that we are not merely near it at all times, but that God’s omnipresence is our omnipresence; that we are just as much a part of Him now as we ever will be. All we have to do is improve our knowing.” - Yogananda “Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” “There is neither creation nor destruction, neither destiny nor free will, neither path nor achievement. This is the final truth.” “Realisation is not acquisition of anything new nor is it a new faculty. It is only removal of all camouflage” - Ramana Maharishi There's a million other quotes like this from the Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching and from the Bhagavad Gita, etc. None of which emphasize goal accomplishment on the materialist level, in fact they would argue attachment to a goal would be a distraction from self-realization 2. Self-Actualization "Self-actualization, in Maslow's hierarchy of needs, is the highest level of psychological development where the "actualization" of full personal potential is achieved, which occurs only after basic and mental needs have been fulfilled." "to BECOME more and more what one is, to BECOME everything that one is capable of becoming. My issue is that one is about becoming vs realizing what one already is. They seem in direct conflict with eachother. Also, becoming would imply you are still attached to your material identity, even if it is an evolving identity, vs detaching from that material identity and realizing you are something more (self-realization).
WisdomSeeker replied to outlandish's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Bodigger you forgot the Police Union President (Bleeding Heart TRUMP supporter.) Also, since conservatives hate unions so much, interesting why they haven't been attacking the police union https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.buzzfeednews.com/amphtml/melissasegura/police-unions-history-minneapolis-reform-george-floyd -
WisdomSeeker replied to outlandish's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Bodigger first off local level meaning state or municipality? Also, Grrrymandering affects both of these elections and I can tell you statistically speaking Gerrymandering is overwhelmingly conducted by republicans although it does happen in democratic districts, as well. Let me know if youd like me to provide the sites and links. -
WisdomSeeker replied to GeoLura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
A number of things: 1) this is an old video from like 2016/2017. 2) Yes, there are a number of self-interested groups many consisting of pre-dominately white people that are using protests like George Floyd to promote their own agenda.. 3) in terms of the funding and it's intended use, that is exaggerated https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/riot-act/ 4) I would agree that Dems want to limit gun ownership and yes the far right, as it stand would slaughter democrats in a civil war, just based off of gun ownership 5) I agree don't fall for any type of propoganda, but as it's been stated already in this thread the biggest threats to democracy, justice and freedom, especially for minorities is coming from the the far right and sometimes you have to settle for the lesser of two evils (democrats), than to roll over to the far-right which for people of color as a whole is objectively worse. -
WisdomSeeker replied to outlandish's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Agreed, but it's just as important to realize that voting even at the local level, is dependent on the system functioning. From my perspective, whether it is functioning is questionable for the following reasons: 1) Gerrymandering - If elected officials can choose their voters they can also make your vote not matter. This is happening in a number of states and I know Obama is attempting to address this. 2) Voter Suppression 2.1) the president is trying to prevent Mail In Voting, during a pandemic. He realizes this will give him a huge advantage by preventing the facilitation of voting, which is undemocratic 2.2) The President is currently trying to bankrupt the US Postal Service, which will also impact mail in voting . 3) Voter Fraud/Hacking 3.1) At this point is very evident that Russians tampered in the 2016 elections and will do the same in 2016. All of these undermine the importance of voting, and need to be addressed before we act as if we have a functioning voting process and democracy. -
My only critique, the father could still be more compassionate toward the tribe that did have fear. To not be compassionate, is to be judgemental.
Please include Washington D.C.
I think there are two options for Life Purpose 1) Is creating one's own business centered around their life purpose or 2) Working for someone, in a position that aligns with one's life purpose. For the latter, if you work for someone else, the common experience seems to be you have less control over a number of things. These are as follows: Control and Autonomy - How you work, where you work, how much you work and what you work on - Lack of control of your schedule and time. Saying no to meetings and being obligated to respond to unnecessary emails. - Telework and being on-site. - Being forced to work well over 40 hours. It effects your promotions, performance reviews and if you work in an at-will state, your ability to not get fired. People/Management - Who you work with - Less ability to say no to clients with unrealistic expectations Culture/Organization/Politics - Politics and norms in which you work - Leadership power politics - Siloed groups and organizational fiefdoms fighting for power - Red tape and inefficient processes All of this being said, my experience tells me you can have a job that on paper aligns with your values and life purpose, in terms of strengths and passions, but, company culture, politics and lack of control and autonomy can overshadow and kill your passion for what you do. More and more companies seem to fail employees in those categories. I almost think my only option is starting my own business. Does anyone else have any feedback about this,. I know Cal Newport talks about Career Capital in "So Good They Can't Ignore You." I've gone this route and did not find the results I was looking for. Control and Autonomy, as well as work life balance.
In Leo's video below he speaks about limbo stage. I've been disciplined, and consistent most of my life. Is it ok to be agendaless for a change and not work on optimizing habits or habit formation for a significant part of this phase. Limbo phase is always hard for me because I feel guilty like I'm being lazy, even though I'm using much of the time for spiritual research and learning how not to work neurotically.
How can both Osho and Sadhguru be enlightened? They seem to differ on some fundamental concepts like marriage for example? Also, I know Leo has said Osho was still enlightened, even though he owned all those rolls Royce's and was addicted to drugs. If that's the case, how do you know, what's the test to prove someone is enlightened?
WisdomSeeker replied to WisdomSeeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Inliytened1 How do you imagine a zen master would view Osho, enlightened or nonenlinghtened? -
WisdomSeeker replied to WisdomSeeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Inliytened1 ok so why in zen do they make you prove whether you are enlightened or not? -
Dang you beat me to it. @Siim Land
WisdomSeeker replied to Leo Gura's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Has anyone found any Kriya Yoga communities or instructors? Reading books on techniques is helpful, but in order for me to be successful I will need more than that. -
WisdomSeeker replied to ivankiss's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Learning to let go right now. -
Can you elaborate about a means to and end? In Leo's Life Purpose Course, he asks about our values and strengths so that we align our Life Purpose to these values and strengths. So, my take away was that entrepreneurship/career is a huge facet of life purpose and that entrepreneurship/career should be aligned with your highest values. My take away was that entrepreneurship/ career will directly meet some of these highest values. Am I misunderstanding something? I think examples of profiles of people would be helpful. E.g. #1 Jack has following values and strengths. He works at so and so job,. This job does not directly align with any values or strengths but, it provides him money and time to actualize values and strengths outside of work. E.g. #2 Jack has following values and strengths. He works at so and so job. This job directly aligns with his top values and strengths, so he does not need as much free time to align with values and strengths since he is already aligning with top values and strengths at current job.
What it's purpose was historically. How it pertains to spirituality. How it pertains to self actualization. How relevant it is today. How society and social norms impact marriage for the good and bad, etc. How people are driven by the idea of marriage in ways they don't know.
From my observation there seems to be a strong correlation between the more physically beautiful a person is and the lower level of consciousness they are at. I believe beauty is subjective, but clearly there are characteristics of beauty that our society holds. Think Miss Universe beauty, celebrity beauty, etc. My hypothesis is that this is because most beautiful people spend a lot of time on their external characteristics, such as makeup, attire, fitness, food, etc. This comes at the expense of exploring deeper facets of life such as spirituality and even intellectual. I don't think this is necessarily a profound observation, but are other people seeing this, as well? Thoughts?
WisdomSeeker replied to Leo Gura's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
So, I am also reading the book and am starting on Talabya Kriya and the Khechari Mudra. Just reading the book and the Khechari Mudra, I already know I will need guidance.. So, I'm beginning to reach out to Yogis. n my area. I think I have an increased probability of success seeking out people who have more experience and are further along in their journey, than just depending on a book, forums and some youtube videos. I also think it's helpful to join physical communities for accountability , to keep me motivated and to streamline the learning process. -
@DrewNows None of which you've explained is actionable, it's too high level. Up until this point your feedback appears to be spiritual and intellectual tail chasing. Can you explain what you mean and the approach you are advocating in terms of step by step instructions and examples?
@Keyhole correlation not causation.
@DrewNows- I understand the concept of being bias. But, clearly, as Leo has pointed out fixations on external things like beauty are not higher consciousness. And so excessive concentration and attachment to one's looks is a facet of lower-consciousness. My example was miss and mr universes and celebrities (but I would say this even exists outside of those extremes), whom spend large amounts of their waking hours on their external beauty. Besides claiming I am being biased you pose no real argument against what I am saying, so please enlighten me. @Knock "Most athletes and good looking people are actually higher consciousness than average. They have great self-awareness and often meditate more than the average person." Really, how do you figure? "But talk to someone who uses gym to compliment their other endeavors, and you will find that the opposite to OPs hypothesis." I am curious can one hypothetically can one invest in one's external beauty in a higher-consciousness way? I would think it can be done, so long as you are not attached to your external beauty in a neurotic and needy matter. Such as if you gain weight, or if you start aging, you aren't attached to the "depreciating value" of your beauty. The problem here is I don't see very many people that invest in their external beauty which are non-neurotic about it. @Preety_IndiaYes, your thought process is the same as mine. Your last paragraph, as well. @fi1ghtclub Ahhh and why is that? Of course it's possible to focus on both, but fixation on the external is lower consciousness, which hinders the development of higher consciousness. As I mentioned, to Knock I pose the same question. Hypothetically can one invest in one's external beauty in a higher-consciousness way? I would think it can be done, so long as you are not attached to your external beauty in a neurotic and needy matter. Such as if you gain weight, or if you start aging, you aren't attached to the "depreciating value" of your beauty. The problem here is I don't see very many people that invest in their external beauty which are non-neurotic about it.
@Elham makes sense. Thanks.
@ElhamI'm not sure what your arguement is. Is it that beautiful people are still operating off of basic needs? Is it that knowledge and spirituality should be used to create value for less beautiful people? If it's the latter, I would have to respectfully disagree as it pertains to higher consciousness and spirituality more specifically. I don't know about you, but the point of spirituality to me is not to gain social influence or status. It is for my own benefit and if i get far enough I will share knowledge, but the primary point is not to use that knowledge to validate my social value.
@ElhamWhy SHOULD they? If the spiritual path is not about impressing others, but being aware to where eventually one awakens and becomes enlightened, whether someone is or isn't attracted to them is peanuts in comparison to the ultimate goal.