Eu Sint

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Everything posted by Eu Sint

  1. When you are the creator of your own movie, can you discriminate between the characters and the actions that the characters go through? If they weren't villians anymore, what good would super -heroes do? Can you be biased in loving the characters differently? Can you love one more than the other? Between the characters there is an invisible connection that unites them in a magical way and gives flavor to the movie. This is the Unconditional Love of the creator.Unconditional Love is the binder that makes the whole movie wonderful and magic. Love=Unity❤️
  2. What is the “human “body? One form like any other of the infinity of forms / fragments of which The Whole/The One is composed. But in order to be able to distinguish between forms then you start putting labels and placing them in categories, subcategories, etc. If we attach to this form the label "human" we have already created a distinction from the whole. Now to this form labeled "human" we can add another label, and to it we add another label again and so on. This is the example construction: "Tall, handsome , good and smart human". Now if we unite all the forms cataloged as "human" into one whole, we get a new form which we label as "humanity". This is a game that never ends. We have the form included in another form, which in turn is included in another form, and so on. Like a russian Matroshka. But when you are unconscious of your true nature, you identify with the form no matter what it is. You must return to the source of all forms, which is Pure Consciousness. You are Pure Consciousness and all forms are created by you and dissolve in you. You are the Infinite Singularity. You can hold your teeth as much as you want for your limited humanity, but in the end you will have to let go and unite with Source.?
  3. Something came from nothing, and nothing look like something.❤️
  4. “We “are not human. Human and humanity dont exist. “ We “are One. The problem arises when you start to fragment One and attach labels to fragments.
  5. Of course, nothing matters, everything is just imagination. What seems real and meaningful to you is nothing but the Infinite Creative Power of Pure Consciousness to manifest itself. You ask Leo questions, Leo playing his role, I answered, a plane crashed with 150 people on board, someone raping a sister, a powerful earthquake in Italy, a war in Afghanistan, a double murder in Brazil, global warming, Brexit in England, life purpose, death, politics,enlightenment, humans,awakening, porn, happiness, thoughts, mind, planets, ego, galaxies, aliens, love, and the list goes on forever. All these are illusory. Here only You exist as Pure Consciousness. Nobody and nothing is outside you. Just take a step back and detach from this endless game and be aware of your own Infinite Greatness. Just for a moment ,completely disentangled from the illusion and be what you really are ,The Absolute Presence.?❤️
  6. I tell you from the direct experience of this sound, which is definitely not a medical problem. The first time I heard it was in the early years of spiritual practice, 20 years ago. Then I was a little scared and it really annoyed me, wanting me to stop. In the meantime it disappeared as it appeared, suddenly . But two years ago, during a meditation, it suddenly appeared and has not disappeared since then. I recognized him as being identical to the sound of the past and I now understood what his role was and I began to use it as an object of meditation, giving up any other form of meditation we practiced before. After two years of continuous awareness of this high vibration frequency, everything has become so normal. I wake up with him and fall asleep with him, being present throughout the day. I am constantly aware of him and attentive / focused without any effort noticing even the fine frequency modulations that appear, regardless of the actions I do.It's like being “high “all the time ,blissfull and peacefull.❤️?
  7. Someone asked Nisargadhata Maraj a similar question, and here is the answer. ”It depends how I look. When I look through the mind, I see countless people. When I look beyond my mind, I see the witness. Beyond the witness is the infinite intensity of emptiness and silence.”?
  8. This is a wonderful spiritual gift, appreciate with wisdom,but It's normal and you'll have to get used to it. From now on you ,will have to become the object of your meditation. Listen to this sound until you identify with it perfectly. When there is no difference between the listener and the sound, observe with lucidity how everything turns into absolute silence and you remain its witness. Then try to do this outside the time when you are not meditating. AUM ??
  9. Absolute Truth = Oneness= Nothingness=Infinite Inteligence=Eternity=Goodness=Love=God=Consciouness=Presence= Pure Being= THAT. You are That. Which answer do you like?
  10. What you see “out there “is nothing but consciousness. When you become aware of your true nature everywhere you only see yourself. Society is an imaginary construct.When you are awaret about he unconsciousness of others, then you realize how conscious you are that you are others. The unconscious cannot observe the conscious.
  11. Memories belong to the past.The more you pay more attention to the past, the more likely you are to build a "self" or feed the current one. Attention is required to be given to the present not the past. Pay attention to the behavior, reactions, dispositions, thoughts, emotions, fears and desires as they appear now in this moment. You cannot find yourself in the past but only in this unic moment. As long as you remain present, the past with all its memories dissipates. Be completely present in this unique moment and then you will become aware that You are the Presence itself. Are you looking to find out who you are or who you have been? Why waste your energy by running after chimeres?
  12. You can try this. It is different from the practice of sit meditation in that you can practice it anytime, anywhere, regardless of the activity you do.In fact you should do it all the time while you're awake. But step by step you'll get there. Keep in mind only the feeling "I am", gradually transform into it, until your mind and feeling become one. By repeated attempts, you will find the right balance between attention and affection, and your mind will be firmly established in the thought of "I am”.No matter what you think or say, this feeling of immutable and loving being remains the eternal background present in the mind.Then you will be concentrated in the real source. The focus of attention will be in Self and you will not be distracted.?
  13. .You have too many separations in your understanding. Mind, consciousness, God. All these are just one.You cannot know yourself through the mind, because the mind is an object, an instrument by which you know and therefore You must transcend the mind, to go beyond it. An object cannot knew itself.When you are aware that there is a mind, by reflection then realize that you are consciousness.You become aware of your own consciousness.?
  14. Why would you want to spend your time doing this. ?Want to get paranormal powers ( siddhis)? The pursuit of paranormal powers( siddhis) is a major obstacle in spiritual practice. Be careful what you want.?
  15. ❤️Love That❤️. Pure Conciosness, Pure Love, Pure Being?
  16. If this was true, then wouldn't everyone's imaginations conflict with eachother? Because what someone creates might be at the detriment of someone else's creation. That's what I'm not getting. Because everyone I see seems to create their own bubble of reality, and it all just "works" for them. This doesn't make any sense unless.... It's literally all imagined, cause and effect transcended. God is the only conscious substrate / subject, all existing only through their establishment in this unique consciousness, by the fact that they are manifested by it. They are all God, having nothing of their own reality. He is the substance that penetrates everything. The manifestation is characterized as "unborn" because the illusion (Maya) of the Universe is eternal, representing a natural emanation of the Ultimate Reality of God. The Universe does not represent a spontaneous, accidental appearance, but a natural aspect of the Absolute Reality, God. Any kind of experience can only occur as long as there is a substrate in which it can happen. There are no others and you here, there are no your imagination in conflict with others imagination,but only You as the only substrate.?
  17. Shaun, have look at this image which Leo put it on his blog, for a better approximation of what nothingness looks like. If you have not read the post yet, enter the blog and read it, you can find it there with this title “What Does Nothingness Look Like?” Try to give a name to that.How you name it.? That= Nothingness=Everything=Unity=Oneness ?
  18. You tried too hard to prove to nahm that you were right in everything you said and even appealed to accusation.What did you want to achieve with this? Maybe you want , we recognize the state of enlightenment you reached? How do you know that he has not experienced oneness and what is the evidence that you have experienced oneness?How can enlightenment be a matter of the body , fellings, states or even of the intellect? You do not have to answer these questions, just give yourself some time and reflect deeply with honesty and unbiased.?
  19. Then if you are not separated from anyone and nothing, it means that you are happy and enlightened in peace. Enlightenment means “we “are One.So who is enlightened and who is not? Who is happy and who is not.?Absolute Truth = Oneness.?
  20. They appear happy and at peace for you, because you project that happiness created by you on them. How do you know they are happy? Happiness and unhappiness are not relative? Absolute truth does not destroy your life, because you do not have a life ,but You are Life. What the Absolute Truth does is dissolve your false belief that you have a life, and remove the barriers between “you “and “they “. “They “just are. Stop believing that you are separate from something. As long as you are not separated, are still exist they and you ,happiness and unhappiness, mine or yours?
  21. Only in the absence of thoughts is the True Witness revealed..You are That.Welcome to Reality. Next time when you sit in meditation start from this point reached, forgot the all the previous steps.This is the state which never come and go.?
  22. The Sphinx in the Carpathians Mountains. Romania.
  23. If that means for you to “allowing yourself to go with the flow and not resisting.”then it's okay. But be so present in this, without judging or interpreting it in any way, without making arguments pro or against you, without remorse for what you do.Let it all go and be aware that you are sitting on the couch, playing video games and eating pizza. Just be present in this unique moment.Do you think there is a way to get you somewhere? Do you think there is a special place where you have to reach and where you will be greeted with flowers and applauds, because you have arrived at your destination?Here all roads depart from you and return back to you.?