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Everything posted by Nash

  1. @Jonac Well this is a good opportunity to learn to deal with confusion. After all, the first video I ever watched from Actualized was how to deal with confusion.
  2. If everybody followed their passions, how would any of the mundane tasks that need to be completed be done? Nobody would serve food or clean bathrooms if everybody followed their dreams. Shouldn't we all segment portions of our contribution to society to things we don't really like doing? For example, I want to be a musician but if everybody just did art than society wouldn't work. Shouldn't everyone do two things? Like I can make art, but I should also help design computer systems for example or be a waiter or whatever?
  3. I just started taking it and have only completed a little, I have some new questions triggered in me that I don't think the course may answer for me, or maybe it will but it's frustrating not having an answer currently. I can't tell if I should drop doing outside volunteer work that I want to do that's unrelated to my passion or continue with it. I want to help dogs for a couple hours a week for no other reason than that I feel bad there aren't more volunteers for shelters. Although the thing I'm passionate about is music, and that's completely unrelated. Is a purpose supposed to dictate all my actions in life or just give me a direction? I mean, I may still get married one day and that would be unrelated to my life purpose, so shouldn't I continue doing volunteer work here and there that's unrelated? Right? I don't think literally everything I do has to align with my purpose, does it? As long as I'm spending most of my time working towards it, I can still get away with helping other causes here and there? I'm pretty scared, I have absolutely no idea what or how I'm supposed to go about doing any of this. I'm going to go on with the course, but this is an extremely tedious thought I'm having that isn't explained at all so far and I'm already about 2 hours into the course.
  4. Where does volunteer work fall in this? It's not my passion to work with animals but I still want to help out shelters once a week. It doesn't really have to do with my life purpose. Should I still do it? Would being a volunteer be equatable to something like cleaning my house? It's not something that directly aids my life purpose but it's still necessary. Do I just drop anything that doesn't correlate to my life purpose? Should I just never volunteer for anything again?
  5. Alright, thank you @Leo Gura. I guess I just view things too far ahead into the future and want to be an example of how every human should go about this persay. I just assume that in the future when everyone is higher on the spiral and 90% plus or all human beings are following their passion, people may not be able to solely focus on that because lower order, mechanical jobs will start to not have enough workers. I sort of now see how I may be looking waayyyy to far ahead and should probably just embrace now. That reality is so distant in the future that anything could happen; robots will probably be able to cover all of those jobs even. There's probably a lot of other assumptions I made in my logic as well that weren't very accurate.
  6. Another possibility, should society and I view "mundane jobs" as necessary stepping stones to progress to a passion we really want to be doing?
  7. If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is around to hear it, then it doesn't make a sound, correct?
  8. I am currently a weed smoker, but I only smoke on weekends. And if I'm planning on taking a psychedelic for the weekend I won't use it. These are my observations. I had taken a break for about 3 months recently and came back to it. The first time I got high again, I had this insane feeling of no self. It felt like everything was just crazy for being there, as though reality was highly unstable persay. It felt like my ego had taken a backseat for the first time in a while, like everything I had been doing with my life was just there to suspend my survival. After continuing to smoke, every time I do, I get these immediate radical fears. Like as soon as I feel high, I notice disturbances the could be imminent. Like maybe I didn't say something right to somebody earlier that day and upset them, or maybe I didn't put my joint out all the way and something could catch on fire. Sort of like a hyper focus on my actions that I don't have the sensitivity to notice when I'm sober. It kind of feel like when I'm high, I'm literally high and looking down on a lower me that I have been acting out, sorta. I also became super empathetic towards my dog, and just felt this overwhelming sense of wanting to be loving to my dog. I just layed next to him for half an hour and cried sporadically on one occasion. I may take another break soon, as I think smoking too much is not doing as much for me as when I started coming back to it. I don't want to become addicted.
  9. @exhale I have questions about meditation. Can I meditate in a chair? Do I have to be cross legged on the floor? I usually sit on the floor but use the wall as back support because I have really bad posture. The first time I meditated seriously a few months ago I started hyperventilating. But i kept going despite my mouth and limbs becoming numb, because I recall Leo saying that you're supposed to "die", and "let it happen". Weather he was referring to me literally dying or my ego dying I don't know, but I went with my intuition and just kept breathing. I also started crying my eyes out and have no idea why. and i tend to fall over from tiredness and snap myself back to position once my head falls forward. I try to do hour sessions with binural beats.
  10. @Nahm So what I got from that video is experience is dependent upon the experiencer, and what we see is only "there" if we are here. Does this mean that I am my experience? If nothing is real, then doesn't that mean that real is real but it is nothing? And all of the things I've experienced are not real because they are all things and i have never experienced nothingness truly? How can I experience nothing if experience isn't real but nothingness is? Seems paradoxical
  11. I'm having a little difficulty understanding why mathematics isn't universal. I'll admit, I haven't contemplated this deeply myself yet. Could someone answer this for me?
  12. I have a lot of deep questions, I could ask so many things. I'm getting into psychedelics soon, so I'm hoping that along with watching more videos on Actualized will help me make some progress. I think I may have to go back and watch some videos too.
  13. Does nothing really exist and things are just sort of appearing?
  14. @ajasatyaWell I guess I phrased this wrongly. I meant is it still real even if one organism doesn't know it's real, and another does?
  15. I can see that. But for a highly intelligent creature, would they just have an alternative way of living that completely bypasses math?
  16. Isn't it still true even if it's not understood? If math is only relevant to human logic, than how else would an alien go about calculating something to build a spacecraft persay? I'm just having trouble wrapping my head around this.
  17. Is it a good idea to take 4-ACO-DMT instead of 5 meo since I can legally source it? What about the other research chemicals mentioned here? These are all legal alternatives.
  18. I'm not 100 percent on this, but there are some videos where Leo doesn't use a script, implying that he at least has some guided notes of some sort for other videos. I intuitively feel that Leo's more current videos aren't using a script at all.
  19. I remember Leo saying that his teachings are fundamentally the hardest thing a human being can possibly learn. Can someone give me examples or elaborate on why this is the case? I know this is kind of a basic question, but if someone were to ask me what makes learning about consciousness harder than anything else, I'd like to give them a really good answer.
  20. Nutrition can be more confusing than people give it credit for. Even if you eat a certain amount of protein from one food, the protein quality of each food differs. Your best bet is to use a trustworthy nutrition tool online that will create a meal plan for you. Learning to strict your diet gets easier with habit. When you start, it may seem like it is extremely difficult or unsustainable. It gets easier with time. It doesn't help that it's hard to find reliable sources of information in this day and age.
  21. What are three sources I could cite for consciousness work? I find this to be tricky in a sense. Because all of this work boils down to learning it through your own experience, and theory is only a guiding force.
  22. I'm in Psy101 in college and for our end semester project we must give a powerpoint presentation on any of the topics we have studied. Since I have been watching Leo's lectures for about a year, I decided to challenge myself. I made the subject of my project about how our textbooks deeply underestimate consciousness by defining it as subjective experience, and that it is much greater than that. Does anyone have any tips for how I can go about this?
  23. I'm thinking of showing a piece of the film The Matrix in it. I told my teacher that people might think I'm crazy when I present. However she said that the information should be really helpful to people and she is looking forward to it. Do you recommend any exercises?
  24. Go to . Scooby offers the highest quality advice about diet and exercise more than anyone I know. Also, he created a tool called custommealplanner that will help you with your diet and its really incredible software. Diet is just as if not more important than your workouts. You may want to get into prepping your meals so you have 4 or 3 days worth of food at a time. You will probably spend even more time cooking than you do working out if you are eating properly. I cook for like 3 hours straight or more twice a week just so I have my meals prepared. If you are trying to lose weight, you may have an easier time, trying to "bulk" is more challenging.