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About Aerial

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    Dallas, TX
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  1. @MAYA EL Serious question: Is there a method behind the condescension you use in your posts?
  2. I've noticed that Enlightened people tend to go the path of least resistance. They "ride the wave" of life more easily and are grateful for what life brings to them. And let's be honest, life doesn't bring suicide upon you Lol You Gotta work to put a gun up to head?Life won't do that for you. So I guess, the simplest answer is, Enlightened people emulate life and do what life does. And life doesn't commit suicide, so they don't
  3. Gotta love that relativity!?
  4. I've had a few experiences like this. Usually lasts until mid-morning and then the rest of the day it feels like it was just a dream that's fading from memory.
  5. Makes sense?I'm pretty sure Alchemy was concerned with matters of the Self in the same way chemistry and biology focus on the body.
  6. Don't try to be fake and manipulative. Just be honest but persuasive
  7. There only limits are your capabilities. It's possible to move it any distance if you master it.
  8. Infinity can't be completed because infinity always introduces more and more stuff to master. Read Leo's Infinite Intelligence blog. Infinite Intelligence says the same thing: "I am too big to ever fully actualize" or something along those lines.
  9. You can meditate while going about work. Quietude isn't necessary (even though it does help).
  10. For me, it seems like the more I let go rather than trying to get them... the more I get them
  11. I'm actually glad somebody brought this up. In all this spiritual work, we tend to forget how significant concrete stuff still is. And that there truly is no distinction between spiritual stuff and concrete things.
  12. I just experience mild ones like glancing at the clock randomly and seeing 11:11, 5:55 etc.
  13. The third eye is more for "tuning into" different frequencies and interacting with realities other than this one. The spirit world, astral plane, faerie realms etc.