vindicated erudite

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Everything posted by vindicated erudite

  1. How are you able to astral project? Ive been trying for years.
  2. I am interested in discovering how language can be modified to remove things such as cultural bias or misinterpretation in order to communicate complex ideas more effectively. One way of doing this is by creating new unambiguous standardised words that are meant to be used in domain specific areas. A benefit of this idea can be applied to academia where instead of spending half a paper explaining what you mean by certain terms you can instead cite a dictionary to explain what you mean by said term. Another benefit would be that you be able to explain concepts precisely and simply as you would need less words to explain a topic. This would be very usual in debates since working memory often limits the depth of debates. Would anyone please be able to cite any works that build upon this idea?
  3. we might not be able to give words completely solid meaning but we can reduce margins of error significantly (until we come up with a solution).
  4. Imagine if we made up a language to discuss philosophy ,for example, the same way priests used to speak the bible in latin or the same way science uses mathematics. By creating a meta language separate from regular english ,for example, we can evolve that language to become more effective at exploring it’s field. You would not only be able to create new word definitions but adapt the grammar of the meta language to explain concepts more effectively. I don’t think I’m smart enough to explain what I’m trying to convey here but at the moment I’m calling it “linguistic constructivism”.
  5. Human technology is not capable of such a feat yet. I understand that language is not perfect however by going meta on language we can eliminate unnecessary resistance when communicating ideas.
  6. Does anybody have opinions on this twitter thread? From my perspective, understanding why so many men decided to transition from PUA to blackpill may be the first step to figuring out how to get men out of the blackpill. Here are 2 graphs you should be paying attention to from that Twitter thread:
  7. It means to acknowledge somebody's dignity and to not violate it.
  8. Lots of good advice in this thread, I'll add onto it by saying: Marketing = getting people to speak about your branding/vision/mission as much as possible.
  9. OP has said in the past he has autism. How is he supposed to know he's done all the above correctly?
  10. what's your thinking behind this?
  11. Social circle beats cold approaching.
  12. Just follow the other points I wrote in my previous post.
  13. Put a vibrator up your butthole and see what happens.
  14. This is against female to pull of such a thing. Even if girls do this they'll eventually want to settle down with someone.
  15. I've been this situation and I've put people in this situation and it sucks when you're left out, like really bad. A way to resolve the issue could be to ask the girl that liked if she knew of any girls that might be interested in your friend (or would be willing to talk to him) and forward the social media of any girls to your friend that way he has a reason to keep his hopes up. I'm assuming that alcohol was involved in this party which probably influenced him to become an asshole in this situation. I think it would be best if you reached out to him to bring the friendship back together.
  16. I've been this situation and I've put people in this situation and it sucks when you're left out, like really bad. A way to resolve the issue could be to ask the girl that liked if she knew of any girls that might be interested in your friend (or would be willing to talk to him) and forward the social media of any girls to your friend that way he has a reason to keep his hopes up. I'm assuming that alcohol was involved in this party which probably influenced him to become an asshole in this situation. I think it would be best if you reached out to him to bring the friendship back together.
  17. Don't go chasing after something she doesn't value in order to impress her. If she has feelings for you she has them for YOU and not some fantasy you want to portray to her.
  18. I agree with this. I don't think it's over for someone if they have autism. People can be quiet accepting of neurodivergents once they know somebody is autistic and know how to take their needs into account.
  19. Pay for sexual services. You might have to travel to a red light district in order to do this safely. But once you've lost your virginity you're going to realise that intimacy is more important than the act of sex itself. After you realise this you should focus on creating emotional connection with the women you want to date. Traveling to a shorter country might help with your height if you find that you get rejected to often because of it. This is what's holding you back. Inject your presence into social situations that contain lots of women. Then you have to get into the habit of conversing with women without trying to hit on them. Use these experiences to learn how to communicate with women. Then when once you're confident approach women with romantic interests. I think you should create a personal rule to limit the amount of women advance to romantically to something like for every 10 women you make laugh romantically pursue one female. This is to keep your morale up when you romantically pursue women. Change the rule to fit you. Another thing you can in friend groups is saying something like you're single and looking for a long-term partner if the topic of relationships rise in the convo. I'm assuming that you're in a Muslim conservative country (correct me if I'm wrong), if I'm along the lines that you'll just have to follow the advice in blue when in conversations with male elders. Also you can do the obvious stuff like hit the gym and work on your career.
  20. A significant amount of incels have autism which should be a contributing factor to why they make PUA work. I agree PUA is scammy however I think that women rely on looks when there's nothing else for them to work with thus would be the case in a cold approach scenario which is why PUA definitely benefits more attractive looking guys.
  21. I think confused is a better term.
  22. Both are alternatives are worse than PUA. PUA needs a new face tbh.