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Everything posted by Egzoset

  1. Salutations Aeris, Well i'd reason that the opposite of purity is vilification and there happens to be many vectors easily identifiable: 1st, the consumption method and associated ritual which i strongly believe to shape a person's habit. 2nd, man-made genetic selection, mainly in terms of THC:CBD ratio (e.g. "recreational" vs "medical"). 3rd, industrial processing ("Tumbled Weed"/"Blasting", Pest Control Products & secret ingredients). Those are some of my favourite topics and it turns out although i haven't been around until very recently there's already been some occurences when i tried to develop these ideas (*, *, *). In your present case lets argue that cannabis plants perform biologic "filtration" on a molecular basis at the site of genesis, conveniently collecting the precious substances within a trichome gland separated from its vegetal substrate by a capillary stem... If we assume a significant amount of potential contaminants get accumulated mostly in the leave's tissue then this suggests to me a relatively straightforward solution, which is to differentiate between trichomes and not-so-noble vegetation during the early "Release" phase of extraction. By chance the near-perfect spherical shape (hence contact-surface), specific (average) thermal capacity and mass of tiny trichome glands hardly matches those of typically larger shredded debris and i'm confident this is quite enough of a handle to explore Pulse Heating in this special context. Comparison of macro-snaphots may seem anecdotal but there's no doubt in my mind that it is "legal" vilification vectors which actually force me to prefer trichomes the way they used to be anyway. So i'd certainly agree about indoor cultivation being catastrophic but i don't think "Légaleezation" makes it any better, not the least bit! Ideally, though under similar adverse cirmumstances (...), the least worse option might be to select PCPs that ain't passing a trichome gland's external membrane. As for the consumtion method there's been too much "vaping death" insidents in USA not to get genuinely worried that repeated cooking around some coil's metal contact surface might easily exacerbate the risk in presence of PCP "soups", even the "legal" ones called "traces", because individual chemical effects then don't just add up: they multiply! So it's like acetaminophen + alcohol i figure, just a lot more complex (e.g. potentially toxic)... In other words leave all vegetal tissue behind and keep cooking to a minimum, though i feel concerned that further re-heating past the "Release" stage may be required, both to "Activate" then cause microscopic droplets size to shrink so it passes the alveolar/bloodstream barrier; otherwise who knows what happens if a larger size won't cause the cannabic cloud to remain trapped, etc. At that point YMMV. Good day, have fun!!
  2. Salutations, The root of bigot prohibitionism which i know & understand best (about cannabis) actually goes back to the Victorian age (1895) when a doctor of the British Empire got appointed in Cairo/Egypt to reform its El Abbasiya asylum. His name was John Warnock and he eventually posed as a "specialist"/"expert" though it appears he actually required assistance from a translator simply to communicate with his patients for 28 years... That so-called "expertise" on « Insanity from Hasheesh » later inspired equally mis-guided 3rd-party publications as that from Emily F. Murphy (aka Janey Canuck), who's Macleans 1922 articles were finally printed as a book titled "The Black Candle" that is said to have joined the "reference" section of the League of Nations library just a couple years before "Indian Hemp"/"Cannabis sativa L." was added without much explanations to the 1925 Geneva Opium Convention, effectively removing moral accountability by allowing politians to displace due debates outside each country's own democratic space. Since then our laws were gradually "harmonized" in an effort to implement the "Drug-Free World" utopia so dear to self-serving politicians as William Lyon Mackenzie King (e.g. between 2 devastating wars while eugenism + racism proved being rampant "elite" values"), ultimately followed by Nixon who gave it his own kick start, In The Name Of Children. Nonetheless lets also mention that USA was initially expected to lead such prohibition effort much sooner though internal political tensions over sovereinty delayed its support to an international "War-on-Drugs". Hence that's why USA citizens generally refer to the 1937 Marihuana Tax Act as a prelude only... At 1st biased politically convenient juxtapositions with heroin and opium were made, arguing that drugs including cannabis could be used for sexual slavery of vulnerable women and children in days when vast portions of voters couldn't even read, much less acquire informed opinions of their own on the subject. It was consecutive to abuse by dentists and apothecaries who lost previous "marihuana" control at the hands of doctors and pharmacists (as soon as 1890 in the Québec province). Etc. Briefly put it's a whole mess of which the "scientific" foundations wouldn't stand trial in a court of justice today. On top of it, another socio-toxic event dating back to 1880 - 1881 occured when James Albert Bonsack patented a machine rendering the cigarette consumption method commercially viable, while prior to such invention the cost of manual rolling prevented its spreading on a planetary scale. That's a crucial detail to include in the global perspective knowing how combustion smoke proved devastating in terms of Public Health, which brings the matter of successive predatory governments determined to overtax cigarettes which only contributed to vilify those much further, always failing to fix it in the meantime. Today's "vaping deaths" crisis can be thought to be a repetition of similar immature behaviour while it's clear at least to me that the consumption method shapes a user's profile. Additionally, prohibition boosting the mercantile value for an underground market resulted in extreme THC-centric genetic selection quite likely promoting "fidelization" of vulnerable individuals (predisposed to habit disorders) - a situation which is perpetuated under "legal" regimes including in my country. Worse, industrialization led to an ultimate form of mari-caca vilification under the form of "Pest Control Products" that even include/tolerate myclobutanil (ref.: Zyklon!), or if not then possibly approved "beneficial" predatory mold besides predatory insects, while adoption of presumably health-wise alternative consumption tools expose to a mix of "traces" with their effects being multiplied while intense Conduction Heat in e-Cigs submit those contaminants to repeated/frequent cooking that promotes secondary reactions, presumably seasoned with a dozen (or 2!) PCPs sprayed systematiclly to overcome bad cultivation practices, etc., etc. So, is it really cannabis killing youth today? I don't think so as it's been around long enough to survive civilizations... Then what else?? M'well, earlier this year in California LPs started to shop around for laboratories that made their "legal" shit pass pesticide tests more often than others, for example. Then rejected batches made it to the "illicit" market somehow. Which in a context of strong conductive heat in e-Cigs may very well have happened to precipitate a latent crisis, go figure. In any case the plant itself ain't to blame until predators cease control IMHO. In conclusion, the only safe way to consume cannabis today is to cultivate biological plants at home or delegate this task to a skilled person who can be trusted. Then serious reflexion is required to determine what's a consumption method most appropriate as a smoking substitute which would remain acceptable even in chronic exposure scenarios. Ultimately it's adults given fair options who shall transform the environment until rolling paper (made of wood fiber + glue!) finally disapears from all inventories, considering it's not possible to reach all kids more directly as history repeatedly demonstrated. Only then the lost statistically elusive teenagers of planet Itnoc can be "saved", i believe; meanwhile expect many more generations to endure a fate similar to my own many decades ago. M'well, that's one way for me to put it anyay. Most of the rest escapes my perspective except i'd insist for metered dosage combined to a consumption method & ritual which no longer promotes abuse (and perhaps even replace it with self-awareness hints from biofeedback), knowing with confidence it's counter-productive to aim for a crash against the tolerance wall (e.g. calling for frequent "T-Breaks") when in fact it proves much more satisfying (and economical) to ride on the safe side while acquiring enhanced appreciation of aroma/taste - a thing bigot prohibitionists just can't conceive nor accept as this would sound like further "banaleezation" to them. Etc. Good day, have fun!!
  3. Salutations John Iverson, M'well, i think that's one crucial problem with cannabis, or more precisely the ways to vilify it. The plant itself used to be relatively safe and can even be made beneficial, but it seems to me typical initiations expose to the acquisition/development of problematic habits for reasons i've tried to explain elsewhere (*) some while ago. Mainly it's about a lack of metered dosing, extreme genetic selection and potential contaminants (legal or otherwise). These days "vaping deaths" appear to confirm my personal belief that "The Shortest Path of Lesser Transformation" can help to avoid vilification by dosing abuse and chronic self-poisoning. Instead of e-Cigs lets consider the venerable/expensive Volcano vaporizer, for example. Although this machine effectively offers deep extraction its associated ritual induces apprehension if not impatience from the long 2 ~ 3 minutes required to fill a bag, consequently the user usually wants to empty it once ready and this alone challenges dosing IMO. Not to mention being confronted to a paradox when seeking improved aroma/taste appreciation as the larger bowls (~300 mg) produce more hints compared to a load reduced tenfold... In essence failure to perform the ultimate toke promotes an obcessional loop because the more one tries the more he's likely to fail while already passing the threshold of micro-dosing. In addition, the Volcano and its vast suite of emulators happens to belong to what i call Hot Dry Air Ovenizers; which ain't too bad if dealing with dry flowers of trustable origin and nature. Most unfortunately "legaleezation" caused industrial processing to spread multiple vilification vectors like "tumbling" which effectively raises the vegetal-to-trichome ratio, leaving behind more tissue impregnated with all sorts of Pest Control Products, poorly documented and even less understood in a long-term context involving "soups" of such contaminants (on top of "secret" additives). These last few years in Canada there's been multiple myclobutanil scandals though their impact was minimized by mass media, officials of Public Health seem even prompt to refer to "chemiophobia" as an excuse, actually dismissing serious complaints from medical patients made even more ill. Briefly put LPs worked hard to define low concentrations that may be declared "safe" for incidental use, but the fact is that there are a hundred products already and nobody knows what happens to human health when these are combined by the dozen in a chronic use context. At that point we're talking "mari-caca", now imagine performing deep extraction on it (plus secondary reactions from ovenizing)! In comparison i favour "1-Hit" consumption methods where a limited amount of energy matches some intended goal like to only target the contact surface of a smaler bowl, aiming for 25 ~ 30 mg tokes instead. The challenge here is to compensate a reduced cloud size with enhanced aroma/taste appreciation (doing more with less), which i believe to require a radical change of extraction strategy i've associated to impulse mode instead of popular thermalization. I could develop further but my point is that i find quite problematic to suggest alternatives to the cigarette/"joint" format. Overall, cannabis ends up being systematically vilified simply because there are no proper consumption methods breaking a "session" into smaller chunks that conveniently allow the user to leave it there after a few tokes only. Many decades ago i tried a smoker tool which contained the fumes between 2 inhalations, in retrospective i must argue it felt like being stressed by time, because i didn't want my fire to extinguish and it multiplied losses to light up again in between 2 extractions... So, the more i tried the more i failed while accumulating frustration; such paradox was a short cut to systematic abuse that eventually required frequent "Tolerance-Breaks", so i could abuse again. Metered dosing alternatives have been explored by Syqe and more recently Grenco/Vapium (Accudose) but i yet have to know what's inside, so i certainly can't pretend these are valid smoke substitutes that i'd be ready to evaluate myself, much less recommend with confidence. Last but not least, i wish to post this evocative graphic resulting from an old article: Leafly: How to help consumers understand the amount of THC and CBD in their cannabis (2017-Nov-29) It provides some perspective on possible explanations as to why cannabis markets focus on extreme genetic selection, e.g. either recreative THC-centric or more recently Full-CBD/1:1 for medical applications. My point is that if it's true THC and CBD are mutual moderators of each other then persons prone to marginal reactions should aim for the 2:1 (3:1 or even 4:1...) void left relatively unexplored even after "legaleezation". Dealing with conditions as ADHD i'd strongly suggest to stay away from extreme boundaries potentially amplified by other vilification factors as i just mentioned... What i'm saying i guess is that it's a bad idea to combust THC-centric stuff that was sprayed with industrial soups of pesticides, insecticides, miticides, fungicides, nematicides, bactericides - not even by using a fancy deep-extraction ovenizer, etc., etc. Hence i wish you luck! Good day, have fun!!
  4. Salutations Ross Labby, Smoking "joints" is a habit inherited after an invention patented by James Albert Bonsack who got rich by rendering the cigarette format commercially viable, which never really acounted for public health considerations since 1880 ~ 1881... So maybe it's quite about time for some healthwise update, hence please do yourself a great service by including non-combustion consumption methods in your opions! As a matter of fact i'd also point out such choice might prove crucial by significantly influencing your future user profile, for example a ~300 mg "joint" filled with potent THC-centric cannabis may already invite potential abuse, especially at 19. For starters it depends if it's being shared or not... Anyway, it would be too late to realize the initiation went wrong by the time you realize your need for "Tolerance Breaks" becomes more frequent. As a result i personally promote a toke-by-toke method, e.g. one that doesn't engage the user into stretching his "session" beyond what's actually sufficient in terms of dosage. In addition to gaining some degree of self-awareness between each toke i consider a habit ain't very satisfying if it doesn't also include a fair appreciative dimension, vastly based on aroma/taste in this most particular case; one major challenge being to do "more with less". IMO marginal/dysfunctional consumption issues often suggest there's been repeted abuse, which is why i point an accusating finger directly at the tool rather than the substance, because i recall when i used to smoke there was a difficult dilema to resolve between my urge to seek the ultimate toke vs a desire to "conserve" by avoiding loss from multiple igniting/extinctions, using the tool illustrated below (labelled as a "Tokeu"): There couldn't be a worse consumption tool for me, on top of being about combustion smoke. It rapidly led into a spiral as the more i tried the less i seemed to succeed. Not to mention that smoking actually destroys a large amount of noble molecules for no other prupose than to maintain the fire alive. That's a perfect objection to investing on something which costs more than paper & glue, while still having your consumption profile shaped by it. Now i propose we get a closer look at one fundamental challenge: The goal is to transfer to your bloodstream (via inhalation) a fair dose of the noble substances conveniently collected (practically "filtered") at the site of genesis on a molecular basis, delivered in natural packaging known as trichome glands... Assuming this is "bio" quality cannabis i'd strongly suggest to avoid any form of potential vilification by following "The Shortest Path of Lesser Transformation", which in my own case involves discrimination of the tiny "frosted" features in an approximative Pulse Heating scenario. Other solutions exist as well, though some trades-offs must be agreed in exchange for a prefered aspect. Stealthy pen comes to mind, etc. Which is one of the multiple possible forms of self-vilification as far as i'm concerned. ... In any case good day, have fun!!