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Everything posted by bazera

  1. @Happy Lizard What makes you think that? I've been working as a Front-End Developer for the last 4 years, it's the 3rd company that I'm in right now, and as far as I'm aware, job opportunities are growing year by year, and there is a shortage of quality developers on the global market. I'm pretty sure you can land a well-paying job once you get enough experience in the field. You can get that experience working as an intern or a junior developer in some company. Also, most companies adopted a remote-working style after Covid, so you'll probably have an option to work remotely from home as well. The most important skills you need to have to succeed in this are: Understanding core concepts of programming and software development in general Having a solid big picture grasp of your language and framework, having good technical knowledge in it Problem-solving skills (maybe you should prioritize this above all else). Being proficient at solving Leetcode style problems, because solving problems is basically what we do as software developers Communication skills. Because you'll have to work in a team environment, and you'll have to deal with lots of egos lol There are other things as well, but if you focus on these, I'm sure you'll succeed in this field without worrying about not having job options.
  2. Just do your own research. Have an attitude of independent researcher, Google is the only tool you need basically. You can change your life by learning how to Google correctly.
  3. Hey guys, What do you plan to work on the following year? What are the goals you have or the habits that you want to install? For me, I wanna explore my dreams more, and become lucid in them more and more frequently. Also, I wanna develop my technical skills even more, to monetize them even better. Cleaning up my diet and working at my fitness is also what I want to do. What about you?
  4. That is an Integral Stage which can be accessed independent of your Waking Up State (what you refer to as Enlightenment). Also, you can be awoke at any Stage. But raising your State helps with raising your Stage and vice-versa.
  5. @Opo It caused very bad constipation, basically taking a crap was super painful each time, for 3 days straight and I had to eat some veggies, it got fixed the next day. @Michael569 Thanks, man. Yeah, I've been trying to clean the diet for the whole year but I had cheat days weekly, and some weeks I broke the diet entirely, so it was like a yo-yo diet, which didn't affect psoriasis at all. I guess I have to just bite the bullet and cut the junk out entirely. Maybe starting the ones you listed, junk, sugar, takeaways, pizzas and that kind of things, and maybe nightshades the next.
  6. Hey guys, I've been having psoriasis for multiple years and haven't found a solution for It yet. Do any of you guys have it too? And if so, what solutions have you tried? I tried 5 days of water fasting, 0 effects. Maybe 14+ days will do something but it's so hard to do that. Also, I tried the carnivore diet for 2 weeks but it caused some bad digestive issues and I had to stop. 0 effects in that 2 weeks. I tried juice detox for 2 weeks but didn't help. I am not consistent with a healthy diet, maybe that's why and it needs months of a super clean healthy diet for it to reduce.
  7. I think he has been stuck in stage Blue mentality, but most of what he talks about are kinda useful for many of us. I mean the kind of discipline that he provokes many of us are lacking in our lives. But living like that your whole life, I don't know how healthy that would be. I don't think that Goggins will find inner peace the way he approaches life.
  8. Oh man, he is so good How long would a noobie tech nerd require to get to that level of charm and game? I guess never, lol
  9. @Leo Gura What are the greatest costs of having a relationship for you? And isn't it sometimes the case that benefits outweigh the costs?
  10. Hey guys, I just bought Mind Illuminated, for those of you who haven't heard of it, it's a book that teaches you meditation. I'm just curious if any one of you has read it, found it useful, and practiced the instructions it gives on meditation? I also think that it over-complicates it, but I want to hear your thoughts about it. Maybe just mastering Mindfulness with Labeling, as Leo teaches it, is sufficient and there is no need to overcomplicate meditation?
  11. @Consilience @nistake Thanks for the feedback guys. Yeah, I also think that it will be worth my time to learn what this book tries to teach. Even if I change the technique in the future, the subtle distinctions that I think I'll learn with this will still be valuable I think.
  12. Hey, I'm just curious about your ideas, where do you meet new and interesting people? I mean, one way of meeting new people is like cold approaching them somewhere. Outside of that, if you don't change jobs or if you aren't in university, basically it becomes much harder to get into new social circles. What are your ideas and possible solutions for this? I was thinking of going to the events where I would find like-minded people. Like meditation and yoga events, or holotropic breathing sessions for example, or stuff like that. Any ideas?
  13. @StarStruck Yeah that's an idea Do you like dancing salsa or just doing that to meet hot girls.
  14. @Matt23 Yeah, I haven't thought about that, thanks.
  15. @Bando Oh yeah, becoming a teacher is a nice option, I became a teacher recently, but with a very limited amount of students, and that's why I didnt saw that as a medium for meeting lots of new people. New hobbies sounds interesting, if one finds workshop or seminar about it, yeah.
  16. @Leo Gura What do you consider the core of all those addictions? I mean, the structure of a porn addict and an alcoholic should be similar, but the same people who get addicted to porn aren't addicted to some other things that other people get addicted to. I think the reason behind all those addictions include many things, including environment, how they were raised, how they handle emotions, all the insecurities and traumas should also play major role, how they view life and their place in it in general, etc
  17. @Leo Gura Leo, what do you see as the reason behind nofap community? It has it's excesses, right, but as I noticed, porn didn't become an addiction for you. It clearly becomes a toxic addiction for many people, even for most of the people using it. I am not talking about masturbation, but porn usage itself. And the damage that porn addiction causes can be pretty bad from what I've seen. I guess it becomes an addiction the same way that all the other addictive things become addictions, like video games or smoking. And I guess there are some gamers who can play from time to time with no bad consequences, and there are people who literally ruin their life's potential with video games. I think it's same with porn.
  18. @Leo Gura Yeah man, absolutely. Even your attraction videos and reading dating books from your booklist has helped me a lot. Thanks for that. I'll surely do further research. @RendHeaven Thanks dude, I'll delve into those videos as soon as possible
  19. @Leo Gura Leo, you mentioned RSD videos couple of times already. Can you tell me where should I find those? Or you just mean stuff thats on YouTube? Or is there a seperate video course or something?
  20. @Leo Gura Can you give an example of an impossible thing thought with supermind? Like what. What do you mean by new kinds of thoughts?
  21. @Leo Gura Is that a course you are referring for a couple of years? The one about reprogramming the subconscious mind. Or is it something else?
  22. @Leo Gura Dude Did you watch porn? Or just using your fantasy. Because there are people who get real disabilities from jerking off that many times while watching porn. PIED and shit like that. What is the difference between you and them? Why didn't you get those same disabilities. I think your diet wasn't also that clean in the past if we just attribute brain fog and mental and physical things to the combination of bad food and lots of porn.
  23. @Leo Gura What do you think of cheat days? Like eating heavy carbs and stuff once a week or once every two weeks. With the goal of eliminating them in time. Its really hard to unhook eating habits cold turkey. At least in my experience.
  24. Hey guys, I want to tell you a little bit about my situation and then hear if any of you face the same challenges. In 2014, I entered college to become a computer scientist. I liked that field more or less, I liked technical fields at school too and, I thought being a software developer was a promising career. 4 years ago I started working as a front-end web developer for a local company, And right now, I'm still working as a front-end developer but in another company (I've changed the company I worked for three times). My frustration began couple of years ago when I entered this field and started to work on real-life projects and delved into the programmers' culture. I didn't like it much, I thought I would give it a try a bit more and I would like it more and more but that didn't happen. I like some things about building software but, I think there are other things that I'm more passionate about... This brings us to art. So, since childhood, I've been drawing for myself and I've always had this passion for art. When I was a kid, I was learning adobe photoshop, adobe after effects, blender, cinema 4d, and stuff like that. I really liked the idea of becoming an artist. But I didn't know what were the possibilities. I have the same passion for art since then till now. So, I'm kinda stuck. I have a relatively high income with my software dev career, which pays rent, supports family, and stuff like that. But on the other hand, there is this hidden passion and hidden part in me which wants to be an artist and doesn't know (yet) how to transition. One of the options I think is to get a part-time job as a developer for a couple of years, maybe 1-2, and spend the other half of my time developing my art skills (which need lots and lots of daily practice to get better). I don't know yet what are the options for earning money as an artist (concept artist, 3D artist, or something like that), but as I'm researching, I'm sure that there are lots of ways, the main thing is to have a portfolio and skills sufficient enough. I was also thinking of creating a brand, and using my future developed art skills to create products or services that could help or inspire people in some way, I don't know the way yet. At this point, I only have a small vision, but I've been denying this for a couple of years now (because of financial fears), but I can't do that anymore. I'm 25 years old now and the clock is ticking So, I just wanted to hear your thoughts, have you had familiar cases in your career? How did you handle it?