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Everything posted by bazera

  1. Hey guys, Those of you who don't eat meat, why don't you? I've been thinking of trying a vegan diet for a while, but all there will be left is veggies, fruit, eggs, nuts, and seeds to eat a healthy diet. So it limits food options. What benefits do you find personally in not eating meat?
  2. Hey guys, just found a documentary based on a famous psychedelic book called How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan There are a couple of episodes, probably more is coming. Just wanted to share this
  3. @Leo Gura Do you recommend eating quality flour products prepared at home? Like, almond flour or coconut flour stuff.
  4. @GroovyGuru I'm just like you, feeling guilty most of the time when I fail to live up to the high standards that I set for myself. Maybe just appreciating your overall developmental progress, comparing your current self to your old self will give you a better perspective than guilt. Also, I like to look at this guilt and anxiety as part of emotional labour that has to be done for me to step up. Maybe feeling that guilt fully is a better option than avoiding it. Leo recently posted a video called How To Fall In Love With Life, that helped a lot.
  5. Google is your friend here. Just pick a topic you are interested in and research the hell out of it. Books, articles, videos, etc. You have to build skills of doing research on your own. Leo does a great job of delivering ideas / insights that he generates / researches, but you must learn to do it your own because you have specific issues that Leo can't cover.
  6. @eggopm3 Yes, and also the value I see in these kinds of documentaries is just raising awareness around psychedelics in society. Most people still demonize them, and maybe some of them will change their minds after at least seeing this show. Similar to how Leo did his "Correcting The Stigma Of Psychedelics" series years ago. It serves the same purpose.
  7. @Batman Yes, it's a sort of an introduction / history / culture.
  8. @Michael569 Yup, I'd agree on that. Meat has the highest percentage in my diet currently, I don't know what to eat if I don't eat meat. I think it will be hard for me to feel full on only vegetables and fruit. But at least a month without meat is a nice experiment.
  9. @Leo Gura So the path of outgrowing capitalism goes along with the path of outgrowing survival?
  10. @Leo Gura Oh sorry, sure, I was asking about living together. Basically I wanted to know what you think about marriage. I get a sense that you think it's not workable.
  11. @Leo Gura If you think that living alone is bound to stagnate, what are your thoughts on marriage?
  12. @Leo Gura Hey man, speaking of SIBO, did you manage to cure yours? I think the last time you posted about that, you were trying a carnivore diet. Did it work? What's your regime now. Just curious, cause I have some autoimmune issues as well and trying to research/implement some of the dietary and fitness advice. Your updates were useful for that.
  13. @Leo Gura Increasing that number is a very direct way. But don't you think it's also a matter of working and integrating a shadow? I mean, psychological and spiritual work.
  14. @Leo Gura What do you think are the best ways of dropping that?
  15. Hey @Leo Gura I just rewatched your older video, this one: And I wanted to ask you, how would you compare that state to a state you have now? Zen master told you that you saw a few hairs on ox's tail, was he right? How would you comment on that experience after having hundreds of Awakenings? And is it possible to recreate what you describe in that video using low doses of psychedelics?
  16. @Leo Gura Is it rare to have that kind of experience after 10 days of meditation? I think you did more meditation retreats after that, could you recreate it easily? Just trying to get a sense of what is possible on average with hardcore 10 day meditation retreat.
  17. @Leo Gura Hey Leo, wanted to ask you a question kinda similar to this thread. For the last couple of years, I've been working and developing highly demanded web-development skills. I'm 27 years old and I don't have my own house, paying rent at the moment and when I calculated my monthly expenses, it's about 1700$ (I live alone but also I'm providing for my family). I was thinking of maybe collecting 100k$ and buying a house in 2-3 years. But what you said above got me thinking. My long-term plan is to have my own income source (I don't know how yet) and to figure out how and try some things, I need some free time, months maybe. The good thing about web development is that I can do freelance jobs even part-time, or work for a couple of months, and then take a couple of months off. Making 5-6k$ each month, and considering that I only need ~1700$ to support myself and my family, I am able to take time off and even travel a bit with my savings and explore spirituality a bit as well. But if I decide to buy a house, that won't be possible yet. So basically my question is, what do you think, is it a good idea to buy a house in late 20s?
  18. Hey guys, I've been wanting to try out psychedelics for quite a while now, but I want to do my first trip in a safe environment, and since it's really hard to get them locally, I thought of attending a psychedelic retreat. After googling for a while, I found some, but I wanted to know your experiences with them if any of you have had it. There are plenty of psilocybin retreats in Amsterdam for example. Could you recommend something?
  19. @Leo Gura But you had prior experiences with stronger psychedelics like 5-Meo, right? So you are saying that it's also possible without prior breakthrough experiences on other psychedelics?
  20. @Leo Gura I think people are demonizing excessive and compulsive forms of it, which can become problematic for real. But the same goes with everything basically. We don't want to be eating excessively and compulsively either and need to learn how to eat in healthy ways, but there is no community with the name of NoFood lol. But there is intermittent fasting protocol, detox protocols, diets, and stuff, that helps people to learn how to eat relatively correctly. I think people also need to know that it might get problematic if your whole life is consumed by fapping and porn (and for many it is), and NoFap is an attempt at telling that in my opinion.
  21. @patricknotstar Hey. How do you manage to lucid dream that often? What techniques do you use and how long have you been doing it?
  22. I think he also mentioned that he is working of a course that might come out this year.
  23. Check these apps, and choose the one you like. They have solid exercises routines, and what's awesome is that it is structured and tells you exactly what, when and how much to do, so you have to just do it on a daily basis. I was having paralysis by analysis when deciding what exercise routine to choose (at home, without a gym trainer), and those apps saved me tons of time.
  24. @Happy Lizard Yes, those are fine, but that shouldn't be your only source. But if you do a couple of Udemy courses, and build a portfolio, then apply as an intern or junior web dev (depending on the skills you learn from Udemy), I think you'll land a job. Most important is to actually do stuff independently, not depending on Udemy or any other courses. Make your own projects, as portfolio projects. That is the best way to learn except for maybe landing an actual job and working in a team with actual projects. That might be true for people who don't want to invest in learning skills and building a solid portfolio. A company must see the value in you, that you are a valuable asset to make an investment in you. Show them that