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Everything posted by bazera

  1. @Eyowey Why? ? Won't that make it taste bad? @Roy What about weight training? I read in the book called "Burn the fat, feed the muscle" that if you want more fat burn you should prioritize weight lifting. But I'm not sure if I agree with that or not. As the author wrote, ideally you should do both, but weight lifting is more important.
  2. @Asayake Thanks for your detailed explanation. Right now I'm trying to lose 45 pounds. I've read in multiple books that reducing my carb intake to 50-100 grams a day will help me with that because I won't generate as much insulin and fat storage will be emptied easier. I am also trying to not eat more than 1800 calories a day (I'm a 27 years old male, 180cm in height, so maintenance calories are like 2600, and I'm doing a deficit). I plan to do that for 3 months. But 50-100 carbs are a bit harder to sustain, and on most days I eat 100-150g carbs. Do you think that after I lose this weight and I get back to the maintenance calories, the chances of me getting that weight back on become higher?
  3. @Asayake Strange. I thought eating above your maintenance level would cause weight gain. So if you eat like 4000 calories of fruits, you don't gain any weight? How come?
  4. @UDT Yes, I also intuit that a more balanced diet is healthier if you don't have any intolerances. I think the benefit of these kinds of diets is, if you have any autoimmune disease or something that doctors can't treat, maybe you can try just eating only fruits for 3 months, and see what happens. In the long term, yes I would agree that a diet with balanced macronutrients seems more reasonable.
  5. @Asayake Why? From your experience? Maybe 90/5/5 is doing some damage that will show itself in the future. I'm not sure either, but it doesn't seem natural to only eat fruits.
  6. @Michael569 Yeah I agree. And what do you think of eating only fruits in general? Even if you don't have any autoimmune conditions, do you think that eating only fruits can give you all the micro and macronutrients that the body needs? I mean, how are those people on the above YouTube channel healthy? As I know, protein is like a building block for our bodies, not only for the muscle tissues but for all the other things as well. Also, as I know, some fats are necessary, like essential fats that our bodies need to absorb vitamins better. And also from the evolutionary perspective, people ate a more balanced diet, not only one category of food. Protein, carbohydrates, and fat were balanced. Doesn't only eating fruits disrupt that balance? (in case you don't have any special condition and can eat other things as well)
  7. @Jannes I have an autoimmune condition called psoriasis, and I wanted to test if an all-fruit diet would make any difference. But I'm kinda afraid that I'll be lacking essential nutrients that I get from other food, like proteins and fats.
  8. Hey guys, Because of inconsistency, last year I haven't really benefited from my meditations, I was skipping too many days. As the new year resolution I'm commited to stick to my habit no matter what. But I experience feet numbness after like 20 minutes, basically I can't feel my legs any more. I freaked out and stopped at 25-30 minute mark, even though I was going for 60 minutes. I kinda know that it's common and not really something to be concerned about, but still, do you guys experience that as well? And does the condition improve after lots of practice?
  9. @IDressMyDog Yeah I sit crossed legged. I use meditation cushion for a bit of an elevation.
  10. I am a software developer, and my manager told me to figure out how to do Web AR (Augmented Reality). Instead of Googling my way toward the solution, I started asking questions to ChatGPT. I figured everything out in a couple of minutes, including how to write an actual specific solution that we needed. So, this just made my work way faster. I have it opened as a separate tab all day because it helps me with many things. Like for example automating some boring development work, or documenting my code better. I see the future as having AI assistants in all human fields. I'm also teaching front-end development, and I tried and the assignments that I give to students, basically all of them can be written with ChatGPT. So the entire education system must be overviewed. The concept of homework might not make sense anymore in the near future. Or we will be needing a much better way of assessing people's work. My little sister started cheating and she makes ChatGPT write her English essays for school homework, lol.
  11. @BlessedLion How did you retire at that young age?
  12. @Leo Gura Don't you see any benefit from an hour of daily meditation? I'm not talking about Awakening or mystical experiences. Maybe increasing a baseline of awareness bit by bit, or helping to master emotions.
  13. @Leo Gura Why can't it be recorded with a regular camera? Do you see it in the mirror?
  14. @Leo Gura You've referred to "insane levels of consciousness" in the past as well. And you also said that you've had experienced some insanity on mushrooms. How was this different? And exactly what do you mean by insanity?
  15. @Leo Gura Doesnt ED drugs come with some nasty side effects? Is Cialis safe for young people?
  16. Hey guys, I've been thinking of ways to make an intimate relationship deeper and more fulfilling. Here are some of my ideas: Improving sex life, learning to have better and deeper sex. Learning to communicate mindfully, being aware of one's own biases and ego's self-defense mechanism during conversations. Watching oneself like a hawk. Communicating each other's deepest wishes, needs, visions, and values. Making sure not to take a relationship for granted. That makes you lazy and inactive. Developing a deep desire to improve all aspects of a relationship, and working consistently on them. Having spiritual experiences together. Learning Love Languages and satisfying each other's needs according to those languages. Visiting beautiful places and savoring those experiences. Unhooking yourself from social media, and internet distractions so you are fully concentrated on each other while being together. Working on your life in general, having and doing many things that you love, and not making a partner the center of your life. Paradoxically that makes for the best relationship. Being aware of impermanence and your attachments and clinging tendencies. Softening those to make room for a conscious relationship. That's emotionally challenging. Not avoiding things that are emotionally challenging, like talking with a partner on a topic that makes you hurt emotionally, but if not spoken, rottens the relationship inside out. Make sure to not have anything like that. Working on your self-esteem issues. Making sure that there are no gaps in that area. Improve it as best as you can. Having clean diet and exercise routines. That will affect all areas of your life, including intimate relationships by having a better sex life, more energy, more vitality, better mood, etc. These are some of the things that I consider crucial to deepen your intimate relationships. What are your thoughts on this? What do you think can make your relationship more conscious and deeper?
  17. @Clabber Girl Any specific examples of things that can be done as a team comes to your mind?
  18. @King Merk Yup, it takes weeks and months to apply those, and other things as well. But that's the whole point of a relationship, that applying process itself is creating a relationship. So it's just a question of doing things consciously or unconsciously.
  19. This has been discussed here:
  20. @Leo Gura What are your opinions on a software development career? I think it's just a medium but can be very profitable money-wise. And that money can be used to buy free time and bootstrap something more meaningful than just creating software for companies that might not align with one's values.
  21. Look for other more quality freelance platforms like Toptal or Turing. Minimum rate is 25-30$ there as I remember and you can easily get that up to 40$+ in some time. But it's not easy to get into those platforms as it's on Upwork or Freelancer. You need to pass a serious coding interview and make a project to be accepted.
  22. Someone on Midjourney Discord server made a comic with it. This is awesome
  23. @Leo Gura Do you still do some formal daily practices like meditation or yoga or something like that? If you do, what kinds? Or you developed your own things through experience