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Everything posted by bazera

  1. @Aldo Marchand So you say that emotions are just labels? So sadness for example, is it a feeling or an emotion? Whenever I feel sad, I label the feeling inside my body as "sadness". Should I consider that label as an emotion? @Henri I kinda don't understand what you're saying. Can you give me an example?
  2. This is a huge problem for me too, so I would appreciate if somebody helped me and @Philipp with an advice or a book recommendation.
  3. Do you speak Russian?
  4. I will tell you what I am doing.. I try to change my habits month by month, so what do I mean. For example, I say that I will read at least 1 hour a day for the next 30 days, and I do that, nothing else (to make the activity into a habit needs something like 30 days or a bit more, from my experience). After 30 days, I say that I will exercise for like 30 minutes a day, and I do that for the next 30 days, but I don't stop reading, I read for 1h/day and exercise 30m/day for the next 30 days. After that period of time, I say that I won't eat sugar for example, for the next 30 days, and I do that, with reading and exercising. The idea here is to let the activity become a habit, and focus only on that process. When you try and force yourself to change your lifestyle and get all sorts of new habits in 1 week, you will get frustrated and you'll probably fail. The more natural process would be the one I described, that will require some time as you suspect, but trust me, it's worthy
  5. I think there is no "best" time or way to journal. It's individual I think. I, personally, write my thoughts in my journal before I go to bed, because I don't remember what emotions I felt during the day, when I wake up. So It's better for me to write all that down before I go to sleep. And I write on paper with pen, that's more comfortable to me, looking at the computer screen all day really makes me tired, and pen and paper gives me the possibility to change an environment a bit. So, do as you feel is best for you
  6. I listen to music on my earphones whenever I am alone outside, and haven't thought that it may be a wrong thing to do. Can you tell me why did you stop, more specifically?
  7. Hey, 20 years old here, and I am glad to find Leo at this age. I think there are quite a lot of young people like us on this forum
  8. @Ruth Do you know what I am doing in order to not forget it? I add "Schedule the next day" as the last thing in my daily to do list, that really helps, because, every day when I do everything according to my to do list, at the end of a day I see at the end of the list - "Schedule the next day", and I just do it, takes 2-3 minutes Yup, it has been almost 2 months for me now, and I am feeling how this becomes my new daily habit
  9. I have exactly the same problem, learning is my top priority, or at least I want it to be, but I end up with procrastinating day after day after day... Just like you. One thing that has helped me a lot is scheduling my next day. Before going to sleep, I journal the passed day, emotions I felt, things that happened, ideas that came to my head and etc. I write all of that in ny notebook, and I also schedule what I will be doing the next day, hour by hour. Something like this: Wake up at 7:00 o'clock do something from 10:00 to 12:00 o'clock do anoter thing from 13:00 to 15:00 o'clock etc... This helps me a lot, because I don't waste my energy into thinking what I'm going to do at a certain time. I know exactly what I should be doing at any moment of the day. It's up to my willpower now, if I accomplish all the things from my checklist or not. Maybe you should try something like that too
  10. Hm, that's kind of what I am experiencing too, just right now, I wanted to point to Leo's video in which he talks about how you should not worship anybody
  11. Hey, this has been an issue for me for a while now and I would like to hear different thoughts about this. Sometimes I can't help myself and fall asleep while reading something important to me. This may sound a bit silly, but as I am trying to develop a reading habit, this doesn't let me do that. Any suggestions?
  12. "Human beings always act and feel and perform in accordance with what they imagine to be true about themselves and their environment" - Maltz Maxwell, Psycho-Cybernetics
  13. @Samuel You are describing my problem too mate, and if anybody suggested us anything that would help us, that would be great, but as Leo said, we must "get shit done", and just have a control and feeling when it is really necessary to watch another video, or read another article about studying, instead of actually studying. Self discipline is needed I think, which I personally lack of, and am working on. I'm glad you've shown my problem to me from different perspective.
  14. Oh my, your last 2 points just opened my eyes I think that's exactly what I am doing lately, but isn't that benefitial too? You mean that we should be working all the time, and don't let ourselves be here too? I actually have scheduled when to scroll this forum throughout the day.
  15. Hey, I have noticed that I judge a lot of people unconsciously. As soon as I got the idea of "personal development", and as soon as I set self-actualization path for me, I kind of started looking at people differently. I have no control of the thoughts, but I notice them, and I know that they are not healthy, but I can't help the fact that I am thinking them. Like when I look at somebody scrolling Facebook for hours, I immediately think something like: "Oh, look at him, he is wasting his precious time on scrolling useless stuff, I have already deactivated my account, so I am somehow better then him!" And after I realize what's going on in my head, I start to feel that something is not right, that I am doing a complete opposite thing to what I should be doing and should be learning about. I know that Leo said in his videos that we can use these kind of people as mirrors, and reminders of what we shouldn't be doing and what we may be doing in other areas of our lives. I also know that judging others will backfire me with judging myself (from the above example, I may scroll Facebook some day again, and I will immediately label myself with something negative) But in spite of all that, I still can't help the fact that I am thinking that way. I am clearly thinking, before even realizing, things like: I am better in this, I am better in that... Do you have any suggestions to help me overcome this problem?
  16. @Ramu Feel free to message me any time you want this forum has become a daily thing for me too. It's kind of a new habbit.
  17. @Ramu Thanks so much for the recommendation my friend, will definitely read it
  18. @Psychonaut Same here mate, but I am close to 2 months without fapping now. Keep it up!
  19. @Leo Gura That would be great Leo, and hope that you will do that in a near future, because this is an issue for lots of people.
  20. I have to thanks Leo for this forum whenever I have a possibility, so here is another one Thanks Leo and each and every one of you, it has been just a week and this forum has already become a daily thing to me.
  21. @Avi What do you think about the judgment that I make on my judgments? (towards people). Amn't I supposed to think of them as unhealthy thoughts?
  22. @Sarah_Flagg Yes you are right, everyone is exactly where they need to be, I am exactly where I need to be too, and if I was able to get on the right path, everyone is able to do the same, it's just a matter of time. Everyone may have something that I dont't have yet, and with my ego's "logic", they can be better then me too, but I must see how stupid is the idea of comparing so much generally..@Pinocchio Then what I have to do is continue being aware, and continue working on my awareness more and more. Eventually time will show me what will be neseccary for the next step. @Neuroticon I have seen that couple of times, but again, my ego is so fucking strong, that I opened up this thread to ask for your support, because I couldn't handle it my own. @Thomas Your story is like mine, and thanks for sharing those titles, will definetely check out.
  23. What I would suggest is that you should devote one month to gaining one positive habit. For example: In february you decide to fix your time managing problem, and use all your resources for doing that, also keep your focus only on developing time managing skills. After 30 days, you still continue that, but also begin new thing, for example going to the gym and beginning to lose some weight, after another 30 days, don't stop neither of them (time management and losing weight) and begin a new thing... And in couple of months, you will have gained couple of new habits, and you will also gain an experience in building new habits.
  24. @AnonJohn Thanks mate, I will surely try to read sitting up in a chair, and see if that helps. @Naviy Hmm, interesting. I only sleep for like 5-6 hours. Maybe that's why I'm having that problem... @WarPants Thanks for your suggestions
  25. @phizzuela Thanks, I'll consider all of those. I haven't done a meditation ever, so I think it's appropriate time to start meditating.