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Everything posted by bazera

  1. What do you think, if you are interested in spirituality, pursuing enlightenment and all that, does your partner need to be on board with that? Why would you want her to be interested in what you are interested in? I kinda agree with you, but when I think about it, your own development narrows down the options of possible partners. There aren't lots of green+ girls with which you'll have your values aligned plus who you'll find attractive, are they? That probably heavily depends on where you live.
  2. Hey, I want to understand economics and I'm looking for some resources to do so. Do you know any good resources (books, courses, lectures, etc)?
  3. Chakras are just models, that have its origins in Hinduism, and reference energetic centers that are located inside your body. I think that you won't actually understand what a chakra is referring to, unless you actually experience it yourself, in the same way that you can't experience a taste of an apple unless you actually eat the thing. If you want to understand what chakra is referring to, and how to experience it yourself, I recommend reading this book: and doing further research, at least theoretically
  4. What should I handle in my life before having a family of my own? How do I reconcile having a family with doing the consciousness work?
  5. @Leo Gura As I remember, you once asked Ralston to take 5meo. Did he tell you the same thing? that there can be no way? There must be the reason for why does he think like that. What do you think is the reason? Just lack of experience and closed-mindedness?
  6. @Leo Gura What do you mean by strength and leadership qualities? How do I know if I have them or not? Because, obviously some men do have them by default (considering their life experience). What does being strong and a good leader look like in practice? Can your work help men develop these qualities? I mean the stuff you teach, for example: mindfulness, love, ability to let go, ability to look at a situation from a different perspectice, having multiple perspectives on a thing, importance of having nondual experiences, importance of being more egoless than selfish, etc, etc. Can a man, who doesn't even know that self-reflection is a thing, be a strong leader?
  7. @Leo Gura So, do girls also walk around the mall thinking whether they would fuck that guy or not too? If not, than what is the thing they do? And generally, how important are looks for women in a relationship compared to men?
  8. Is Shadow Work one of the ways to work with our fears? Is projection and shadow coming from the unconsious fear? Can all types of fears be overcome by doing a single thing? Or are there multiple ways to handle multiple types of fears? As I understood, the fundamental thing that we are trying to do with this work is ultimately dealing with our fears. And a path of having a wounded ego => having a healthy ego => transcending an ego, is fundamentally about maximizing love and minimizing fear. Am I correct?
  9. @Leo Gura What do you consider as a good theoritical foundation? If I read every book from your booklist from consciousness / meditation section, watch all your videos, and also have a meditation practice, will that make my foundation good enough to try psychedelics?
  10. @Leo GuraHow was this done? I mean, you held a pen and a paper, wrote a question and than the voice was answering your question and you just wrote it?
  11. How many of you have had a lucid dream on a will? And how much time did it take you to have the first one? I've observed that becoming aware of the recurring patterns inside a dream can help you become lucid.
  12. Hey, I have zero experience with psychedelics, or anything like that. But after learning lots of theory about nonduality and enlightenment, I want to have a little mystical experience using psychedelic substances. But I have no idea what to expect, or what am I suppose to start with. Is a microdose of LSD good for my purposes? And also, what is the ideal environment for the thing I am looking for? I suppose an empty room will do. And I suppose trip sitter is necessary too. What would you suggest?
  13. @Leo Gura What do you mean Jesus was not a human being?
  14. Hey, I just want to know whether or not it is possible to have an awakening experience of nothingness or no-self without a serious spiritual practice or psychedelics. I can't have practice because of some environmental reasons (which I'm actively working on to fix) I can't get my hands on psychedelics either. For this, I have to travel, which I can't afford yet (I'm also actively working on to fix this) I know that fastest way to have a glimpse is psychedelics, but given the condition I find myself in, I'll have to wait for a couple of years (or maybe less) to be able to get them. So, that leaves me with a very limited list of options I guess. As far as I understand, the best way for me is 10-day solo meditation retreat. Can you tell me what can I do other than that? The reason why I am asking all of this is that I was planning my life couple of years ago such that I thought I would be able to experience my true nature at least once, in 2-3 years. Then something unexpected happened and I've found myself not capable of even doing a meditation. I just kept reading books and filling myself with all the theory. Now I'm working on the aspects of my life which will enable me to get back on track and pursue the Truth more actively. But that will probably require some time, at least a year or more. I just can't wait anymore. Sometimes all I can think of is these stuff, all the ways that my egoic behavior damages me, and all the unconsciousness that goes into my life... I need to see what is this about, see how deluded I am. I want to know how it feels to look at the world and don't make a distinction of me vs not-me, even for a couple of seconds. I even thought of learning Lucid Dreaming in order to have a glimpse of nonduality at least in my dream Is that possible? So, what can I do?
  15. @cetus56 Yup, I guess I have to arrange the right circumstances @Truth Addict I've also bookmarked it I think I'll try that too
  16. Thanks for the replies so much They gave me some ideas, also made me realize how lazy I am. So, I'll have to fix that, thanks.
  17. Yeah, I try to skip the foundation and I try to satisfy myself (aka ego). I guess I have to be much wiser then this, the approach I'm using won't cut it. I think I'll continue building my foundation and contemplate what I'm genuinely interested in, even if I don't start a formal practice yet... I'll start by asking myself why do I want a glimpse, I may find something interesting there Thanks guys
  18. @Toby No, I haven't. I intuitively resonate with all the stuff that Leo talks about. That led me to research more stuff, reading dozens of books on spirituality / enlightenment / meditation, binge-watching spiritual videos on youtube, etc. But all of this without actual experience. and I think that started to backfire after 2-3 years. I just can't read another book or watch another video. Because what is the point of doing that, if I can't experientially verify the thing that I'm most passionate about.
  19. @Serotoninluv In what way did shamanic breathing altered your state of consciousness? I think It's more like a tool to purify yourself emotionally and psychologically. How can it make me conscious of the fact that self is an illusion? @purerogue Yeah, you're right, but the thing is, it's really hard to do that in everyday life. Life just sucks me in and I'm like an unconscious puppet dragged around by the circumstances. In order that approach to work, I need to install some kind of spiritual practice, but I'm not capable of doing that at this point, as I mentioned above. I am looking something like a shortcut (that is not a psychedelic) just to have a glimpse even if it's for 2 seconds...
  20. @Ninie I already did, even bookmarked Leo's second reply, that is something that I want to remember during my bad days too.. hope you consider that advice
  21. That is beautiful @Ninie hey, read this, you might like it
  22. Hey, I've been wondering lately, why most of the people in today's society don't have jobs that they love and enjoy doing. At the same time, most of them have hobbies, that they love doing on the contrary. Is it possible to make your hobbie into your profession? And if so, why don't most of us do that?
  23. Yeah maybe, but maybe not. In my experience, rationalizations are endless. There is always a new one replacing the old one. The trick is to realize that whatever the content of rationalization is, it's still a rationalization and that there are two choices, first, to do what your mind tells you to do and second, the opposite. It's really hard for me to realize that I have a choice. I realize that after I break my commitment, but the hardest part is becoming aware of your action in the actual process of doing them. But hey, if it was easy, we wouldn't even be talking about this. There's another thing that helps me sometimes (when I am conscious enough to see it). When I'm about to do what I know I shouldn't be doing, sometimes I just stay still and realize that if I don't do this, I have to go through the emotional labor. And THIS is the actual possibility to actually develop my discipline a bit more. Then I think of all the things that I want to achieve and know that I won't achieve them without having a discipline and I realize that THIS, this moment right here, right now is literally creating my future. It helps to think of it that way. It puts things into a proper perspective. Because you realize that what you call future, and what you visualize as your future is being constructed at this very moment right now, And the emotional labor that people are talking about is not something that you'll do later. It's being done right now when I'm staying still and not doing what my mind tells me to do with its endless rationalizations. And to be conscious of this is hard for me. What about you?