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Everything posted by bazera

  1. @Kross Dude, you will laugh at this after couple of years. Start building real-life practical habits and skills. You are still so young, please don't waste your time in whining about your grades. Nobody will care about them in real life!!!
  2. @Leo Gura I also thought that making her feel safe by leading her and supporting her emotionally was one of the main things in a relationship. If it't not, then what is? And what is the main difference between attracting girls and keeping a loving relationship?
  3. @Leo Gura Thanks, Leo. Your responses don't leave a room for bitching and moaning about this shit Training, practice, learning, and most importantly our own trial and error process seems to be the solution. As in any field for that matter.
  4. @Leo Gura Lots of guys are insecure about their looks, including me to some degree, what do you think is the role of physical appearance in attraction? I mean, if you take care of basic hygiene, groom yourself, aren't overweight (not like a bodybuilder or anything) and don't smell like shit, of course, Other then that, you don't have much control over it. It isn't a trainable skill. I guess all the other things you talk about will help with this problem. Like for example, if you at least once in your life detach and disidentify with your body, you will not care as much as you did before the experience, I guess...
  5. @Leo Gura Yeah. And one more question, every time I decide to go to that direction and learn more about attraction and girls practically, I tend to stop and postpone because I think that I'm just not good enough and if I fixed this thing here and that thing there, then I will be ready to go and do it. I kinda know that thinking that way will just be a never-ending loop. Problems will always be here (relatively speaking). Is the solution to just do it? I also think it's helpful to not have some crippling life-problems before doing it, like for example 0$ on a bank account.
  6. @Leo Gura What do you think about being 24-25 years old guy with zero relationships or attraction experience? Does it tend to become harder to solve that issue as you grow old? Do you think that it's a piece of a puzzle that needs to be solved like for example till you get 30 years old?
  7. Hey, I've been meditating for 20 minutes every day for some time now, and I am curious about how hardcore is meditating for 10 days straight? Will it be sustainable for people like me? How long should my daily practice be, in order to be prepared for something like meditating for 10 days? If you've been to one of those retreats, I'd like to know your experience.
  8. Thanks for the advice guys! @Nak Khid I haven't decided to go yet. I will be attending a retreat next year I think. Or not, depending on how my daily practice will go and how long will my sittings be.
  9. @Leo Gura What is the value of meditation then? If we seek understanding, why should we sit and meditate for hours when we can just take a psychedelic? At this point, what do you think is the main reason for doing meditation?
  10. @Leo Gura Can you explain what is the difference between those two? If it's possible of course.
  11. @Leo Gura In your latest video, you said that we, humans, called God death. So, how is shooting myself different from naturally dying, in regards to God-realization? Death is death, right?
  12. @Leo Gura When I do this, I feel that I'm doing something wrong. As if I'm just manipulating other people to engage in relationship with me by telling the stories and stuff about myself. But I also know, that's not what it's like from their perspective. But I feel kinda guilty and dirty inside, when I talk about myself. It's like subcounsiously I think of it as an egotistical behaviour that I don't want to do. I guess it's a self-esteem issue. What would you advice for fixing that kind of attitude? Just being mindful whenever I catch myself feeling that way?
  13. @Girzo Yeah, I agree with this point a lot. 1-on-1 conversations with people are actually okay, but still, if it's with a stranger, it comes with anxiety and discomfort. But hey, everything is uncomfortable when we haven't got any experience, so it's just a matter of practice. @mandyjw That's actually a pretty good idea Thanks
  14. @Leo Gura What should you talk about in those kinds of situations in general? I understand that it should be a dynamic and spontanious, so we can't be defining things to talk about beforehand, but still... Is it possible to conquer fear of socializing through brute force way? Like going out and socializing a lot with strangers everywhere, without thinking too much about what you say or do, as long as you don't do something really stupid. That kind of thing seems so hard when you are introverted type of a guy and even a little small talk with a stranger feels too much.
  15. @rlc Yeah, I've read some NDE reports, it seems a very fascinating phenomenon. And yeah, I agree with you, just becoming aware of our fears is so hard, not to mention conquering them. But hey, what better things do we have to do anyways. I think of it like eating an elephant, bit by bit, month by month and year by year.
  16. @Leo Gura So, basically, fear is the mechanism which limits us? And if we get rid of fear 100%, we will die and become unlimited? So, fear is just a God's way to fool itself in order to experience itself in a limited way?
  17. @Leo Gura What about hell? Can one "go" to hell after death? I mean an actual place, like they describe in Bible or something.
  18. @Leo Gura Have you tried 1 hour or 1h+ of shamanic breathing yourself? What effects do you get after it? And how do the 30-minute sessions differ from 1hour? I've read Stan Groff's book about Holotropic Breathing and he doesn't recommend doing long sessions without a sitter. Why is that?
  19. @Leo Gura Is it possible to experience samadhi state using weed? It isn't psychedelic, is it?
  20. @Leo Gura What about those people who are really hardcore addicts who watch porn a couple of times a day and ruin their day-to-day lives because of that? I've read reports like that on Reddit No Fap. I think that community exists for such people, not people like you who doesn't use it that often. Don't you consider it to be a problem? What do you think is the solution to that? Not banning, obviously.
  21. Hey, This question has been bugging me for a while and I wasn't able to come up with an answer. Yeah, I understand that sitting at home, closing schools and universities and that kind of stuff is useful for not spreading the virus, right? And libertarians are saying that it's all bullshit and we have to open everything. And yeah, I don't find that line of reasoning logical. But, how long? Until scientists invent a vaccine? But what if that takes a year or two? What then? If the government opens up everything after a month or two, what will be different? What will make a virus stop spreading? What will be the reason of this quarantine period that we are going through right now? Maybe I don't understand enough biology to get this right. What do you think?
  22. @Leo Gura For people without a prior psychedelic experiences, will smoking at a ceremony be as effective as you desrcibe in your videos? (even as in your first 5meo-trip video couple of years ago) What dangers do you see with smoking at a toad ceremony?
  23. @Leo Gura How can we do this? It just seems so abstract, I don't know how to love myself. Does this mean accepting whatever I find as me unconditionally? Does loving myself mean to accept fully the way I am?
  24. @Leo Gura Is it possible to experience a glimpse of God with 20-30 minutes of daily meditation habit combined with one or two 10 day meditation retreats? If not, then what do you think is possible with that amount of effort.
  25. @Leo Gura What does it mean to supercharge a temple with spiritual energy? How would that work? Would you feel something upon entering a building? Or would your meditation yield different results inside the walls of the temple? Can we speculate on what does he mean when he mentions spiritual energy?