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Everything posted by bazera

  1. @Leo Gura Is it possible to experience samadhi state using weed? It isn't psychedelic, is it?
  2. @Leo Gura What about those people who are really hardcore addicts who watch porn a couple of times a day and ruin their day-to-day lives because of that? I've read reports like that on Reddit No Fap. I think that community exists for such people, not people like you who doesn't use it that often. Don't you consider it to be a problem? What do you think is the solution to that? Not banning, obviously.
  3. Hey, This question has been bugging me for a while and I wasn't able to come up with an answer. Yeah, I understand that sitting at home, closing schools and universities and that kind of stuff is useful for not spreading the virus, right? And libertarians are saying that it's all bullshit and we have to open everything. And yeah, I don't find that line of reasoning logical. But, how long? Until scientists invent a vaccine? But what if that takes a year or two? What then? If the government opens up everything after a month or two, what will be different? What will make a virus stop spreading? What will be the reason of this quarantine period that we are going through right now? Maybe I don't understand enough biology to get this right. What do you think?
  4. @Leo Gura For people without a prior psychedelic experiences, will smoking at a ceremony be as effective as you desrcibe in your videos? (even as in your first 5meo-trip video couple of years ago) What dangers do you see with smoking at a toad ceremony?
  5. @Leo Gura How can we do this? It just seems so abstract, I don't know how to love myself. Does this mean accepting whatever I find as me unconditionally? Does loving myself mean to accept fully the way I am?
  6. @Leo Gura Is it possible to experience a glimpse of God with 20-30 minutes of daily meditation habit combined with one or two 10 day meditation retreats? If not, then what do you think is possible with that amount of effort.
  7. @Leo Gura What does it mean to supercharge a temple with spiritual energy? How would that work? Would you feel something upon entering a building? Or would your meditation yield different results inside the walls of the temple? Can we speculate on what does he mean when he mentions spiritual energy?
  8. @Leo Gura Was that during your first 5-Meo breakthrough?
  9. @calibrate @Yog Check out his latest video
  10. Check out this book, it's really short. It will answer your question.
  11. @blankisomeone Those are the same exact reasons for why I chose to be a software developer too. @StarStruck Yeah, there will be lots of time when things won't work out at once. That's why being a software developer can sometimes be stressful. But you learn the most during those periods.
  12. Yeah, but the fact that the girls you want to approach are probably stage blue, adds more emotional labour to this whole matter, because then you don't know where to find girls who are not stage Blue, except Yoga classes maybe And in a family-orianted culture, girl's family becomes another problem, because maybe she is not a typical Blue, but chances that her family is traditional are very high. So the new thing to worry about becomes the fact that her brother or father may kill you for having sex with her lol. No wander why PU is not a common practice around here. Yeah, the thing is that Georgia (not US state) is a little country, and it's the capital city that is the main biggest city in which I live. All the others are considered as the countryside, so, that doesn't leave many opportunities. Moving to another country is not really an option at this point because of financial reasons, and also, doing Pick Up in another language, which is not your national one, adds much more difficulty on it.
  13. @Leo Gura What do you think about Pick Up in stage Blue society? I live in a place where if you randomly approach a girl, she will most likely be traditional christian type of a girl who doesn't have sex until marriage. How would you deal with that without moving to another country?
  14. @Leo Gura I don't understand, how does this make men more attractive to women? Sounds too egotistical and self-centered. Doesn't that repel girls? This reminds me of the problem when you need the experience to get a job, but you need a job to get an experience Sounds similar. How can you handle sexual neediness, when in order to attract women, you need to have your sexual needs met? I guess the way that list of yours works is that one doesn't have to check all the items of it and then consider himself attractive. One at a time will make a man more and more attractive to a woman.
  15. @Leo Gura What do you think are the most important structural changes that a man can make to become a highly attractive one?
  16. Do you think that Lucid Dreaming can be a way to see what Nonduality feels like? If one doesn't have access to psychedelics, can LD be used that way? (until having psychedelics) And have you considered that your experience in your dreams was just a memory from your trips. If you had zero experience with psychedelics and no mystical experiences experienced, would awakening in your dreams still work? And in general, do you think that lucid dreaming can be a powerful tool to explore mind and do shadow work effectively compared to regular talk-therapy?
  17. @Aaron p That's awesome! What did you do, do you have some kind of spiritual practice going? Psychedelics? Or what?
  18. How much mushrooms did you take?
  19. How many trips did it take you to build up to that point?
  20. @Leo Gura For a psychedelic noobie, would you prefer a solo psychedelic retreat, like flying to Netherlands, buying a hotel room and a bunch of shrooms or LSD, and tripping and contemplating there alone. Or going into a special center with facilitators and doing that there? I think there are such centers in Amsterdam.
  21. I was discussing the issue of minimum wage with my libertarian friend the other day, and she was telling me how it would leave people unemployed and was not a good strategy overall. And I saw a logic behind that as well I've also heard from @Leo Gura that it's not that simple and there are advantages too. What do you guys think about it?
  22. What do you put inside those lettuce leaves?
  23. @Leo Gura But if everything is love, and love can trigger love, why can eating a magic mushroom trigger Love and eating for example an apple can not.
  24. @Leo Gura I recently started meditating for 20 minutes a day, and I notice that when I'm going out, having fun and socializing, and after all that come back and try to meditate, my mind is all over the place. All those 20 minutes are spent thinking how awesome was the day, how I should be more humorous, how I should be interacting with more girls, and how awesome would it be to talk a bit more with that cute girl and etc, you get the point. What would you advise in such a case? Literally all those 20 minutes are spent sitting still and mind just wandering to all those places, which I know are the needs that I haven't satisfied yet. I think that keeping at least 20 minutes of meditation habit is a good starting point, and the main focus must be on keeping the habit, no matter what. What do you suggest?
  25. @Leo Gura So if one spends decades doing consciousness work the correct way, will he/she be able to alter what they imagine? And if that's the case, what would it look like practically speaking? You don't mean turning computer screen into a demon right?