Sirius Orion

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Everything posted by Sirius Orion

  1. very interesting channel on topics such as magnetism, ether etc ... and yet remains stuck on an intellectualistic perspective, doesn't seem to "get" what esotericism really is (turquoise) and how only it can make sense on the relationship between mind and matter ...
  2. Be careful who you chose as model. Each time you think to somebody and try to imitate you attract something of him/her to you on many subtle levels and not necessarily only what you planned for ... watch out !
  3. Neville is one of Wayne Dyer's "masters" along with Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov (quoted in his books) whose "Powers of Thought" I for sure recommend !
  4. A metaphyscial masterpiece . Probably the deepest , most mindfuck comics I have read so far . Could as well have put it in the Strange Loop thread but it would have been a bit of a spoiler Probably the only comics you can still enjoy reading post enlightenment ... as a reminder ...
  5. "your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should." Dr Ian Malcolm , Jurassic Park
  6. A place where you cannot pray,contemplate, meditate or think about God. A very persistent illusion. A vicious circle created by a biased, personalistic view on life. In french, "enfer" (hell) is very close to "enfermé" (locked in) or "enfermement" (enclosure, which can also be phonetically heard : "hell lies to me" ). The most concise metaphor for hell would be that of a prison you have built for yourself by indulging in ego driven, self-decepted way of living. Allured by the temptation of getting quick temporary satisfaction you end up caught in samsara by forgetting that everything is a reflection of you. Your whole universe become predatory, selfish, cynic, cold and harsh and by the time you realize you cannot win the rat race you're already stuck in all your "debts", tied in all the bounds which, at first, thought would help you. When the consequences of your ego driven actions are superior to the amount of "energy" (or spiritual potentiality ) left in you : this, my friend, is "hell".Why? Because you simply cannot escape it yourself , you are bound by the magnetic force of all your evils doings and must wait for someone outside to help you out ( some might say for one of your ancient good karma to shine back). That, of course, can take various forms; from very tangible (heroin addicts, debts to mafia ...) to subtler one (spiritual ego)
  7. @pluto "i see so many repetitive questions on the forums and i have a surge of energy to set it right once and for all." > I had this exact same thought and hesitated to write something : in spite, I manifested it through you ! Actually, these principles are the most powerful and simple you can use to transform your life ( provided you have strong intensity, faith and above all a: patience ). The teachings of Neville Goddard and Wayne Dyer are among the best on this . You will find a couple of small youtube channels commenting and explaining them in further length and in a more "modern" fashion/vocabulary.
  8. 1.Keep in mind that the answers your are yearning for lie in another dimension/paradigm than which one you are in right now ! (radical open-mindedness : you don't know that which you dont't know you don't know). Realize that the "Answer" is the disappearance of the question, not something you add from outside. 2.If you want to receive you must empty your cup first, become "receptive" . The best practical tool for this purpose is ... Solo Retreat ! You can add : cold shower, fasting, not speaking for x amount of time, not spilling your semen out, being the most conscious you can about your body, gesture, energy by slowing down by 99% all of what you do, imposing yourself times of absolute stillness (if you do qi gong, zham zhuang is great for that ) 3.Be patient . 4.Be consistent. 5.Realize that outer tools are nothing but a mean to awaken a certain internal attitude, a way of looking at the world and at yourself which must be genuine (you cannot fake or whishfullthink your way) therefore strong intensity and determination are required when practicing the exercices. When you internalize this intensity the need for outer practice will slowly decrease. 6.Pray ! Connect to your higher-self, your angel no matter how you call Him, with sincerity, humility and gratefulness without expecting anything from Him. 7. Be grateful for everything. Again attitude is the key factor, far more important than the outer practice in itself. 8.Visualisation as taught by Neville Goddard can be extremely powerful ... if done with enough clarity on your purpose.
  9. @FredFred check out Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov , "What is Spiritual Master ?" chapter IV
  10. Indeed! The higher/deeper you go the sneakier your ego become ... and counterintuitively trying to escape or prevent directly is often (if not always) the best way to reinforce it ! That would be a perfect topic for a video ("Spiritual Ego : what is it ? how to escape?"), wouldn't it be @Leo Gura ?
  11. "Tis true without lying, certain and most true. That which is below is like that which is above and that which is above is like that which is below to do the miracles of one only thing" Perhaps one of the most concise and powerful representation of the principle of analogy or correspondance , basis of all esoteric teachings across the world because it is the way microcosm and microcosm are structured and relate to each other. He who understands this has the key to understand all the ancient civilizations as well as the universe itself and realize, both internally AND externally the Philosopher Stone ...
  12. Former Air France CEO lecturing (in a church ^^) on the ambiguity of the legal definition of a "child" and, therefore, on if child labor should be (re)accepted ... (I didn't find it english)
  13. The script writer of this documentary, Jacques Grimault, describes himself as a polymath, he gives lectures about alchemy, hermeticism, astrology,alternative archeology and few other topics . Controversial and trolled by so called "skeptics" nevertheless interesting character ...
  14. As a guy I find very interesting to read a feminine perspective on a relationship ! First, I see all the "classic" red flags of a guy who has no masculine emotional and energetic center (moving in with you and your family (!), making you feel smothered, arguing ,talking about the past ...) > I would recommend you to read author like David Deida (Way of the superior man) and Corey Wayne (How to be a 3% man), will provide great insights on how (healthy) masculine psyche works . "although he is not at all on this spiritual path like me" > that's a black flag ! For deeper understanding on spirituality and love, sex, relationships I highly recommend you Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov : you'll thank me later I guarantee Good luck!
  15. 1. Focus on finding your higher purpose, your hero's calling (that may take a couple of years if not a small decade): a man is defined by his purpose, it should come before anything else. Relationship is feminine energy, a man (let alone a 20 yo one) should never bring this topic first nor make it his priority. When you have a deep, clear and strong sense of purpose women will be almost magnetically drown to you, I guarantee ! (and the irony is that at this point you won't even care !) 2. Build yourself up, Build yourself up, Build yourself up ... 3.Read/listen (with a humble but critic mind) to : >David Deida >the RSD guys (Owen mostly) >Corey Wayne Answer to your question will come by itself ... good luck !
  16. "looking into the heart of light, the silence" - T.S.Eliot
  17. Peter Deunov, Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov : christian/ hermiticist spiritual masters René Guénon, Frithjof Schuon, Titus Burckhardt, Ananda Coomraswamy : "perennialist" metaphysicians and sacred symbolists Fulcanelli, Eugène Canseliet, Henri Coton-Alvart, Patrick Burensteinas, Patrick Rivière : alchemists René Schwaller de Lubicz, Jacques Grimault : Egyptologists, hermeticists Louis Cattiaux : alchemist, poet, painter Abhinavagupta, Jean Klein, Eric Baret : non-dual cashmere shivaist tantrism Master Eckhart : non-dual christian mystic Dilgo Khyentse Rimpoche, Dudjom Rimpoche : tibetan dzogchen masters
  18. Thanks for the testimony ! "stage blue " > really !? ... Do you have details? Indian/western people ? I thought Isha audience was rather greenish (hippie/alternative volunteer ) Level discrepancy between a master and his community/fanbase seems quite frequent in the spiritual world ... Do you have any informations concerning the relations between Sadhguru and Modi ? What kind of benefits did you got ? What are the practice you are still doing on a regular basis ?
  19. Peter Deunov Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov René Guénon Schwaller de Lubicz Patrick Burensteinas
  20. I highly recommend (before starting a channel or putting anything in any of your orifices) you read/listen to Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov , all the answers to your questions and many more there. Good work !
  21. This koan is pointing toward the non-causal nature of enlightenment. Like a clean mirror it only reflects what I am (not what I think, or what I hope). The more I am in the plane of causes and effects (planning, scheming, anticipating, wishing, wanting to make enlightenment happen, to speed it up, trying instead of being ...) the more I strengthen the illusion of being separated from That, the thicker the ego will grow (work and discipline are necessary only from ego p.o.v. though) Enlightenment is nothing else than (true) meditation itself: purposeless and self-sufficient which, in fine, is nothing else than pure consciousness itself you/me/That : Ouroboros - Strange Loop
  22. "He walked toward the sheets of flame. They did not bite his flesh, they caressed him and flooded him without heat or combustion. With relief, with humiliation, with terror, he understood that he also was an illusion, that someone else was dreaming him. " Jorge Luis Borges, The Circular Ruins