Sirius Orion

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Everything posted by Sirius Orion

  1. @Leo Gura "Leo, do you have a good resource to learn from about this? Like, speaking to a very niche market and how to find those people? "
  2. Christophe Nolan movies plot are really turquoise at the core , he was also very influenced by Borges (Inception ; Interstellar where the tesseract-library scene is nothing but the Library of Babel) David Mitchell 's Cloud Atlas great tale on synchronicity and how causality and karma work beyond linear time and how our lives are all connected in an ever present tapestry ... (also very influenced by Borges ^^)
  3. Jorge Luis Borges : Fictions ; The Aleph ; The Book of Sand and all his poems and tales
  4. @aurum 2 points : 1: The "horizon of the black hole paradox" > you will almost never hear of the deepest, highest, most advanced teachers and researchers (or after they passed), they will seldom market and sell themselves out there , and almost never take time to criticize others (even if it's justified ) because : "most average people would just not understand " . You will only (mostly) see/ hear the slick talkers, marketers, summarizers ... the dwarves on the shoulders of giants 2: The Pandora's box (see my above comment on Leo) : you'll very often find genuine people who had some authentic inner experience, insight, ah-ha moments but, through lack of embodiment and deep knowledge of human nature and psyche ( such knowledge you'll only get by true initiative science and deep contemplation) underestimated the power of the devil to twist and corrupt their teachings ... most of the times they are half-baked cakes ...
  5. @Kalki Avatar YES 900% !! more people should expand on that ! I pointed that on previous comment and on on a comment on his "conspiracy" video . I have been thinking for a while shooting a "smart" and fair critics video of the Actualized "teachings" (most critics out there are rather mainstream or low consciousness) The main issue with Leo is the "speculative" fallacy (in latin speculum means mirror ...), an understanding which is only mental keeps you stuck in a sort of glass bubble from which you are not even aware ... : a very common disease among highly intelligent and "deep" people interested in spirituality ... had I not met my mentor back when I was 18 (I am 32) I would have fell head first into that . One of the main red flag is that he doesn't have any proper esoteric (symbolism, hermeticism ,traditional metaphysics etc) culture and doesn't even seem to grasp how crucial it is to understand TRUE spirituality. He comes from the stage orange individualistic, self-help approach and SD yellow which views intellectual sophistication as a quality in itself . He is very "American" in the sense of naïve, self righteous arrogance and blindness towards his own biases (modernism, relativism, lack of connection to nature (both naturata and naturans ), belief in the almost satanic (non serviam) tabula rasa approach etc ... By his total ignorance of the true Initiatic science , lack of sensitivity towards the game of psychic influences (do research on egregores and "wandering influences ), lack of purification and the egotic pride to become an iconic brand he has almost trapped himself in a maze game from which only true humility, sincerity and total commitment to Truth can save him ... : we live in a wicked wicked world and you don't get to 1M subscribers on Youtube without certain ... hum ... "accommodations" to the Truth ... but most people are so lost or naïve the don't even suspect that ... The question is : Leo Gura, if your commitment to Truth required you to admit your mistakes, shortcomings, possible harm done to other and to reshape, reshape or even suppress all that you have done would you do it ? ... or do you think that you already know it all and better than eeeeverybody else ? ... open question ... But to not sounds as I am slaying him here's a list of some amazing qualities I found in Leo : - sharp lucidity in questioning everything including big institution and ideologies as science for instance -keen sense of complexity and paradox -ability to connect, draw lines between seemingly distant or unrelated topics ("Nexus") -pragmatism: I give him he is aware 90% people's problem are mostly mundane and down to earth -marketing/reach to all kind of audience, perspective and problematics ( SD yellow ability to assume a situation under several perspective) -good will : I genuinely think Leo is authentic in his quest through all the energy and time he dedicated in it -aware of the staggering depth of self-deception ... and yet still dangerously underestimating it !! ...
  6. Two legit practitioners to give you different angles of what the heck is the Sacred Art (by the way, in his lecture Hopkins speaks about auto-immune disorders and thyroids problems ... )
  7. Postmodernist art transmuting blue devilry
  8. very good exercises of both concentration (inspired by his experience as a music composer) and meditation in the books of Salim Michael
  9. Not a fan of Eliot but this is one of the healthiest speech I have heard on relationships recently ; actually it's you Leo, the so called "higher consciousness" guy, who should be talking of these topics, it's a pity you don't seem to have any knowledge of the esoteric traditions about how human being is built and functions on the subtler levels ... Actually you have partially deluded yourself (as well as a lot of naive young people) by going too strong too soon on "deep" metaphysical non-dual topics by non legitimate ways (psychedelics) : you are not always wrong per-se and can often share excellent insights but your lack of psychic preparation disables you from connecting them properly on a grander picture, it's a very subtle and very sneaky kind of devilry (stage yellow delivery maybe ?) very few people are able to detect and fewer (if none on this forum) to explain clearly ... very ironic from someone who made good videos about self-deception Anyway, if intersted to go further on topics of relationship/sexuality , global esoteric view on life in general : Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov , Peter Deunov for metaphysics : René Guénon , Frithjof Schuon as a complement to Eliot :
  10. @Leo Gura " There exist hundreds of high quality (and expensive) business trainings and courses. There are courses for literally any kind of business you might want to start." >>> Is there a recommendation list on this forum for the best of such courses ? Especially when It comes to marketing , closing a medium, building an audience, reaching all kind of people, getting them attracted, "hooked" and wanting more ... From what I've read on this forum many people would be interested if could make an "update" video based on what you learned and what have changed since your first one !
  11. Excellent. ONE of a kind. MUST read to understand anything at all in spirituality, history of mankind and of ideas, and in "esoterism" in general. SO underrated , caricatured, distorted and misrepresented . Read Guénon first. All of his books. Then Schuon . Beware of Evola: a clever and well read devil using primordial Tradition as an authority argument to political and moralistic agenda ... he definitely can teach you many things but be careful ... have a long spoon Beware of the people presenting themselves as "traditionalist" (usually stage blue misunderstandings what's what) or even "guénonian" . René Guénon himself has always strongly rejected all kind of label or "school" : there definitely is no such thing as "traditionnalism" or "perennials school" (excepted in the mind of some "blue"ideologist completely clueless about how the devil works ...) Nevertheless ... beware of Guénon himself, do not take his work for what it is not : 'tis a compass not a teaching ! He himself always rejected the title of "master" for good reason ... he wasn't in a pedagogical teaching mission. His work is actually very intellectual and bears the risk to reinforce that aspect in the reader ( which is generally already very strong) without giving you ACTUAL methods to work out with in your everyday mundane life in the Kali Yuga ! That's why Guénon alone doesn't help very much ... I would encourage you to read first Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov and to alternate with Guénon, they complete each other very well and will give you a much deeper, broader, deeper and most of all more effective view on things ... Keep in touch, very interested in hearing your return and progress ! By the way where are you from ? How did you here about RG ?
  12. brushing it off as mere intellectual speculation about "the end of mankind" is totally missing the point on this topic ... I'll keep it short : Actually, there are more and more researchers from all kind of background called "collapsologitsts" who shared conclusions pointing more or less in a similar direction : as the world is becoming increasingly complex and unpredictable and the economical system we live in is way more fragile than what most people could dare imagine , it is not foolishness at all to go and "reclaim" all the parts of our life most of us gave away to the system, it is not so much about turning paranoid and stocking up canned food and guns waiting for the zombie apocalypse than striving towards self resilience and "anti fragility" . Not knowing 100% will happen is no reasons to stick one's head in the sand and dismiss some global trends that are undeniably emerging and to act accordingly so as to get the more beneficial conditions for a "self actualized" life in the upcoming year : both material, emotional and spiritual survival ! The prepper / collapsologist trend goes from SD Blue far right and religious communities to SD Green alternative, Neo-rural and hippies , I nevertheless observe an increasing interest from 25/40 year old Orange transitioning to Green for this way of living a more meaningful and fulfilling life Recently a mini series came out in France on how would people reacting case of a SHTF event ( subtitles , only the first 3 episodes released yet) ... constructive critical comments appreciated !
  13. As long as you think meditation is something you "do", is an "activity"( to be more efficient, more productive, more healthy...) you are not even remotely close to understand what it is, let alone enlightenment that will forever be, indeed, a myth ... You dont chose to meditate, you ARE meditated
  14. @Consilience good exemple ! The famous analogy of the blind man who would deny the existence of colors and argue with other people who can see when they share with him their experience , all his mental landscape has been shaped to protect and backwards rationalize his incapacity into "normality", diverging opinions being dismissed as hairy-fairy "ennemies-of-reason" : the roots of self-deception grows into egoistic survival and self-history preservation hence the impossibility to change it with rational argument but only with energy works (to dissolve the emotional knots) According to this an elegant definition of devilry would be : the negation of Infinity , the unquestioned, unconscious assumption that Truth can be hold and defined in a limited form and manner as a fixed object instead of a process of infinite expansion ...
  15. @Nivsch "You can lead a horse to the river but you cannot force him to drink" I feel you ... I really do ! In fine , only two things can change/convince people : exemple or excruciating pain (pain of the soul, not of the body) . Don not try to show people anything : incarnate it ! embody it !
  16. @Leo Gura same question as "emind" (above) + > "Should one have a strategic plan for releasing YT content when on intend to speak on "deep", edgy topics (metaphysics, spirituality, esoterism, symbolism ...) , should you "game" your viewers first with a kind of broader, clickbait type of content in order to build a quantitatively large audience or should you aim towards quality and trying to make a few people feel "home" in an edgy niche ? ... ESPECIALLY if you want to conceit to your LP and make it a possible source of revenue AND if you come from a turquoise/yellow level where mind games and having to put a pragmatic facade in a first period feel like compromission ... My approach of spirituality and metaphysics, unlike yours, is quite influenced, as I said, by esoterism (completely different from occultism and "magick") symbolism, alchemy and astrology ( qualitative cyclical conception of time and of the influence of the cosmical era mankind goes through) I have been seriously searching in that direction for almost 15 years (I am 31) and realized that an aspect of the driving force of my spiritual quest (aside from the metaphysic aspect : What is Reality ? etc ...) was a feeling of inadequacy and revolt towards the dark aspects of the modern world . However, especially in the last few years and particularly this very few months listening to you and researching about Spiral Dynamics, I understood how dangerous and counterproductive (both spiritually and strategically) positioning oneself in a "crusader" , reactive almost ranting mode could be extremely attractive for some people ( and at the same time oddly satisfactory for me) ... but the wrong kind and over a misunderstanding : criticizing from above or from below: SD blue devils etc ... . In a nutshell I feel my LP could revolve around helping people integrate their spiritual development with immanent life challenge of the modern world and overcome a feeling of inadequacy thanks to tools and methods from traditional wisdom and from the insights of my own journey ... however, on the other hands, I am passionate by Alchemy since childhood and have always wanted to know in what exactly it consists beyond the mysteries it is wrapped in , throughout the years I have come to discover that it is "real" (very much related with Quantum mechanics, Tesla and some "alternative" theory about ether ... ) and that you can actually practice and apply it in the mundane world and even make products such as extremely powerful essential oils and medicines (it is called spagyric in this case) , there are people who do it and actually earn a living by it but is a LOT of work, practice (and money to purchase the materials needed) : so my question presently is how to make this two possibilities work together, given that I am both very interested in sharing "theoretical" (not necessarily abstract ) knowledge with people AND applying it in the matter with my own little hands ... where both options seem to me absolutely vital ! ... I am also not really at ease with putting myself out there with my real name and face talking on potentially very edgy and provocative topics and on how it could backfire (yes, I know this is shadow projection but it nevertheless make my belly tingles sometimes ), what would be the ratio between provocative clickbaity edginess versus mainstream polished social proof ? you understand what I mean
  17. interesting question. In substance you are asking how an "enlightened person" would behave in the position to satisfy his most basic needs of survival (cf Maslow's hierarchy), to build his life from ground zero . First of all, there is no such thing as an archetypical, cookie cut "enlightened person". Everything in nature comes by degrees and hierarchies of more or less perfection, more or less integration. Globally speaking, one of the most universally shared consequence of enlightenment is that it sharpens your discernment, endows you with supra-personal clarity both towards yourself (either the ability to see through your self deception or, a minima, to become aware of how affected by it you are) and towards your environment , thus you become more and more receptive towards the reason you are in this reality : your life purpose/ calling , the plan(s) life has for you and you only. Given that, it is obvious that behavior will be radically different according to the development of various parameters of immanent self actualization : age , health, energy level, social circle, evolution on the Spiral Dynamic, psychological structure (yes even after enlightenment your psyche still holds a shape and form just as your physical body does) and more importantly the kind of foods you fed your mind with : with what kind of paradigm, of "eyes" you look at the world and to what extent it allows to act and have leverage on reality ; how deeply you understand your position in the universe and in reality ? your role and place towards "others" etc ... Enlightenment is "just" a cleaning and a sharpening of your awareness, a momentary connection of personality with Light/Source ... it is the "real" beginning of the journey, in no way does it prevent you from a intense work of embodiment and development (cognitive, emotional, energetic ... ) and striving towards Liberation . An enlightened person could be recognized by the impersonality of its actions as he is nor more crippled by fears, uncertain and contradiction coming from the identification with its lower nature he can act with more "space", genuine altruism and true consciousness of being part of the Whole ... but again the "how" will depend on the developmental level of its still unpurified personality .
  18. @Leo Gura"You gotta rise above this kinda thing because you will encounter it a lot going forward. I get it on a daily basis." > could you elaborate (maybe a blog video or short article) on how to rise above and not give a fuck about mainstream low consciousness trolling ? How to remain grounded in one's own validation and authority ? How deep do you personally still get emotionnally triggered or irritated by the criticism you receive ?
  19. what is scary here is that this digital control system could be implement anywhere in the world ... China used it first because of its highly conformist, rigid and hierarchical, SD blue, authoritarian bureaucracy and social model . In such cultural environment mass-scale social engineering is just the way things go, but be sure that around the globe technocrats are studying how to adapt and apply this model elsewhere. Just read "The Reign of Quantity" ...
  20. @Leo Gura it seems that the deeper you consciousness is, the higher your purpose is, the more outside of the common range of thought your knowledge is and the less concessions you make towards ego (all sorts), hypocrisy and conformism the more delicate and the longer it takes to find your own authentic "voice" ... any thoughts on that ?
  21. a good prefiguration of this is described in The Reign of Quantity by René Guénon and in Huxley's Brave New World ... This techno-dictatorship trend based on conformism and blind submission to authority is actually quite frightening and saying so is not necessarily a projection but rather a healthy expression/uprising of that which in consciousness cannot be controlled, measured or restrained by any sort of mean. @Leo Gura I would like you to develop a little bit longer on this "social credit system" ...
  22. The notion of "proof" really deserves to be a theme for a 2/3 hours next video, actually I thought you already shot one on this ! In fact this whole thread could make an awesome thought provoking "n" parts series , just sayin' ....
  23. 1. Find someone who has actually mastered them and meet him in person. Practice A. L.O.T. ... according to the right principles : which most (99;9999%) teachers are not aware of ( by lack of time but mostly by lack of intellectual subtility : it is quite a taboo topics but many martial arts practitioners are very close minded (SD blue/orange , mainstream rationalists) and simply do not take these possibility seriously enough to invest time of research and practice to actualize them. 2. Do not idealize them !! They are neither "superhuman" nor necessarily more spiritually advanced because of such abilities. Paradoxically the shortest way to master these "powers" would be not stop letting your mind be so easily impressed by anything that goes out of the span of "normality" ... and therefore to deeply question your definition of "normality" ... There could be many reasons to that : a. "sharing" would be perceived as a show off or not appreciated as it should and therefore detrimental to them and others ; b. depending on the cultural context it is not always wise nor safe to appear as a "freak" ... c.low consciousness human tend to use evrything they come across for their own egoistical profit with absolutely no consideration for the consequences and remote effects therefore if they understand the principle of karmic responsibility they understand they would have their part in it if something went wrong d.when you reach a certain level of mastery you have nothing to prove to anyone nor time to lose with bs Keep in mind it is not because somebody displays so called "supernatural"abilities that there is a correlation with his spiritual growth ... actually I would say that most of the time it would be the opposite ( I make exception for John Chang above). Such powers are results of ENERGETIC work and a great amount of concentration, focus and visualisation nothing "spiritual" per se . In the past there would many of those "fakirs" who would use this to mesmerize (almost literally! ) weak-minded power hungry people to earn a living ! I found a similar guy on youtube calling himself "Grand Master Wolf" , check out ... at your own risks for I do not guarantee he is 100% straight ,maybe he is maybe not ^^