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Posts posted by MAYA EL

  1. Wow I'm surprised you posted this! I came across this technique about 6 months ago from my wife actually and she was researching Orthodontics. Luckily I have a strong jawline and straight teeth perfectly straight actually and after finding this guy you made a lot of sense wine because I've always been a clincher a gum chewer a beef jerky eater and I have this special ability with my tongue( that's what she said) where I can create a suction up against the roof of my mouth and then pull down and it makes the sound like a gun going off I've been able to do it since I was one and a half LOL and I've been scaring people to death in break rooms and cafeterias ever since LOL but I think it's contributed to my Straight jaw facial shape and teeth

  2. 8 hours ago, Meditationdude said:

    @Leo Gura you outgrew your viewers man, we can’t keep up. Give us a break, a lot of us are trying and really want it but it’s hard.  

    Leo is by no means " advanced" and I don't mean that as an insult the reason I bring this up is because you're getting in your own head about the situation try not to look at it as if he's obtained a large quantity of something that all of y'all desire when in reality is about letting go of things not obtaining them and once you let go of something it's much easier to understand it. But as long as you look up to Leo as somebody that has obtained something you have not like a teacher or Guru you will always be the student.

  3. On 10/19/2019 at 11:55 AM, OBEler said:

    What do you think about using steroids for health and anti aging? Are there some good sources? 

    Testosterone declines every year if you get older. Body slows down, this is natural aging. But why not use technologies like steroids to get younger and healthier if done right?

    @Leo Gura If you talk about using nootropics for brain, why not talk about steroids for the body? 



    As a prep coach and trainer for over 15yrs I have come across AAS in more situations than I can count and so I may have some knowledge to give you on the topic  . Can you be a little more specific as to what exactly your wanting out of taking them? Because there's many different applications and methods to go about and I would be here all day going through all of them but if you could tell me exactly what you we're thinking of slowing down and a reversing and or fixing I can share some experience with you

  4. On 10/15/2019 at 3:39 PM, Paulus Amadeus said:

    @LastThursday yeah C makes the most sense to me too. But then you are basically using the same argument that a Christian dude from the Middle Ages would use. Why does the sun rise? Because god wants it too rise. This seems a bit regressive. But if it’s true, it’s true I guess.

    @Serotoninluv this is interesting, but now you make the brain into the ‘stuff behind the scenes’. I guess you don’t agree with Leo’s video ‘’why brains don’t exist’’?

    @Scholar yes but why does this isness seem so predictable?

    @Jakeem Ortiz nice reply :). Please message me once you can put it into words!!

    @MAYA EL that you can get an answer to all your questions by observing the present moment is also a concept. So now that we are in concept land, would be cool to know why experience is so consistent ;)

    No actually observing the here and now is not a concept although it may sound like it but that is just the unfortunate part of language is that I have to communicate something to you in order to get my point across however the act of observing the moment is done with a clear mind and no concepts /judgements of any kind.

    I think you don't  quite comprehend what a "concept " is although feel free to Google it and copy and paste it in your reply so that we all assume you remembered it in such an organized manner. 

  5. The issue is people are not aware of how little control they have over their imagination. Example being things like the chakra system and theories of a god sitting on a throne judging the world/tech.

    The real issue lies in how we separate imagination into two different parts the fruity part that we call childish that we clearly know is not real and then this concept of a controlled imagination that we can use to manifest reality but what people don't realize is that's just a construct made up in the unaware imagination because we are all controlled by our imagination to various degrees we just don't realize it and that's where the danger lies. 

    See that moment were kids stop playing with their imagination because it feels embarrassing and they start acting like adults is not the moment where you victoriously take hold of your imagination and become mature in fact it's the moment that the imagination won the battle and convinced you that it wasn't there so you would stop fighting.


    Ps the reason doctors will admit that reality is a construct of the mind and then proceeded to talk about an actual reality is because when they say it's a construct of the mind they're talking about the mechanical function of how the human brain processes light and sound and touch and  smell and then is filtered through our awareness of the situation our opinion our personality/Tech and this is separate from the physical Planet that's still here when you fall asleep or leave the room or leave the continent


  6. It's hard to find women because people make it that way. What I mean by this is guys are willing to f*** anything that doesn't have a dick and some things that do have a dick their goal is to get laid as often as possible by as many hot women as possible and that goal remains number one in their life for the majority of their life and so because they have a public style expression of sexual behavior It Is by no means sacred and to top it off they are sharing their energy signature with God only knows how many random people and then expect to find a committed loving beautiful talented soulmate which is a ridiculous thing to expect because that has a criteria which is opposite of the actions the average person takes.

    It's a lot like expecting to get  your skydivers license just because you've watched some TV shows about skydiving but haven't actually put the effort in to even ever stepping foot on a plane so obviously you're not going to get a skydiving license unless you play by the rules put in the hours and do your jumps and same goes for finding a woman if you want a woman act like the type of man that has a woman and one will find you.

  7. Yes if you can visually see an imbalance in your hips or any part of your body then that is most definitely contributing to the problem.  Stand in front of a full body mirror and put your thumbs on the bone that sticks out the most on ether side at about belt height (it is called the iliac Crest)

    Standing straight facing the mirror and look and see if one thumb is lower/ higher then the other then from both sides see which leg hyper extends back (if at all) and lastly arms to the side facing the mirror see which shoulder is lower. 

  8. 9 hours ago, Identity said:

    @Flowerfaeiry Already do stretching every morning, and just bumped my yoga practice up to twice a week 9_9

    @TrynaBeTurquoise Yeah, the weightlifting might have been causing it in some way or another. Wreckless teen/early twenties throwing around heavy weights without proper instruction. Recipe for disaster. Also got the ball thingy, going to use that more! Thank you.

    @Michael569 Hmm yeah, I do sit a lot. I've been trying to be mindful of my posture, but it's hard and confusing. It's like I don't know what my natural posture is at this point. I've been changing it, my body has changed, and also I feel like there is just something inherently wrong in my back, I don't know. 

    I've tried indeed stretching chest muscles and training back muscles more. However, not with the any professional help, just some youtube videos. I will talk to the expert I will go to next week, and bring it up. If I don't find any solutions soon, MRI might be a good option indeed. Thank you.

    @Johnny Thanks, but I'm good on the carnivore diet lol.

    @MAYA EL Woah, that is quite some adversity you have had to face there. Amazing how you have dealt with it and have come back. Puts my issue into perspective as well.

    Yeah, great point. I am unsure what exercises would fit, so will seek help on that before taking more action.

    Very interesting. One of the things I have become aware of is that the right side of my body is way more developed than the left side of my body. It's like I stand 70% on my right leg and only 30% on my left. Recently I noticed that the office chair I often sit in is actually is leaning right! I actually sit put so much more pressure on my right ass cheek that the chair is fucking bend (threw that thing out BTW). So if you are talking about inbalance, there is a huge on. Perhaps the posterior/anterior also plays a role, I'm not sure.

    Uhm, I think I have been doing a bit of that, but I will look into it more.

    Thank you very much for your post, it is really insightful. Any chance you are living somewhere close to the Netherlands? Would definitely come by for a session ;):D 

    @Shiva I would say I sit around 5-8 hours a day. The exercise thing has changed a lot over the last year. First I went to the gym 3+ times a week, mostly lifting weights and did one yoga session. Now I hardly go to the gym, do two yoga sessions, and stretch every morning.


    Thank you all for your replies. It really means a lot that people are thinking along, gets me fired back up to solve this xD Already made an appointment with a new physiotherapist for next week to do an intake. Curious to see whether he/she has anything new to say. I will also take your ideas with me, and propose these things (after he/she comes with own analysis and suggestions).

    Lol I wish but unfortunately I'm over here in the borning USA lol

  9. Right.... so your normal and all of your experiences were nothing out of the ordinary. 

    O and you didn't time travel because time is a perception not a physical thing so there is no tomorrow except the idea you have called tomorrow and there is no past only your imagination and memories that you call the past. I do believe you suffer from a case of humble delusions of grandeur it's quite common these days