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Posts posted by MAYA EL

  1. 8 hours ago, Scholar said:

    True Love is ruthless, it is the Destroyer of all Worlds. Love is inherently indiscriminate, it wields the sword of the merciless as much as it gives shelter to those who are in need of it.


    The Feminine and the Masculine are not better or worse, they are forces of Existence. They are in an eternal balance, in a play between the great Mother and the great Father.


    Both forces will eventually lead to your dissipation. This is beyond your ego, beyond your individual needs and wants. You are playing a game that will eventually lead to your death, your inability to accept that will be the degree to which you will suffer in this world. Stop viewing the Feminine and Masculine as that which serves you, and accept that it is you who is inevitably serving the Feminine and the Masculine.


    You are the ant who has confused itself for the colony.


    Fundamentally, suffering is the question of "What can God do for me?", whilst Liberation is the question of "What can I do for God?".

    And true awakening is realizing that both of those are just figments of the imagination 

  2. 6 hours ago, 7thLetter said:

    Part of me wants to pursue it for the sake of finding truth, part of me just does it for material purposes. “Maybe this yoga/meditation will help me control my emotions to talk to girls, or take the leap to start a business.”

    Maybe I need to take a step back, and continue to pursue my lower survival needs. Although at times I feel like this is not something to ignore.

    I’m still 23.


    You think it's important cuz it's beat into  your brain with social media and the things you pay attention to. Something you won't understand until maybe 10 years from now but you're only 23 your brain might be a lot more stable than it was it 18 but you should be a completely different person by 30 so much more level-headed and consistent with your thoughts and desires and you will look back at the time you were 23 and see how you struggled with that sporadic desire like a 2 inch barrel shotgun at a sniper competition.


    I will say though people that actually become enlightened did so without realizing they were on the path to enlightenment they did not have an agenda or desire for it it was a byproduct not a goal end product. Although with the way the human mind works you can trick yourself into thinking you've experienced Awakening and our enlightened and I've seen people stay in that state of fake Awakening all the way until they got into their 60s and 70s and that's when it's a lot harder to go through a true Awakening.

  3. 3 hours ago, arlin said:


    What did you discover?


    I appreciate it ahahah

    I found the link to my specific bloodline instincts/ akashic records 

    And gained a level of knowing that cant be explained with words unfortunately. 

    And I was left in a world with zombie like people where I watch the waves of trends and beliefs and styles  sweep the world and see people fall for them and truly believe that it's there idea or finding and are being 100% honest. 

    Its very disturbing. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    @arlin False.

    You do not understand what Truth or awakening is.

    How convenient for you to say it's all a wash. It isn't a wash if you do the work.

    What you're doing is tricking yourself with armchair philosophy.

    Thats a no true scotsmen.

    Come on now Leo you know better then that .

    You should know that every single person should have a different awakening in some varying amount because are exposure from birth and are bloodlines are all slightly different. 

    Now do people experience the same kind of awakening?  Absolutely but unfortunately that is because of spiritual and mental planting .

  5. 54 minutes ago, arlin said:

    The more and more i go on the more i realize what others say are mind fantasies. Including leo. If you study all those teachers you will get nothing out of it, only waste of time.

    The only way to go is to work on it Yourself.

    And the funny thing is, you can do the practices and you can have a very different awakening.

    For example, you might get the insight that the universe got created by an alien and you can communicate with him. 

    He can tell you every secret and you can become his best friend, but how does this prove that it is true? What about those other teachings? What are they?

    You can have a very unique strange insight that nobody here on earth has, and you can be convinced that since you are the only one knowing it, you must have the truth (Like Leo does).

    If everybody can have it's own awakening, does all of this work make no sense?

    But more interestingly, does this not prove that maybe there is nothing beyond nothingness and we all the meaning we give to certain experiences, are just, like somebody else pointed out, ego trips?

    The idea that nothingness=Love or god is aware of himself can be false.

    You can have the same awakening and realize that nothingness=Alien can't you?

    It's just the ego interpreting it in a different way when it comes back.

    Good luck finding the truth.

    Brings a tear to my 3rd eye when I see someone who can truly think for themselves ?‍????‍♂️ in proud of you lol

    But seriously that's what I did o even went so far as to not listen to any religious or philosophical audios I did not watch movies or TV I only checked my social media when I had two for work and stayed completely blacked out from all news and everything for the first 5 years. 

    When I came back it was to a brainwashed world 

  6. That is because you're struggling to accept a concept of something that you may or may not have experienced personally but it goes against reality. Yes I realize all the non duelist are going to bash me for this but I don't care. The world is not Duality the world is not non-duality it is the Third Way. No I will not tell you what that way is you have to find it yourself but accepting and believing non-duality is spiritual suicide not to mention the fact that we only exist because of duality so unless you've seen a baby bird get back in the shell and then crawl up the mama birds butt in order to be Unborn then there's probably no point in wanting to return to source and "becoming one" .


    And even hypothetically speaking if non-duality were true it still would be pointless to even Ponder on it because the fact is you are in Duality right now in this realm that's how we exist so why would you make yourself/ God make you just for you to try to get back to the way you were before you were made it's kind of like quitting your job or holding your breath not only is it pointless but it's a waste of time and a bit of an insult to the higher power.

  7. 54 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

    God is everything but the concept. 

    You help you get helped. 

    You Love you get loved. 

    You share you get. 

    You Create you get. 

    + always Brings +

    You are good you get good. 

    Win win All the time that is Perfection of Imaginarium. ❤️

    There is no loss with God there is no loss with Love. 

    God and his Infinite intelligence. ♥️♣️Lucky ONE

    If God is everything but the concept then he would not be Limitless.

    With love you do lose

    some get broken hearts some get killed by the stronger guy that likes her more than you and some Nations crumble because of a fine piece of pussy that convinced the emperor to do something bad.

    And when you do good sometimes you get bad

    And sometimes when you do bad you get good

    life can be unfair but life can also be fair.

    God is still a concept

  8. On 1/17/2019 at 5:42 PM, Alex bAlex said:

    Hello forum. 

    Just got the news from my work place that they'll start doing random drug test. Anyone know if modafinil /modalert show positive? 

    In the UK is illegal to sell but ok to buy. I got if from the Internet so I do not have any prescription. Also I have to use it sometimes to help me focus while driving due poor sleeping some days. 


    You should be fine as long as its actually what they said it was . RC's are notoriously bad when it comes to consistency and purity 

  9. 7 hours ago, EvilAngel said:

    I want to know what your secret is. Are some people just predisposed to being more easy going? 

    I can be way too sensitive sometimes, and it's something that I hate about myself, but I can't seem to change. 



    Integrity and understanding I think are two very important things. The understanding that people are going to be different than you and just like you hold your ground they will hold they're grounded also and not to expect them to change especially if you wouldn't and that your opinion is no better than theirs.



    And personal integrity to wear regardless of what somebody says towards you or towards somebody else you are not worried about your own personal integrity you are going to be who you are regardless of if there's no one left on the planet or There's 7 billion people on the planet because who you are is not swayed by other people therefore you're not worried by somebody attacking your epistemology or something along those lines.

    Just my two cents

  10. 14 hours ago, cxsxlx said:

    If you add hormones your body is supposed to produce naturally, you’re gonna have a bad time and further trash your body’s ability to produce on its own. 

    It is true that if you had something into body that it normally produces on its own but it will become co-dependent and reduce its production and eventually stop producing in some cases whatever that hormone is however I'm looking at the situation from the viewpoint that hormones continually decline past 25 until the day you die so in some instances where HRT is needed and a guy in his 30's has  testosterone levels under 300 he is most likely never going to start making 800+ levels again and so because they're declining rapidly and have no signs of stopping this kind of negates the viewpoint  of suppression bean side effect

  11. On 10/22/2019 at 11:58 AM, OBEler said:

    @MAYA EL I want anti aging. Living a good long vital life in every aspect (body and mind).

    I am 33 years old. I train in the gym 12 years long, I have perfect healthy lifestyle (100 % no shugar, no alcohol, no meat, no wheat, whey supplement, Vitamin supplement, sprouded buckwheats every day, low carb, once a week 30 minute cardio, meditation and so on)

    I got old in 2 years. Everything declines. strength goes down. my skin is not so elastic anymore. I have stil a well defined 6pack, but my belly gets bigger, maybe because of the decreased elasticity of my skin. Concentration goes down, sexuality goes down. eye sight goes down. intelligence goes down. 

    Normal aging I know, but I want to be vital my whole life. nothing extreme


    Well it definitely sounds like you had a hormone change especially with the elasticity in your skin and the way you explain your belly fat because a rounded stomach that seems to still be muscle is a Telltale sign of visceral fat which is unfortunately the hardest to get rid of because it's up under the muscle on the inner lining of the stomach and is a Telltale sign of your hormones changing for the worst meaning your testosterone has decreased your estrogen has increased and you have an increased amount of SBHG (sex binding hormone globulin)

    Now it's really easy to take something that's good for you and make it bad for yourself and when it comes to hormones it's definitely balancing a tightrope because what might be a concoction that's great for you might be unhealthy for somebody else so The Balancing Act is what's important and my recommendation would not be to go to your local doctor because I've heard some horror stories of how dumb doctors can be so instead I would recommend and online HRT Clinic I'm not sure if we can Source on here so I will save that for later but there are clinics that have intelligent doctors and depending on if you express your desire for more muscle because you exercise they will usually hook you up but the maximum safest amount they legally can and usually just require $150 blood test and then a Skype consultation and then they send you your prescriptions in the mail super convenient.


    I've also been hearing great things about this peptide called 

    Epitalon you should look it up do some research on it I've seen some reviews and it sounds pretty promising. This is a course depending on how far you're willing to take this because lots of these options require pinning (needles ) also if your fine with subcutaneous insulin pinning daily then I highly suggest researching GHRP-2 and or GHRP-6 and CJC ( no DAC) you do not want the cjc with DAC you want the shot acting NO DAC kind it's safe and much better overall  and as for the GHRP-2 and 6 the only difference is that the GHRP-6 will make you hungry within 5 minutes of taking it and I mean stomach pain zombie eat anything kinda hungry so if your not wanting to have to increase your food intake then I would suggest the GHRP-2 . But if they work synergistically together the ghrp-2 increases your pituitary glands ability to make a growth hormone but the CJC regulates how much is released into the body so you kinda need both .

    That's if you cant/don't get on HGH . The GHRP/CJC is called the pore mans HGH lol because omg HGH is not cheap. 



  12. 48 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

    Let's see if I understand. . . 

    Sometimes we say "you are god" and make a distinction between the "little you" and the "transcendent YOU". This can cause confusion at the personal level. An ego may interpret this as the egoic "little me" is god. This misinterpretation could allow this egoic entity to justify it's egoic actions. . . I think this is what you are pointing to. If so, I think it is a very common dynamic. If one is still contracted within a psychological self, they will misinterpret the phrase "You are God". . . as "you are god".

    If my understanding is correct, we can go a level deeper. If we say there is an ego that justifies it's actions, ego (relative to non-ego) needs to be created. Who/what creates the ego? 


    What I mean is that you are the god of your own life and beliefs. 

    But this concept of the ego being like the problem child that's part of you yet your capable of perceiving it and analyzing it and that there's a transcendent part of you that is the real God and what not 

    All of it is still part of the game we play with are self and is a game are (meaning all of you) ego plays with itself (all of you) .

    See you can't separate from your ego and see how how it's been controlling your life because that's just you (as your ego that your not aware of) playing a new game and no matter how you try you will still have a part of your ego that you don't realize is still there calling the shots because the ego is the thing that makes us different then a monkey or any other animal and unless you get a frontal lobotomy (still may not do the trick idk) and kill off the part of the brain responsible for contemplation and imagination your still just entertaining yourself with a game to play . But to think that you are the original creator of the cosmos is not only pointless but ridiculous. 

  13. 3 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

    Who/what would identify as God? Identification requires separation. "I am X" means "I am not Y". There is something prior to that. Who/what is this "you" that is identifying as God?

    Although I understand exactly what you're talking about I prefer to take the stance that that is part of the ego justifying its actions

  14. 2 hours ago, daniel695 said:

    holy shit thats impressive.

    the longest ive meditated was for about 4 months straight.

    thats som real motivation right there and you make good point.

    the question i ask,  how do you get yourself out of the catch 22 situation?

    i need to rethink my expectations about what its really going to take. 




    what im trying to heal is my health in general

    thanks for the response everyone

    Well I crushed T5 T6 T7 and had a BPI in C6 C7 and was paralyzed in both arms so bad that it took 30 minutes to brush my teeth and about 45 minutes to put my shoes on in the morning and that's going from being able to incline dumbbell press the 100's for 12 reps without a spoter and Hammer curling a full size plate while twisting the wrist up and down with each rep keeping the plate directly in front of you and it took 2 yrs to fully recover but I did no surgeries no walking apparatuses I don't use a cane and I don't even have a limp . So yes I know about rejuvenating the body and unfortunately the key for me at least won't do you any good if I tell you but if you want to know I'll tell you

  15. You have literally only served to torture yourself by starting multiple different Lifestyles and ending before they've even had a chance to manifest even the slightest bit of results.

    I meditated daily for a decade before getting an answer to some questions i wanted answers to.

    I've also eating a ridiculously strict diet that made it to where I had to pack all my meals every single day I was not allowed to eat out or anything I did that for 10 years

    and because you've tried everything you can think of does not mean everything's been tried there's a reason there are experts in fields concerning the body.


    And I highly recommend you commit to a lifestyle change for a couple of years because if you screwed your body up just take how old you are and reverse that and that's how long you're going to need to become the opposite of what you are.

    Not literally but it should give you an idea because let's say you're 30 and you've not cared about your body for 30 years well do you really think in three months you're going to fix 30 years of abuse? Not very logical.