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Posts posted by MAYA EL

  1. 6 hours ago, Strangeloop said:

    @SgtPepper But I like to have conversations. Silence is not my enemy though.  

    @MAYA EL Yeah I had went to the doctors for this it's probably it and I don't know how to deal with it.

    You have to grab your mind . Remember its your mind and your realm so you are the master and you get to pick what's in your mind and what's not. And you will have a hard battle but you can regain control. 

  2. 23 hours ago, SoonHei said:

    Was speaking to someone about suffering vs its absence in the present moment. Any input?



    This is what they wrote:


    There is no suffering in the present. 
    There is also no joy in the present.
    Our preception of present is preception of the past:
    By the time the chemicals in our preceptory organs relay the message to near-by neurons, and the action protentionals get fired to make their way to the brain, the brain then interprets them against a previously experinced network of neurons and fires/activates them and then further releases chemicals.
    By the time we experince it, we have already in the future, not the "present".
    The present is dependent on the past and future. (Unless we are referring to the absoulte present - I'll save this for later).

    We do not perceive / feel the present. We perceive the past.
    Our biological body lives in the past.

    As for the mental state, it can be: 
    We can try to "feel the present" and centre yourself. Feel the moment, and then get distracted and focus again on the moment, and then maybe get distracted and focus again, and then get hungry, and then focus again.

    Or just replace the energy, e.g. being grateful.
    Both work I guess. I have nothing against with feeling the moment. But after trying both, now I'd much rather replace with another energy.

    Energy cannot be destroyed. Energy can be replaced with a different energy. 
    To help kids in poor community: War on drugs promotes drugs. Gyms and activities for kids replaces the energy.
    If you are feeling down, or going through hard times, be grateful for what you do have and help others.
    From Islamic perspective: Remember God (and that you will return to him), be grateful and help others.

    Oh and the answer isn't love. 
    Love depends on hate and cannot be defined without the other. The yin and yang is a part of us - us, and the universe that is.

    "Answer" is that which is independent.

    I think we will get clarity in this convo if we start addressing the core belief. 
    Right now we are looking at a snap-shot of a branch.
    We need to address the core belief to take this convo anywhere.

    Confusion I believe arises when people confuse the terms:

    1. "God is in everything" 


    2. "God is found in everything".

    1. God is in everything, therefore God is everything, therefore everything is God, therefore nothing is God, therefore everything just is, therefore just be, therefore just be in the moment. 
    I am trying to address what I feel was the "core belief" in your comments.

    2. God is found in everything stems from: everything is dependant on God. You can find God's sings / proofs in everything.
    I have firmly experienced that if you look at anything deep enough and I mean anything, you will find signs of God. Just keep on going deeper and deeper and you will find God's proof. 
    But be very careful not to mistake sings of God with God!

    God is that which is independent. 
    Us, our preception, this universe is all dependent.

    All this philosophy is nice - but it is a stepping tool to build a questioning mind I believe. It is not the destination!
    Philosophy is nice, but it can easily become a "mental and self defeating trap" if the core belief isn't addressed.

    Allah is Al-Akhir. The destination, not just "a" destination, the destination.
    Allah hu ahad, Allah hu samad - Allah is One, Allah is absolute.

    The concept of God in Islam is not an old man sitting in the heavens, Allah is the absolute. Our perception of yin and yang cannot perceive him. 
    We can only see "his signs", his proofs - by using our intellect. 

    The first revealed words of the Quran are Read. Do you know how many time the Quran tells us to think?
    Even if we look within our selves, philosophically, spiritually or biologically - we will "find God"
    But be very careful not to mistake those proofs/signs given to us by God, with God himself. Becuase that which is dependent isn't God.

    God can be found in everthing because everthing is dependent on him.

    Faith / Belief is something that stands the test of time. The good times and the bad. The intellect, the experiences.

    Haqq (truth) stands the test of time.
    And Allah is Al Haqq, the Truth. (Not just a truth, a realtive / preceived / yin and yang based truth.) He is *The* Truth. The Absolute. The independent.


    I'm going to ignore the religious overtone because it's not worth my time but I will tuch on the part about time . Time is a concept when we experience a situation and are hormones release during are reaction to something this is happening in the now and not in the past or future just the now . Now later on we can think about what happened and experience the same hormones and that be because of the "past" however the feeling is still being expressed right now.

  3. 8 hours ago, VeganAwake said:

    A word used to describe something that doesn't exist ?

    The separation never occurred was just a tiny mad idea created by the ego construct.

    Its just THIS!! ❤

    It still amazes me how people can be trained to believe some of the most pointless and illogical things.  Society now days could be trained to call the moon the sun and the sun the moon and in less than a month you would see sun and moon gurus all over the internet claiming they experienced what they preach. 

  4. 9 hours ago, Preety_India said:

    There is nothing like a teacher or even a cult. Because nobody teaches you or tries to teach you anything since you are an adult. 

    So you can't place blame. Every place on this planet is always going to have stuff you won't agree with. It's a matter of semantics. Everyone cannot be pleased at the same time. You are expecting perfection which is a fault. The word cult only applies if you are forced to do something against your will. Groupthink is a real phenomenon and its expected for people who think similar to have a common bondage or institution and people who don't chime on the same frequency to feel left out. This is how groupthink tanks work. That's not a definition of a cult. 

    Let's not undermine how much of a great resource Actualized org really is instead of focusing on things you don't like about it. Because just because you don't like does not mean others are in the same boat. Maybe they like what you don't like. Nobody can talk in absolutes. The one way to beat around this is to simply take in things that you resonate with and leave out things you do not resonate with .

    You cannot expect a system to run by your preference. It never works like that. Because if everyone had their preferences lined up, it will be impossible to find common ground. 

    I'd suggest that if something doesn't chime with you, leave it out, you have no obligation or guilt to follow it. You aren't missing out on anything . Look outside and beyond but learn to integrate what you find outside with what you learn here and make your own salad. There will always be something to complain even about it teachers. 

    Understand that what you learn here is just a paradigm out of many paradigms and not the absolute. 

    No need to be fixated on this paradigm and get disoriented.


    Got this from google I'd say Leo fits a few of the criteria 


    a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies.

    an instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, especially as manifested by a body of admirers:the physical fitness cult.

    the object of such devotion.

    a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc.

    Sociology. a group having a sacred ideology and a set of rites centering around their sacred symbols.

    a religion or sect considered to be false, unorthodox, or extremist, with members often living outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader.

    the members of such a religion or sect.

    any system for treating human sickness that originated by a person usually claiming to have sole insight into the nature of disease, and that employs methods regarded as unorthodox or unscientific<<<

  5. Any concepts you will hear/find on the internet or in your day to day life or from anybody that tells you that they know the meaning of life is wrong .

    Yes I mean all of them at best are just telling the imaginary idea that they told themselves and were willing to except and this is because life came before language and thought and are social concepts and even before the question of "what is the meaning of life " 

  6. Well speaking from my almost 20 years in the gym and 15 years in the profession of training I will say that moderation is fine matter of fact one of my buddies which was a marathon runner told me that Runners will drink one beer after a extremely long practice or after Marathon because it actually helps them replenish their bodies faster and they said they learned that from horse Racers they would actually give their horses beer after racing to help replenish them. Now keep in mind one regular size beer because once you go past the moderation point  (which is different for everybody) you're going to dip into the negatives

     Some of the negatives would be that alcohol pulls water from your muscles so it dehydrates you and this is one of the main reasons for a hangover the next day after binge drinking  is because of the extreme dehydration.


    Second reason is that it's dry calories meaning worthless calories there's no nutrients in them so depending on your body composition and where you're trying to take it adding and worthless extra calories is usually not a good thing especially if you're trying to lose body fat.

    And last point but not as important as the others in my opinion is that alcohol does slightly suppress testosterone and slightly raise estrogen now it's arguable if that's enough to actually affect putting on muscle or not but nevertheless it's always best to avoid the things that lower testosterone and raise estrogen especially in men.

  7. People you all need to realize that Leo is just a guy although popular on YouTube still he is just a man and because of this that means that he still has things to learn just like everyone else and has by no means obtained the "highest teaching " in fact the fact that he is in the spotlight shows that he has not reached the higher levels of understanding yet because he is subject to the collective mind of society and as long as he stays in the eye of society he will be subject to the collective desires  . True masters stay in the dark for a reason. 

  8. On 11/29/2019 at 0:08 PM, Fede83 said:

    Do I really need psychedelics for going deeper on my self ? I wanna go over my self/my conditioning/my view of life I just wanna be free..understand more and getting closer to the universe.

    Can I take for example shrooms while I’m on antidepressant ? 

    You can do all the same things sober as you can on psychedelics it just takes a little bit more patience.

    I waited a long time before trying psychedelics and I feel that they become a crutch for most people. 

  9. To vaguely answer your question you can change this reality  and do things such as heal the sick  or have incredible strength or gather information that you have no physical means of obtaining  /Tech. 

    Basically there is no limit to what you can do however like all magic (for lack of a better word) is not an advantage like it appears to be 

    The truth is that it is a traid off so although a person can let's say do magic and end up the CEO of a huge company they have only worked at for 6 months as a bottom level employee and is now making 100x what he was making and also has the recognition and prestigious title of power

    This is only part of it because eventually if not from day 1 they will have a loss in there life some how in some way and in a way that is of equal or greater personal value to them and as most come to realize it is not worth the traid .

  10. You speak as if you are so separate from your ego as to not know much about it? But just a reminder

    You and your personality and everything that you enjoy and also hate and also including your personal take on the past (knowledge)  ALL of it is your EGO even the part of you that wants to get rid of the ego is part of your ego just playing the "enlightened " game .

  11. 5 hours ago, WisdomSeeker said:

    @Leo GuraPlease excuse my ignorance, but I am troubled by a nagging question.  If my understanding/takeaway from Leo's videos is correct, then the point of life is to honor our life's purpose/self actualization and to work toward enlightenment. If this is the case, what about the many people in history that never had the opportunity to seek their life's purpose or even have access to methods of obtaining enlightenment ( I am assuming this was the case for some).

    For example, what about slaves that were forced into a life of involuntary servitude and forced into christian religious dogma and ideology by their masters. Surely, there life purpose wasn't to be a slave. Were they just supposed to be mindful of their day to day activities in forced slavery and find the beauty in that?  What was the purpose of a slave's life, that lived and died in slavery and was given no other options to know who they really were? Would the path towards enlightenment be able to present itself to them in every case?  I understand there are a number of assumptions I'm making here, but after pondering, this question, I have even more questions, but I will wait to pose them based off of the responses. 


    Por guy you don't even realize that your that slave in your example. 

    History gives us ideas of what a slave should be like so that hopefully we live a full life never knowing that we were born and died as slaves. 

  12. 4 hours ago, MusicalPotato said:

    Now that I am a lot more sober, I don't think I am God.


    Even if I am wrong, and I somehow am God, nothing changes for me.

    Knowing you are God is the same as knowing you are the Devil, no difference, except people are going to think differently depending on which one you proclaim yourself to be.

    The God and the Devil are the same being, but right now I am human. If I am God then I am kicking myself right now for not giving myself super powers.

    Many of my previous posts seem delulsional, and I dont even want to bring myself to read them again.

    So what if enlightenment is real, being enlightened would not change anything. I sure don't feel "enlightened".

    And also, Love isn't the highest teaching or Truth, or anything in between.

    I don't think there is one, because infinity plus one is greater than infinity alone.

    What I really think now, is that the truth is something that cannot be communicated as it would be tainted by the words.



    Congratulations you are seeing through the social belief system.  Be careful because it is very easy to get tricked into believing what everyone else does because there has been plenty of time to formulate all kinds of excuses that back up there claims. 

  13. Because we egotistically without realizing it still want to feel special and get attention and recognition for something we've accomplished and so we take on a new mask and call it Guru or whatever type of teacher you may be familiar with.

    Awakening and understanding comes from within and through you doing the work and so because we all have to do the work for are self and the work is within us this means that if someone is protecting "how to" or "this is the only way" type of information towards people they are only helping to hinder others despite the sales pitch that it's for their benefit.

  14. Although I agree with 95% of what you have said i differ in the 5% .

    We are not born perfect just the way we are because then what's the point in living and learning?  There would be no point fundamentally. 

    Now to take it deeper then that I will say that are social concepts are a big problem in this world because things like "perfect " don't actually exist despite so many people striving to obtain it .

    There is just life 


  15. I never noticed anything  from taking 

    L-Theanine, Ashwagandha, and i think I tried some Ginko Biloba.

    But what REALLY works is not coco with a small dose (1 maybe 1.5g ) of kratom and 150mg of kanna mixed in and sip it slow and enjoy the brain orgasmic feeling it's like natural X and makes anything you do so much more enjoyable and will definitely increase your dream time frame .