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Posts posted by MAYA EL

  1. The internet is a narcissistic platform for sure.  People nowadays have this desire for attention and recognition that's probably do to the lack of attention they had as kids and to add to that people also want to be listened to in whatever way possible and so every college drop out Starbucks kid wants to be a spiritual leader and talk about stuff that they have in no way personally experienced but through false memory syndrome they are convinced they know what there talking about  . As well as nobody knows how to have a proper debate because when people come together to discuss something they're not truly trying to find new information they're just trying to win an argument for Ego sake. So I would say I agree with you.

  2. You need to start by doing your own bill payments as well as buy your own food and all your own mandatory house chores so that you get in a rhythm then look st your monthly income and try to find the price of living wherever you want to live and start to find out how much all the Bill's generally cost and try to stay at or under 75% of you monthly income for total rent and mandatory related costs . But never max out your income with commitment oriented payments because life is full of surprises and so you need that last 25% for the "what ifs"  trust me because idk how it is where you live but in the US good credit is a good thing to have and it sucks when you have bad credit.  Luckily I've been able to consistently raise my credit to almost a 800 which is very good for if you ever need to buy something on payments 

  3. 5 hours ago, Arcangelo said:

    You are right. Check it out:

    '' Research shows (over and over again) that having children reduces happiness (e.g. Anderson, Russel, & Schumm, 1983 or Campbell, 1981), even though parents think it will make them happier.

    This phenomenon is known as “The Parenthood Paradox” or “Parenthood Gap“.


    Why don’t children make parents happier?

    One of the dominant explanations for this is that children increase the amount and level of a variety of stressors that parents are exposed to (Glass, J., Simon R.W., Andersson M.A., 2016,), such as:

    time demands

    energy demands

    sleep deprivation (potentially starting a vicious circle)

    work-life balance disturbances

    financial burden


    It goes without saying that all of these stressors apply even more to the lives of single parents. This is why single parents report the lowest levels of well-being compared to married or unmarried couples who are living together. ''



    Studies also showed that it was bad to eat egg yokes for about a decade until the Cooper institute did the study again as a follow up to check long term results and confirm previous findings but instead changed the official medical opinion on the dietary consumption of egg yolks to say that it's not only not bad but its actually better for you then just eating the whites alone because of the cholesterol in the egg naturally lowering your body's bad cholesterol. 

    Moral of the story is just because "they" did a study doesn't mean that there findings are demonstrably true

    And there are more examples of the wrong way to have a family then there are good representations so by looking at the majority family is going to give you a terrible idea of what a family is supposed to be like .

  4. Having kids shows you a perspective of life that meditation never will 

    It is also participating in the cycle of life and gives you a deeper understanding of how the human being grows and learns  .

    There is an unlimited amount of reasons not to have a kid but that is because of ate socal programming  we are trained to make excuses but remember 150yr ago a man had to worry about his family starving or being killed or his wife dieing during childbirth so in comparison today's life is still much more family friendly then its ever been .

    Now if you want your freedom and $ to go play and do what you want then I say you are definitely to immature to have kids right now but I will say that having kids is not expensive if you are smart  . Having a kid and wife cost me less then if I was single that's for sure and I also have someone to make memories with that matters and will be there with me for a very long time. 

    It doesn't matter if all is 1 or not because right now this is the game being played so the only way to beat the game is to play it and not forfeit it by rejecting reality. 

  5. 6 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

    Awakening is a miracle.  You haven't experienced it directly yet so you cannot conceive of what it means to awaken another part of yourself.    It is not ego.  

    Trying to insult me is not going to get you very far with me . Go have an authentic experience instead of being a weekend guru and come back in a few years if your still into this kinda thing that is

  6. 1 hour ago, Lento said:

    For whatever reason(s), you're wrong. That is, if you even said anything at all.


    A lot of unnecessary talk in my opinion. Just because someone talks a lot doesn't make them profound. It suffices to say that we don't actually know, and that we're taking our best guesses.

    At least you've said something of material here. Well, obviously, that's your opinion. There are no rules and no exceptions. That's just a story that you've created. And since it's a matter of opinion, here's mine; I prefer going forward and evolve instead of resisting reality and running backwards. "Guruship" is a real thing. Instead of having a negative stance on it, I prefer trying to enhance it as much as possible. I choose to not give up on humanity.

    Ok your obviously narcissistic and not mature enough for an actual conversation about these kind of things and I dont have the time to deal with kids talking back like there my 15yr old stepson 

    I will gladly talk to adults that can reply with actual personal experience and maturity and intelligence so good bye have a wonderful day 

  7. 1 hour ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

    @MAYA EL bro, all I want to do is come on here and help people, whether that’s programming or not. It’s all I’m interested in, as all I’m really helping is myself ! 

    Ok and that's a bad mentality to have because you know it might not be bad yet to you don't care as long as you get what you want and this is the perfect watering ground for very bad things to happen as justification does its thing. Remember Hitler thought he was doing the world a favor 

  8. 3 hours ago, Lento said:

    @MAYA EL

    Perhaps you missed my point. What I said wasn't a concept salad for me. It's something I'm deeply aware of.

    Good point. But still, it doesn't make the desire to help others a social programming/construct. These are two different things; good vs. bad is something different from authentic vs. constructed. Of course, both dualities are relative, but they're not identical. You can genuinely desire helping others and actually help them without weakening them. And you can desire not to help others and actually not help them while at the same time make them weak. The relativity here doesn't necessarily make the desire any less authentic. There are authentic desires. The paradigm which I sensed you were speaking from demonises desire and assumes that it's the cause of suffering. While that's definitely true to some extent, it isn't absolutely true.

    You can desire without suffering. That's why enlightenment is called liberation.

    It sounds to me like You are under the impression that you have some  core beliefs that are demonstrable rather they be obtained through enlightenment or a part of your being and have always been there 

    Unless I'm mis interpreting what you are saying?.

    A devastating thing I learned during one of my many awakening moments was I proved to myself that even your conscience and your deepest core understandings can be wrong and most of the time they are as I proved to myself one day and the realization that some things that I would literally died for and know in your knower CAN be wrong because your "you" in you is not infallible and no one will believe that until they experience it for themselves  .

    Yes there is always an exception to the rule in an organic existence and so there are some very slim rare specific occasions where you can help somebody and it not necessarily be harming them however those cannot be determined in the moment because no one can see into the future to see what type of future outcomes now exists because you helped to that person and I believe we were talking about mainstream situations of things like being a guru or spiritual leader of some form and in that particular aspect of life especially it is not fundamentally good for a person to have a guru telling them what is and what is not.


    8 hours ago, Consept said:

    Just some thoughts on this - recently I've been really trying to accept all my thoughts and everything about me fully. I have quite an anxious mind so not always easy, but I have 2 paths one is continually trying to improve myself in the hope that 'i' no longer feel anxious or the second is that I just accept that the anxiety is there and realise that I am whole with or without it. 

    If you think of someone you love, do you live them less because let's say they are anxious sometimes or do you accept and give them love regardless, maybe even more love if they need it? So just because the thoughts occur in my head and there's some sort of ownership of them why should there be no love, acceptance or understanding given to oneself?

    Truth is you are complete and whole what stops you from seeing this is unrealistic expectations of what that means, unrealistic meaning that you need to be something other than you currently are. The journey to becoming whole is a realisation and acceptance, so anything you do physically or whatever to achieve wholeness would mean you don't realise you're whole and you don't accept yourself as is, this is what leads to a feeling of not being whole. It's a complete mental maze that you need to opt out of 

    You are here to grow therefore you are not complete and whole.

    Even if you were the simply act of "not knowing it" would make you not complete and whole. And there's nothing wrong with not being ether one because no one alive today is complete and whole. 

    That is why everything grows and changes 


  10. 7 hours ago, Lento said:

    Not necessarily.

    Maybe you don't mean that, maybe the words you used make it seem so. But, in this specific case (the exact wording), the paradigm from which your conclusion is coming, is social programming. That's attachment to detachment, which is a very advanced stage, yet, still not the ultimate one.

    Dont make a concept salad here because if I do that too then we will get nowhere.  Example being  your programming that shows you that there is programming that taught you that there are levels to awakening and that even taught you the concept called awakening are all still just social programming you were programmed with.... see how pointless that will be? .

    It's like the guru virson of rock paper scissors .

    My point was that wanting to help is a social construct because it can be looked at as a bad thing because  it makes a person dependent on other people therefore making them weak and by weakening them they are more likely to die (if looked at from a Spartan/ tribal/ animalistic view point) 

  11. On 12/28/2019 at 11:52 AM, Arcangelo said:

    Oh really? How do you know this? Because I am never ever getting married and i am never ever having kids, (I am smart you know).


    "You are already whole and complete" - Is that really true? > YES, Absolutely. Gotta have an awakening experience to confirm it though.





    Lol listen kid no offense but you are assuming something based off or what people have told you and what you have experienced do to false memory syndrome.  I used to say I would never have kids too but one day you will grow up hopefully it will be before your to old .


    And remember just because your parents didn't become awakened by having you and raising you as well as you not enjoying your childhood and creating a complex towards your parents because they didn't love you enough

    and not ever being exposed to the proper representation of how someone should raise a kid doesn't mean that it doesn't exist because lots of things exist that you've never seen . Best of luck to you out there have a good day.

  12. 4 hours ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

    @MAYA EL @Jed Vassallo I’d like to put a counter argument here.

    I get the teachings are there, but for a lot of people they won’t help that much, there’s so many out there who’ve been seeking for 40-50+ years and still don’t get it.

    I would also argue once you awaken to The Self, and realise all are you, you want nothing more than to help people in any way you can, and what greater way than to help them end their suffering? 

    while I also agree a limited amount of people can make videos and write books etc, I feel a more efficient method exists in working 1-1 with people on their unique awakening process and then also using transmissions as part of this teaching.

    that is what worked for me, and without the 1-1 intervention I’d still be a hardcore seeker for sure, stuck in my mind.

    I understand but remember that wanting to help people is just social programming

  13. 6 hours ago, Scholar said:

    I've been wondering about something Leo said a few times now. He claims he has reached levels of consciousness or aspects of awakening that he has read in no book or heard any teacher speak of.

    What exactly is he referring to? So far what Leo is communicating to us does not seem to me like it is something books and other teachers do not talk about. And if he cannot communicate these levels of consciousness, why then does he expect other teachers or books to communicate these levels of consciousness?

    Leo is in a very awkward stage where he is building up a confidence due to the amount of experiences he's had but in particular phase he's in right now is a very volatile one because at the same rate understanding is growing so too is the imagination and if he's not careful which I'm afraid he's not very careful in his imagination will become the most powerful decision maker in his mind and he will spin off into La La Land to put it simply. Now this isn't anything against him because everybody I would think has to go through this phase of Awakening the problem and this situation is though that he is popular and having thousands of people directing their thoughts towards him and their emotions will greatly affect the decisions he makes as well as the decisions other people make because he is an influencer.

    As far as him experiencing things that no teacher has written about in any book I'm not sure what he's referencing to but in my own experience after you go through the confusion then the searching then the lost and hopeless then the Hope regained and then re-establishing beliefs and then the knowledge and understanding phase (I'm sure I missed several but you get the idea) after you've gone through those General emotional roller coasters you get to a point if you kept your mind clean enough to where you will start to experience things and understand things that words were not made for or at least I haven't figured out how to put words to them and they are experiences that I have the slightest clue and how I would even formulate trying to explain it and it makes you realize just how crippled we are by language because when you experience something that you've never learned the word for it's extremely difficult to share that experience with others so perhaps he is talking about that? . 

  14. @Leo Gura Leo I realize that you can't risk coming down to a conversational level where you may appear to have a normal thinking mind because this puts your image in danger of losing its respect and so because you cannot risk equal situational authority and you especially can't risk acknowledging not having obtained something that others have because that would be potentially life threatening to your internet image this puts any conversation with you in a serious bind because authenticity cannot be had do to said reasons above and so you are trying to deflect with a false concept of your view on life in Hope's that your answer will transcend the convictions that my statement place upon your awakening experience and l understand because I was the same way before I got married and had kids so I don't  blame you for having the mentality that you do.


    But just remember that you cant truly imagine and understand something that you have yet to experience and go through and I don't expect you to believe me but I hope that you will become aware of the fundamental importance it has in everyones life. 

    And I don't  want to go back and forth arguing about this dissecting each others replies looking for reasons to deflect because that was not my desire and it won't help ether one of us so know that I respect you and your accomplishments and I only say this do to experiencing it from both sides and sharing it with the best of intentions. 

  15. @rNOW  I do many different types of art but the one type I was never good at ( and I mean terrible) was drawing but around the beginning of 2017 when I started my hardcore Awakening I one day just picked up a pencil and started drawing Now don't get me wrong I'm not a photographer with a pencil by any means but I went from drawing stick figures to drawing Landscapes people buildings things like that very clear jump in skill level overnight.

    One of the things I had started doing was when meditating sitting in the dark I would draw not being able to see the paper I only did it a few times but surprisingly you couldn't tell the difference between the blind drawing and a regular drawing there's one point where I was drawing with both hands at the same time in the dark and you cannot tell the difference. The other interesting thing was how the seemingly random Landscapes would actually lineup with things later on throughout the weeks or months