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Posts posted by MAYA EL

  1. You know you should tag the person your replying to so that we all know exactly whom it is that you are directing your replys to .

    If it was me .

    No I don't want you to admit that I'm smart and your dumb because that is an ignorant statement. 

    The reason i say that it is ignorant is because no 2 people on the planet have the exact same knowledge (maybe very similar)  but that's as close as it gets.

    So then because every single person alive has a knowledge base that is unique to them and only them this means that there isn't truly a standard to which we can be judged and found to be "smart or dumb" 

    There is simply understanding and not understanding/ignorance  .

  2. Giving us what you eat  are regular basis does  very little  in terms of diagnosis Without knowing your ancestral history AKA European / African/ Asian /Caucasian 

    Because depending on your heritage that is going to greatly affect how your body responds to certain types of food.

    Secondly usually acne on the arms chest shoulders upper back/Tech is a sign of hormone imbalance and or high acidity low alkaline.

    Now I stated previously depending on your genealogy some certain people are more prone to being acidic than others but regardless of that the majority of people are more acidic than they should be so I would suggest focusing on balancing your body's alkaline levels. One of the best ways is first thing in the morning having 16 oz of water with 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar that has the mother in it and 1 freshly squeezed lemon half and drink that right when you get up in the morning this will work wonders and it also cleans your liver very well.

    Also sugars and carbohydrates raise your acidity so try to cut your unprocessed sugars down to a absolute minimum if that's not helping start cutting your carbohydrates down to a minimum that is within practical limits and if you need more make sure that you just add in complex carbohydrates and not simple carbohydrates. Also stay away from wheat products I don't care if it's whole wheat half wait white wheat Brown we blew any weight does not matter wheat is terrible for you because you're digestive system as hell trying to process it if you absolutely have to have bread I suggest Ezekiel bread or some other form of sprouted grain because once it sprouts it is no longer a grain.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Aakash said:

    @Nahm interesting, okay sure ... no worries. I will leave until it is okay to come back. 

    @MAYA EL gratitude, I hope you enjoy the conversation with him. Thank you for taking the time to listen to me my bro. 

    Not a problem. Oh and the only thing I asked is that you have the open mind to the fact that you could be wrong and be willing to change your understanding if shown to be wrong. What you mean if you say yes you probably won't do but none the less it's always good to sharpen one's perspective through a discussion

  4. How do you know your helping? See intentions aside if you explain something to somebody technically you're not telling the truth because you're telling your angle. For instance you can sit on a hill before the sun comes up and then watch the sun come up well there's another person a couple of thousand feet to your left sitting on a different Hill doing the same thing so then you tell me how it was when the sun came up and you're completely honest well it's different than the story they tell me because of individuality and perspective so then I still don't know exactly what it's like to experience the sun coming up I merely just have two opinions which have now tainted my imagination towards this event


    so then I now have a predetermined expectation and concept of what a sunrise is like which is going to provide me with surprise confusion may be disappointment once I finally give experience it because of all the ideas and Concepts I have created about it based off of what other people have said therefore I have more problems to deal with now then I did before anybody told me about it and so then this means they did not help me at all they merely confused me. You're here to learn about life by experiencing it not playing teacher

  5. 1 hour ago, Aakash said:

    Cmon guys have a little trust.

    in all the messages that I’ve posted here, don’t you think I atleast the slightest bit of trust that I’m telling you the truth. All I’m asking you to go do is simply have a private chat or public chat with synchonicitg and ask him any question you want , about anything. 

    Now we’re geyting in the realms of “ohh so what’s in it for me” just like with enlightenment nothing but the truth and securely grounded emotional stability, cessation of all fears etc etc. The Same things but you get the divine absolute truth and not the relative absolute truth. 

    Honestly, I’m actually feeling abit hurt on the inside. That it’s come to this and people still don’t think I don’t know what I’m talking about. There is proof but it all exists in tier 3 and tier 4. It’s like trying to persuade a caveman there’s a president of the United States.... 

    so you know what yes I’m asking for a little faith and to put your asss on the line. Regardless of how “magically , exceptionally enlightened you are” 

    would I ever lie to you, I checked out all the possible ways of proof before I came to you with this. Seriously just you know have faith in a brother that he knows what he’s talking

    Okay I am willing to talk to this person so go ahead and log out log back in with your other username synchronicity or whatever you call it and I will have a mature discussion with you and prove to you how fallacious this entire thing is.

  6. On 9/17/2019 at 5:33 PM, Mu_ said:

    You mean I’m challenging it or I’m trying to prove it. Not sure how to read your sentence. 

    My apologies let me rephrase it.

    You explained how the atomistic approach to science goes about explaining matter however we cannot view the atom because it's smaller than a light wave obviously

    So it's theoretical in nature then the parts that it's made from her also theoretical in nature and so on and so forth and it appears that you favored the concept that we are all one and made up of a God particle so I perceive it as you favor this concept am I right or wrong?

  7. On 9/16/2019 at 10:47 PM, VeganAwake said:

    @MAYA EL  that's interesting...are you saying that every outwardly action is the ego fulfilling its self agenda in disguise?

    In my experience it feels like as long as I stay conscious I can avoid my ego coming in the back door and sabotaging a situation.

    And the longer I stay conscious the more it deflates. I really feel like I just bounce back and forth from Consciousness to Maya.

    I definitely do not identify with my masks for long I catch on to it and drop them as soon as possible.

    How do you handle this kind of situation? 

    For the most part yes. The concept of ego has been misunderstood due to so many people hearing about it once or twice and not truly meditating on it and then telling the first person they see

    in other words YouTube gurus.

    Now that ego is your expression/Style/your personality now  originality was more of a term for a personality that's not desired something you want to get rid of/ Tech however it's still "you" so to "kill the ego" or get rid of it completely would be much like picking yourself up from your own bootstraps no matter how hard you pull your not going to levitate.

    Now due to all the enchantment and spells people are under these days most people are slaves to thoughts and desires that are not truly their own and they're acting upon them  daily this is obviously different than the liberated person however even the liberated person has an ego the only difference is the ego is not under influence from those spells and social programming but it is still subject 2 delusions of grandeur and things of that sort

    so the best you can do is truly be careful with the decisions you make and make sure you actually thought about them and if you've established your own set of fundamental values in life then test it against them and see if they are in line with them.

    At the end of the day you cannot make an ego free decision you can only try to make sure you were aware of the decisions you made.

  8. You are deceived. 

    You don't realize that someone did experience this Kundalini but because of ego they wanted to share it with the world so they wrote about it and they taught it to their groupies more followers whatever you would like to call them and so they pushed their version of reality on to other people and of time it has manifested into what it is today. See the truth is there's no formula for how to clean your chakra system you don't have to have a Kundalini Awakening some people do some people don't but those numbers are definitely skewered thanks to some religions. In this world we're so quick to shove our reality down other people's throats and call it helping or showing the way and it doesn't hurt to get your feet kissed and some nice clothes and a place to stay while you're at it maybe even get a statue and get called a sage.

    But the main reason you're deceived is because you think you're not getting anything out of this which goes to show you don't really do self inquiry because if you did you would know that you only do things to get something out of it. The self-righteous Christian devotes his time helping with church matters because he's hoping to get a pat on the back from God or maybe even a blessing the guru in India has no other way of making a living and he's had a lot of time to think come up with word games and wants to leave a legacy and be the next Krishna or Shiva figure that left its Mark in history but regardless every human being acts with the intentions of getting something in return so stop lying to yourself. I say it because I care and not to be a dick believe it or not

  9. 11 hours ago, Aakash said:

    @MAYA EL I can honestly say...  LOL 

    its a terminology for communication, don't take things so seriously 

    does it mean anything, except words and dualistic language? NO! 


    and honestly, when i didn't enter nirvana LOL! 

    If it didn't mean anything then the term would not create the collections of people that it does. A phrase or term has power depending on how it has been used.

  10. You need to not be so sensitive I was not attacking you for anything I was voicing my opinion about a fad that the New Age movement desires so badly. Yes I know it is a fact and yes I realize people experience it yes I have experienced it as well many times. what you need to realize is how the imagination Works and how the human mouth works  and how this world works.

    and don't take what I said personal

  11. Kundalini is a made-up thing that was made up by a guru a long time ago that experienced it and through speaking it in The Power of Words and in the power of the subconscious mind others had it manifest as well and so on and so forth until today we have this fad going around where you can get off work from your nine-to-five go home have a Kundalini experience and thank your the next Buddha. Bottom line is just because somebody honestly experienced it does not mean everybody needs to experience it to reach the same place in life this is because we're all different and we all have different things we have to deal with so we will all have different experiences so people making money off of this Kundalini experience telling people that they can be enlightened through it and all the other crap they say it's just another fad marketing gimmick

  12. Sure when did the delusion of grandeur take over and convince you that you were a bodhisattva?

    . As for my opinion on the matter I think enlightenment is another fad like everything else and that there's either people that are gaining understanding more people that are not getting understanding and there's a lot of variables in between those two.

  13. On 4/17/2019 at 7:50 PM, Genghis Khan said:

    I'm not sure what to write here, because I'm not sure what I am. I feel like reality is breaking down. My mind is gone. Something has happened to me which can only be described as an extreme existential crisis and it's the most gruesome experience I've ever faced. I saw something that instantly changed everything about this life, and my mind is working tirelessly to take my focus off this reality. My mental state is one of shock, accompanied by confusion, fear, denial, and quite possibly psychosis. I'm having great difficulty just writing this, because my mind is so broken that I can't even be certain about what I'm writing. I've never experienced this level of emotional turmoil and inner conflict before. I truly feel as though I'm going insane. I feel like I've just stumbled into the secret of reality, and in doing so I have inadvertently rendered myself psychotic and unstable in the process.

    In writing this, I need to be extremely careful because I have become aware of the apparent variables affected by what is said here, which is to say that this writing is intimately connected with everything else which manifests itself in reality.

    The only thing I can do to make sure this writing correctly yields beneficial responses is to be as honest as humanly possible. I can no longer allow for my past habits to continue. Every thought I had and every word I spoke and written were all infected by a need to posture myself by projecting an image of an intelligent, insightful person, and proceeding to endlessly convince myself and others of this pretence. It was pure arrogance and ego fueled by petty juvenile emotions. It seems as though all my primary motivations stemmed from the need to impress and gain acceptance from other people and myself. It's humbling to know that it's taken this long to become fully conscious of this neurotic mechanism which plagued my subconscious mind like a virus. Luckily, this imbalance has steadily subsided as I've learned to become more mindful of my feelings.

    Now that I ego-checked myself, I can properly discuss what has happened and why I've happened upon the subject of Magic. Recently, I had the epiphany that Magic is real, or at the very least, the word "Magic" can be used to describe phenomenon inherent in reality. Magic became open to me when I had a shocking mystical experience of sorts roughly two weeks ago. Unfortunately, what I saw, or felt, is too much to even try describe in words. My attempts to access these memories result in a sense of fear, a fear of the radical power of the Ultimate Truth, which is a clear result of my imbalance. Ceaseless confusion arouse after this experience, but in the end, I walked away with one fact clear in my mind. The universe is completely, utterly, a mental construct. It's alive, everything I've experienced is intimately connected with me and my mind, to the point of being indistinguishable. The entire "external world" is actually the internal world. The internal world works hand in hand with the external world. My thoughts, emotions, words, and imagination are inevitably connected with what we call "Physical Reality" or "The Real World" or "Life". The greater implication of this fact is that I was wrong about what I was. Whatever I am, it's much bigger than what I was lead to believe. What I am is something that is pushing everything that's occuring in "reality" including both the mind, body, sensations, and every possible manifestation that occurs within the universal awareness, which is what is occuring right now. These words are appearing. Whatever it is that is allowing these words to manifest and appear, that is The Ultimate. These words exist and are making an appearance inside The One Reality. If you are reading this, then you can verify that this is in fact The One. As you read this, notice that everything that exists in the entire universe is taking place right here in this awareness, the very same place in which these words reside. The One, also known as God, is the source of all manifestations and it's preeminent forever because all that occurs is The One. It's from this starting point that reality can be properly studied. This is the knowledge that is changing me and taking control.

    The strangest thing about this realization is that it did not come from an outside source. It rose to the surface from deep within like a long forgotten memory. It was new and radical, but it came from deep within the subconscious.

    As I reflected on this insight, I realized that many things I previously thought were ridiculous are actually extremely prodound topics. I once mocked religion, but I've began studying every religion and identifying the esoteric knowledge hidden within. I have become fascinated by the occult mysteries which are present in every notable culture, particularly the use of Magical Rituals. Magic, an art that is shunned by modern materialists, is actually one of the deepest subjects humans have studied. It is Life Mastery taken to its furthest levels. Magic is an ability that generally can only be accessed by disciplined spiritual practitioners, because only non-dualistic thinkers can understand how it works and have purified themselves enough to use it effectively.

    Why do I say Magic is real? Because everything is Magic. Magic is the art of using Will to manipulate reality. When you are everything, using your Will to change reality becomes much more feasible, because it's a process that is constantly occuring as the subconscious mind is constantly calculating the entire universe and determining what appears. Magic can be done simply by making an impression on the subconscious mind calculated to bring about a certain result, and one can experiment with this and notice the results.

    So do any of you practice any form of the Magic I am refering to? Is all of this pure innane, psychotic ramblings, or am I onto something?



    Hey now this may just be a real awakening moment!  Believe it or not this means you are finally noticing yourself but don't let your imagination get the best of you because this is a tricky situation/ time for you .

    Yes magic is real I define magic as being in 2 categories 

    1 the mental 

    2 the literal/ physical 

    They go together however your not going to find real quality information on the internet about TRUE magic because true power is not given away for free and the other reason is that it is being used on you as we speak and so if you learned about it then you may figure out how and what kind of spells you are under and break them and that means they lose control over you and they wouldn't want that so instead the internet is over flowing with "information " about magic  in order to keep you plenty busy that way you never find the truth.

  14. 1 hour ago, Mu_ said:

    Those are some deep high level understandings of your ‘inner’ workings. I’ve been down that road of wanting to prove without a shred of unprovabilty that my experience was or lined up with Truth or that my ideas lined up as well. Annnnnnd you can’t. The Truth can not be proven on those level of reality because it is everything you’d be using to prove it. There’s no objective place one could stand to see what your trying prove objectively, because if your standing there your obviously in a place with a space under you and above you and you wouldn’t be objective to those.  This doesn’t mean realization and understanding Cant happen, it’s just scientific propositions in defining something are just that propositions with rules and reasonings that are agreed on to define something. 

    The best way using the scientific reasoning that I can come up with to pint or Oneness and or Infinity is such. And I’ll make a video on it. 

    A great deal of scientific reasoning breaks down and analyzes supposed material or phenomenon that takes place on this supposed material. 

    Material could be said to be solid from one perception like sight and touch.  But science has shown you can look even more into these supposed objects and you’ll find mostly supposed empty space  with electrons and protons and neutrons.  Then these can be looked into and are broken down into more supposed empty space (they don’t know if it’s empty, but assume so because it’s they can’t see if stuff is there or not)and other objects called quarks and dark matter and on and on this theoretically can go.

    Now things like distance could be said to be broken down into two material/matter points. And one could say that the space between these points is also material, just not visible to the eye, like air or outer space. 

    Now the stuff that allows for something called distance and space is determined or intimately connected to matter as I’ve outlined above. And as I’ve started to show matter itself is more space and supposed smaller things that seem to be able to be able to be broken down infinitely (we haven’t reached a place where we can say they cannot or even if we did how could we say for certain?). 

    This now jumps to the big finalle. Now either matter/material/stuff itself infinitely goes on and on and this is an infinity that never starts or ends or we come to a stuff that all stuff originates from or we come to a stuff that all stuff breaks down to, a one stuff/god particle. 

    Anyone one of these in my opinion points to we are all One infinity process that never had a beginning, or are from One that originates all and if you are created from One, you can only be that or we are all made up of one god particle and we and everything is this god particle in different apparent forms. 

    I'm not sure why you keep trying the conclusion that we might all be one God particle?


    It sounds like you are PMSing however I will still touching a few things. I agree with you on experience and not taking other people's experiences as true but you refer to yourself as different beings when you say "higher self" and things about human nature which doesn't that categorize you by the very stereotype you're pointing out?

    But to add to your coke addiction (that was a joke)

    I've been in the health industry for about 15yrs now and so this topic is right down my path. 

    Coke is bad for your body however in some situations it can be more beneficial short-term then it is detrimental long-term.

    Example if you did not eat enough the day that you did a strenuous exercise and so you could pleated your bloodstream of glucose and are going hypoglycemic so you grab a coke and you drink it (or something with simple carbohydrates and simple sugars ) it will enter your bloodstream faster than complex carbohydrates will and it will bring your blood glucose level back up from a hypoglycemic attack making you feel much better however as stated above this does not mean it is "good for you and bad for him" this is just a situational circumstance.