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Posts posted by MAYA EL

  1. 4 hours ago, Commodent said:

    I've never really had a consistent meditation practice, but I walk for several hours a day. I've been doing it for over a year, and the growth has been absolutely amazing. I truly see everything so much clearer. I think that the most important thing about meditation is that it gives you an opportunity to free yourself from distractions and to just let the dust settle. But meditation isn't really the only way to attain that.

    Right now I'm at a place where I'm working more on my focus, and it's going quite well. There's a time and place for everything.

    I agree contemplation is the most effective method of problem solving in my experience 

  2. Don't try to do that worthless "dead brain" sitting in 1 spot with your legs crossed wasting your life away "medatation " .

    If your mind is full of random crap that's flooding your head and you can't stop it then try what I did (I was really ADD) what I did was I paid perfect and full attention to any and all thought that came to me and sid so with the mentality/ concept that they have to be important because why else would I be letting them over power my will power so then theres something I really need to find and know .

    You will be surprised at how fast those ideas vanish one by one as you observe them until one day you realize you only think when you desire to

  3. On 9/26/2019 at 1:59 AM, zeroISinfinity said:

    @MAYA EL Meditation is the way. 

    What God is, is exactly Pure Infinite Love.

    This is God. 


    God is not neutral God is Good to ultimate degree. 


    I love all of MYSELF. 

    No. You are talking about love.

    Love is love.  Yes love does lots of good things however it also  makes mankind do bad things.


    Love blinds love makes people do foolish things  love makes people kill other people  love starts wars love makes people jealous and do evil 

    Love is a vortex where it will destroy anything and everything in the way of the person and the thing that's loved.

    A god very well may be love but the all creator of the universe cannot be spoken of truly nor can it properly be contemplated or understood and sure as hell can't truly be talked about with something as simple as language. 

  4. 2 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

    I wouldn't count it out, but its probably only helpful for people who believe/ understand it.  And it doesn't help all these websites with angel numbers and crap like that which could be bastardizing the original intent.  I would like to know about the number 33 because I'm seeing it up to like 10 times a day now. 

    Well from a scientific standpoint it is simply  experience-dependent neuroplasticity

    But from a metaphysical standpoint the number 33 is he used in reference to be fully enlightened mind of man as well as the Tree of Life is also in correlation with the third of the stars that fell from heaven spoken about in abrahamic religions as well as a signifying marker that the Masonic Lodge had their hand in the information being received. .

    Then there's the stupid New Age information with crap like that's the number of Metatron the Archangel blah blah blah

  5. 7 hours ago, onacloudynight said:

    Imagine how awesome this would be! A place where everyone is living together and devoted to consciousness work and it wouldn't be like a traditional stage blue monastery. Everyone would be striving towards turquoise.

    We could host a number of silent retreats throughout the year and we could even incorporate some psychedelic retreats, which traditional monasteries would frown upon. 

    When we aren't doing a retreat. The daily schedule would be similar to a monastery. Everyone would have the whole day to focus on meditation, yoga, self-inquiry, contemplation etc... 

    You could even have some transpersonal psychologists there to help you with all your inner stuff that you would be going through.

    Let's sign a petition :D

    You have a terrible life perception 

  6. 3 hours ago, karkaore said:

    Why are we fundamentally curious? What does it say about God? A lot of enlightened beings say that the Godhead or whatever else they call IT is the end of all desire. I see a deep problem here. A huge paradox.

    Now if the Truth aka God aka Consciousness bla bla has no desires, why are we (the same consciousness, Godhead) experiencing whatever we are experiencing? Why would there be any curiosity, any desires or anything allowed if not for the desire for something? I am not talking about our basic desires (like the Maslow's hierarchy of needs), I am talking about the fundamental stuff. Consciousness is heading towards greater understanding, love and peace. If there was no desire, there wouldn't be a thing called evolution, there wouldn't be any movement towards anything, would it? God wants something. Consciousness wants something. Greater good and love doesn't really satisfy the question. It's something I cannot comprehend yet. Greater understanding, love, expansion of consciousness seems like the bonus resulting from that process, whatever it is that God is doing.

    I love seeing somebody with the ability to think. Perks my day right up lol.


    Try to forget everything you hear on the internet these days God is Not pure love and if anybody starts talk about consciousness pluggers and run trust me it's better in the long run that way because the information out here is so twisted it's like calling a pretzel flatbread.


    So because God is Not pure love and we are not the all creator that created this reality but we are like little mustard seeds from an all Creator tree and so there is a goal for us to obtain.

    But what could possibly interest and all creator that knows everything in this reality? ?? if you find the answer to that question it will change your life permanently. 

  7. Please do extensive research before trying anything anybody tells you. I'm not directing this towards anybody that has commented on this by any means it's a blanket statement. I would give my professional opinion seeing as this is my particular line of work however without actually seeing the person in question I cannot properly assess what is needed.


    I'm assuming it's desk neck but I don't know what level this person is at I also don't know how the rest of their body is. And without proper posture analysis to find all the imbalances from the feet up a proper diagnosis cannot be made.

    However I will suggest finding a good massage therapist one preferably that works in a clinic like a chiropractic office and is comfortable with working on sll types of patients

     there is a form of deep tissue massage that they can do to actually break up that scar tissue to flatten that hump out .

  8. 3 hours ago, remember said:

    @MAYA EL  well it was more about a spiral dynamic thing, it`s interesting how family dynamics and illnesses correlate. i don`t want to say that in general food has something to do with mental illnesses but there are some hints that we need some fresh power foods to coap with stress, every holistic medical system works with diets as you can`t work with phyto medicine or with any kind of wholistic psychosomatic therapy without even considering food as medicine because if you clog your body with the wrong fats and make it overwork itself with low energy food that also might be pumped up by chemistry and contributes to more stress due to inflammation there won`t be a big success. did you ever try a a strictly plant based diet during a time where your mental health was affected? so how can you say if the diet would have changed it? maybe you would have recovered quicker with some high energy plant based foods giving the body the chance to clean itself. what was more interesting in this family constellation (and it`s really not about gossiping, i hope they will find a way to overcome the situation) was that cancer is an illness where most people start to look into foods more closely as it is about life and death litterally and usually then people start to realize how everything somehow plays together. cancer diet is even more important than any other diet as the body needs to starve out the cancer and fight it at the same time and needs a lot of energy to still coap with what`s weakening it. i just can imagine that a set back in life can make people overthink their whole understanding of life if they are open enough to see that they are barefeet.

    of course now he has to first treat the addiction before he can treat the stress problem, but of course if people are in denial about the complexicity of the body, (not saying that i am not in denial in some health aspects) they won`t find out about how everything we put inside of us contributes to our overall condition, for better or worse. if we stand at the boarder of a cliff we might try to change it - it`s about chances to see the world with different eyes and realize where we might have not have the better information before. it`s about insights into a more complex world beyond what we where aware of when everything seemed to be going well. every crisis usually changes people for better or worse.

    Trust me I play with my diet quite regularly and I was getting plenty of fresh veggies and fruits I was exceeding my daily macro and micronutrients all organic seven meals a day.

    The point I was trying to make is that in that circumstance as dramatic as his changing diet wouldn't turn him in the Mary Poppins the next day although 99% of Americans have a lot of room to improve their diet from the 15 years experience I have dealing with people and their diets.

  9. This is the downside to somebody telling you about something that you're supposed to find yourself.


    And what I'm referring to is the concept that you think you have to love everything.

    It's a great sales pitch to get followers but love is a spell that's man made it is not what God is made out of it is not with pure conscious awareness is made out of it's a sales tactic of the New Age movement. Instead what you should be searching for is understanding because understanding will solve everything for you love will just get you child support a flat tire some court fees and a bunch of grandkids and maybe a war or two.

  10. 8 hours ago, remember said:

    @CreamCat interesting, do you think there is a relationship with cutting out on plants and not enough phyto energy to coap with overexcessive stress or do you see it more  caused by the biochemistry of high meat consumption in sense of hormon production, body inflammation etc.? even though it´s maybe a little off topic but the connections are interesting. although maybe it`s more about the direct pressure of the situation - to heal food might be relevant. also especially cancer patients need a lot of veggies like brokkoli to heal. in situations like that whole worldviews can tumble and change.

    In a situation like this the slight effect that food has on one's Mental Health what do little to no good in the situation. I've gone through some of the worst situations in my life while eating a high meat diet we are omnivores we are made to eat pretty much anything. And I've handled life-altering situations while eating 350 G of meat protein a day as well as when I eat a normal diet consisting of only about 70 grams of meat protein a day and both life-changing scenarios it was equally as stressful and my diet had very very little effect on my Mental Health.

    Now I'm not saying that inflammation and certain foods can't contribute to stress but what I am saying is don't worry about the pebble between your sandal as you're walking off a cliff for lack of a better term

  11. 7 hours ago, Tistepiste said:

    I don't understand how one of the highest Zen masters, as you said, Doshin Roshi, could have OCD?
    OCD is really a mind thing, lack of letting go, creating a thought loop. I would think that a Zen master would be able to be above that?
    Knows the tricks the mind plays for you to draw your attention to it?

    Or do you mean he had OCD and ADD and still accomplished what he did?  Because claiming that he is still suffering OCD and ADD just seems very strange.
    Certainly since OCD also happens when traumas are not well integrated / resolved, or you as I said the inability to let go. 

    Could you clarify this a bit more?

    That's because no one truly lives up to the image that the name Guru holds. Any Guru you find these days is just making a living like everybody else

  12. I had ADD since I was a kid and was on 60mg a day of adderall for 5yrs until I started my life changing awakening and went cold Turkey.  It was hard for 2 months I had 0  control over my focus and then one day I had enough and I started meditating for 6hrs straight and about 3hr in I got a headache that was so bad I couldn't open my eyes and I was balled up in bed holding my head shaking it felt like 1000PSI in my skull and after about 3hrs of that I fell asleep for 14hr and when I woke up I was ADD free and no adderall cravings or hangover symptoms and I felt like I was normal. 

    The mind is a powerful thing 

  13. 10 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:

    You Can guide "them" to SELF discovery. Doesn't matter so much Will you take the path or not but I beleive It's better /"to die Before death" / to get enlightened sooner then on death bed. 

    Foolishness of keeping separated self. 

    Self is fear. Imagine That life. 

    @MAYA ELIt's not my "perspective" It's Truth. 

    Then you are simply regurgitating somebody else's perspective