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Posts posted by MAYA EL

  1. 11 hours ago, DrewNows said:

    “It is never the person, it is always the expression for that which is perceived”

    in any interaction there takes place a mirroring effect. The vibrational frequency matches the experience being received. 

    Go ahead and try it out, delve into a particular feeling state, like the self loather, then watch as reality manifests self fulfilling experiences that keep this state in motion 

    what you might like to know is we are all made up of energy and electromagnetic polarity is in play. Energy beings attract similar frequencies and this becomes perception

    while there may appear to be coincidences, luck IS attracted my friends 

    We are the Xperiences we attract, you have been warned

    Be aware and stay lucky? 

    Then what is your explanation for when somebody experiences a terrible event that was not correlated to their thought process or their actions?

  2. 13 hours ago, SriBhagwanYogi said:

    @MAYA EL Screenshot_20191001_145920.jpg

    Spinal Breathing is not new age bullshit breathwork thing, its very serous and delicate technique. 

    No it is New Age bulshit Now the cake could be made from some old sprinkled b******* that's very possible but regardless people need to learn how the mechanics of the imagination and the mind work as well as the physical body and I can tell you right now if you go and look at any of these hobo looking guys on YouTube doing spinal breathing where there gasping for air and contorting their chest is all they're doing is forcing adrenaline to dump into their system and some of them are hyperventilating but they're not causing their pineal gland to release DMT or any of that stuff. 

    The subconscious mind is so easy to trick but everybody is having this experience of feeling their third eye which is a perfect example because you shouldn't feel your third eye you don't have a third eye what you have is you have a pineal gland

    but you spiritually don't have a third eye you don't have one eye in the spirit realm hell  you don't even have eyes in the spirit Realm.

    But how come everybody experiences their third eye? How come everybody feels a third eye between their eyes? Well it's quite simple you see it on TV you hear about it on the internet whether you like it or not at the time if you or if you were not ready to accept it you've been hearing about it for either one day or however long you been alive doesn't matter you've heard about it more than once

    And that's how subliminal planting works and then a scenario arises where that would fit into the situation and bada-bing it manifests and you think it's real.

    If you want to make sure you're actually experiencing something that's not in your head sit in your underwear on a mountain below freezing see if you can warm yourself up without moving or breathing heavy and if you can accomplish that then  you probably had a real experience.


    But even then it's not really that important fundamentally because it's an experience and this New Age movement everybody wants this orgasmic experience and everything that they do and guess what experiences are a dime a dozen now. Once a person gives up the desire for even experience itself been there on possibly the right track.

  3. Martial arts is wonderful for learning body mechanics and body awareness. I did martial arts from 15 to 21yr old  and competitively for a while as well as taught Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I even got to the point where I could release adrenaline just standing still as well as not release adrenaline during a excited moment as a demonstration of how you can control your body this was done with stress monitor on in order to show reaction on screen. You can also he's so everybody not only can you find what's wrong with it but you can figure out how to fix it.

  4. 3 hours ago, Mezanti said:

    Cut out all non complex carbs, eat high calorie meals filled with protein and fats. You will have an increase in muscle gain and an increase in growth hormone, this all happens when insulin is not triggered.

    Natural insulin production is not going to have an effect on natural growth hormone in a substantial way that's going to actually affect  muscle growth especially seeing as how I'm assuming he's past his teen years . Also if he's having trouble gaining he's most likely  not carb sensitive  and possibly could be borderline hypoglycemic if not a hypoglycemic person which would mean he naturally produces too much insulin to begin with  so I would not suggest  cutting all simple carbohydrates because this just means you require even larger volumes of complex carbohydrates  in order to replace those calories  which means more food more food more food and if you feel you're at the limit and you can't  eat anymore  and I'm adding some dirty carbs every now and then.  I'm hypoglycemic  and  even  during the summer time when I was cutting down to below 10% body fat  I still had  a few or really crabby snacks throughout the week about one a day  and  it never affected my ability to lose fat matter fact it actually  when use at the right time help keep my metabolism high and it makes you look better than next day  as your muscles  fill out  and you turn into a road map  the next morning  LOL

    On 9/29/2019 at 4:24 AM, JonasVE12 said:

    My question is a bit more nuanced. My goal is gaining weight. I struggle to do that, so I try to lean more towards calorie dense food. I then don’t look at nutrient density, because my priorities lie in gaining weight. But still I want to make sure I don’t neglect my health. So that’s why I’m asking it would be enough to take supplements, you know. I don’t know why people say that supplements are inherently no substitute for real food. I see where that is coming from, but I would think that if my current diet lacks certain nutrients that is can get from supplements, then it does substitute for real foods. But anyways, I’ll go eat more healthy foods. 

    There is a time and a place for supplements and 9 out of 10 people don't use them the right way and also prefer to get there nutrition from a simple diet and a lot of supplements when in reality they could go shopping and get all the foods needed to support there body. Believe it or not real bodybuilders know more about healthy diet then most dietitians ( buy real bodybuilder I mean competitive professional career based) and I promise you the skinnier and the younger the person the more supplements they own and the bigger and the older the person the less supplements they have but the Fuller the refrigerator is. 

    Look at this way if you want to build a house out of bricks and you have 15 workers the only one wheelbarrow it's going to take awhile to build that house if everybody's got to share the wheelbarrow but if there's 15 wheel barrels or better yet 20 wheelbarrows then that house is going to get built way faster and this is how your body works if you don't have an excess amount of micro and Macro Nutrients is all your body's going to do is prepare the damage not adding extra muscle and in some cases not even burn fat but if you have a consistent excess amount of nutrients in the body then your body says "hey we can adapt to the Lifestyle by adding more muscle cuz we got plenty of food"

    Pretty much the only supplements I recommend is 

    #1 whey isolate because it digests very fast and can someone Shake directly after your workout Tanakh your body from catabolic back into anabolic as fast as possible this works better than food in this particular scenario because your digestive tract is comatose after workout and so if you eat a steak it's going to sit there for hours while you stay catabolic which is not good but the protein shake being easily absorbed will shock your body back in anabolic.

    #2 BCAA's are the building blocks of your muscles and making sure that you have a balanced amount of them in your system Cuts back on house or you'll be increases your recovery and it's General all around absolutely crucial for building muscle

    I drink it all throughout the day in my 1gal jug.

  5. 23 hours ago, JonasVE12 said:

    My question is a bit more nuanced. My goal is gaining weight. I struggle to do that, so I try to lean more towards calorie dense food. I then don’t look at nutrient density, because my priorities lie in gaining weight. But still I want to make sure I don’t neglect my health. So that’s why I’m asking it would be enough to take supplements, you know. I don’t know why people say that supplements are inherently no substitute for real food. I see where that is coming from, but I would think that if my current diet lacks certain nutrients that is can get from supplements, then it does substitute for real foods. But anyways, I’ll go eat more healthy foods. 

    There is a time and a place for supplements and 9 out of 10 people don't use them the right way and also prefer to get there nutrition from a simple diet and a lot of supplements when in reality they could go shopping and get all the foods needed to support there body. Believe it or not real bodybuilders know more about healthy diet then most dietitians ( buy real bodybuilder I mean competitive professional career based) and I promise you the skinnier and the younger the person the more supplements they own and the bigger and the older the person the less supplements they have but the Fuller the refrigerator is. 

    Look at this way if you want to build a house out of bricks and you have 15 workers the only one wheelbarrow it's going to take awhile to build that house if everybody's got to share the wheelbarrow but if there's 15 wheel barrels or better yet 20 wheelbarrows then that house is going to get built way faster and this is how your body works if you don't have an excess amount of micro and Macro Nutrients is all your body's going to do is prepare the damage not adding extra muscle and in some cases not even burn fat but if you have a consistent excess amount of nutrients in the body then your body says "hey we can adapt to the Lifestyle by adding more muscle cuz we got plenty of food"

    Pretty much the only supplements I recommend is 

    #1 whey isolate because it digests very fast and can someone Shake directly after your workout Tanakh your body from catabolic back into anabolic as fast as possible this works better than food in this particular scenario because your digestive tract is comatose after workout and so if you eat a steak it's going to sit there for hours while you stay catabolic which is not good but the protein shake being easily absorbed will shock your body back in anabolic.

    #2 BCAA's are the building blocks of your muscles and making sure that you have a balanced amount of them in your system Cuts back on house or you'll be increases your recovery and it's General all around absolutely crucial for building muscle

    I drink it all throughout the day in my 1gal jug.

  6. 15 hours ago, Eph75 said:

    In your self actualization journey, in what ways have you managed to find people that can help being mentors / being a gravitational pull upwards in development? 

    I'm not counting Leo's videos or authors via books but people that you real life interact with. 

    I don't have anyone myself that I can interact with, except a book author that I've met with about every month for the past 1/2 year. He asked me this question; where can you find people on the same level or one level above that can help accelerate my development. I just don't know... I'm an early yellow SD kind of person. 

    I want to try and find people that can help me with my development in such ways but I have no idea how to find such relationships.

    I thought hearing your stories would be inspirational and might give me ideas. 

    This forum of course being a place with such potential, which is why I registered. 

    No one I have been solo since day 1... it's best that way.

  7. I've been in the industry for over 15 years and it never ceases to amaze me how the same questions get asked regardless of the amount of information on the internet. There's no replacement for food good food. I spent the first three years of my workout career only gaining 5 pounds but spending hundreds of dollars a month on supplements and then the next 5 years I put on 70 lb because I had a professional diet and hardly any supplements. If you don't have to cook it or refrigerate it it's probably not as good for you as something you do have to cook and refrigerate as my coach always said

  8. 17 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:

    @MAYA EL Practises and You Will realize all What I am saying by yourself. (all of my insights are actual and Come from Source they are not philosophical so no not a sheep)

    @karkaore Love you man. 

    @Leo Gura? That is so right. It is Just fascinating. 

    I realize you think you have experienced something that comes from the all Creator or pure Consciousness whatever you call it. However what you have experienced is your own delusion created by your own desires and imagination because you did not properly rid yourself of desire and intention from the beginning and so you are easily manipulated by your imagination which is manipulated by the controlling mentality the world which is in a Fallen state.  Like previously stated I'm done talking because it's impossible for you to understand let alone believe it if you are not free and so until you free yourself there's no point in disgusting the matter with you anymore

  9. 15 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

    This kinda stuff can get tricky. . . If one does not know truth and truth is a feeling - it opens the door to relative subjective experience. I'm not saying you are wrong. It's just something I like to explore. . . So, what if my girlfriend and I are in an argument. Let's showed up 15 minutes late to an event and she is very upset and says I disrespected her. I tell her there was traffic on the highway due to a car accident and I couldn't help it. She says I should have left earlier. Then she suggests that since I didn't text her saying I would be late, that I did it intentionally to get even for something else. Now I'm upset. I didn't do this intentionally.

    So each of us see this very differently. Each of us is feeling upset and speaking our truth (based on our feelings). Yet if the truth is speaking our feelings, which one of us has the truth. Are both of us speaking truth? If so, the term "truth" loses meaning. If we are both truth, then it cancels each other out and we are just speaking our feelings. 

    Sounds like both of you have some growing up to do if you two want to have a successful relationship. 

  10. I feel that it does affect epigenetics however cannot be proven from an atomistic scientific standpoint where things have to be Quantified with physical representations? Probably not however from a metaphysical standpoint I feel that it has direct correlation to our instincts through our bloodline and or personal akashic record as I like to call it and how every person that is born in your bloodline ads information in that gets passed to the next one and so on and so forth and so the things you do and learn now give an advantage to your children and your children's children so on and so forth. But obviously it's completely a fairy on my part I have nothing to actually back any of that

  11. 6 hours ago, Tistepiste said:

    @MAYA EL I didn't understand what you meant with:


    Do you mean you pay attention to your thoughts while meditating? Because they keep coming back they must be "important"?
    But what do you get out of paying attention to them. Do you go into them? Understand them intellectually? 
    I would think going into the thought is the last thing you'd want because more and more thoughts will come

    (I have ADD that's why I'm asking)

    Sorry for the typos I have fat thumbs. 

    What I was saying is that when I would try to meditate my brain was a lot like somebody constantly changing the channel on the TV every second with the radio playing the background I mean literally music playing and words being said at random with old memories memories curiosity about the future everything enough to drive a person nuts and I'm sure this is most ADD people so what I did was I got mad one day and said fine what's so important about that god$&# song that always plays at the gym?! So I focused in on the song to hear the words on it and the song faded away but there was a memory to replace it so I said ok from the beginning no skipped parts let's remember this and it started fading and I did it over and over and I finished my attempted meditation several times without successfully still in mind this happened for a while until one day I noticed when I sit down and try to meditate I didn't have as much s*** in my head as normal and so I got about 10 minutes in and I ran out of stuff to think about and yet I wasn't bord because that's a thing and I wasn't happy because that to is a thing 

    I was just sitting there that was it.

    Later on is when it got fun as I learned how to think as in creat a thought that I myself created.  Now that's worth paying attention to. 

  12. 14 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:
    • Love is a VORTEX. 
    • No Love would not destroy life of a "person" but egoic mind Will. 
    • Yes God is Infinite Love, that is what you are. That egoic blindfold still prevents You realizing THIS actually. 
    • No egoic mind can't contemplate God, but Heart Can feel IT. 

    Feeling is not comprehending nor is it understanding you feel a hand graze your face it really fast speeds yet not understand why the person did that. But there's no point talking to you about this because you were just regurgitating programming that has infiltrated the Western mentality you did not come to the conclusion on your own that God is pure love you been listening to Gaya on YouTube or something like that


    I'm not interested in conversation with sheep

  13. 6 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

    @MAYA EL Any tips on how to become proficient? Can you essentially do whatever you want while dreaming?

    It takes quite a while to build up your stamina if you want to call it that to where you can sustained lucid dreaming cuz usually in the beginning when you first start doing it you get real excited it's kind of like you realize you're in a dream boom I'll send your awareness is actually in the dream with you everything is more real than reality is and it's like you're on the timer you're getting more excited more excited more excited until you jolt yourself awake and this will happen a lot until finally you get used to lucid dreaming and it loses its virgin thrill and you're capable of keeping yourself calm but yes I've been in dreams before and realize that had the dream before so then all of a sudden like Thor's hammer my consciousness it's my dream body and I just stopped and said "wait! All of you stop what the f#&@ is this thing ment to mean?! I mean come on! We have been doing this crap for years now and I dont understand its symbolism!?" And the 8ft tall armored military guy thing with a humble voice said "huh? O it means ******( his voice got muted out) " and I said seriously y'all are going to do that to me and then somebody else tried to say it and it got muted out so I got pissed and did a Magneto from X-Men type of town compressing morphine Crush thing and Zach myself back in my body and woke up with unfortunately I woke up a little on the quick side and  scared my wife half to death lol . The other thing is it does not let you recuperate your energy something about your awareness having to relax is very important because when you are aware of yourself all day long and then do it at night you wake up feeling like you were thrown in the dryer with a sack of potatoes so I don't recommend all the time lol

  14. 5 hours ago, Tistepiste said:

    @MAYA EL then why did you state it in the first place if you were not going to elaborate. Very annoying

    Just bringing it to your awareness so that you can contemplat it. Unless your slave minded and want me to program you with a new mentality? But I assumed your upbringing had done enough of that. My apologies for respecting your awareness