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Everything posted by MAYA EL

  1. When a human being orgasms it's amazing but doesn't last very long and so the human being desires for it again. Likewise a strong drug feels amazing for a short amount of time and so human being desires the drug again. We have addictive personalities rather we admitted or not and we love things that make us feel good this doesn't mean we're doing anything wrong this just means we want a hit of Our Favorite Drug so don't worry too much about the awakened Blues that's just the personality wanting a fix
  2. I've had several of what they call Kundalini Awakenings and I didn't even know what they were until after the second one. During the first two I was still having sex eating red meat to three times a day the occasional alcohol even stepping on wildflowers cuz I didn't want to move my foot while walking and I once look at a bunny with an unhappy look on my face yet I still had a Kundalini Awakening after all that ( yes I was sarcastically knocking on the New Age movement although it was true what I said) Please don't get too caught up in other people's opinions on how things happen and just experienced them yourself there's so much crap information out there it's not even funny.
  3. There's no such thing as too picky I didn't have very many girlfriends despite the opportunities I had being blessed genetically but still I had an extremely high standard that only a select few women I've ever met and before getting married between my wife and my ex-girlfriend before her I was single for two and a half years because I was not going to settle for something I didn't really want however during that time I tried my best to become equally as qualified for their picking because I never ask something of somebody I wouldn't do myself. A little over seven years married now and still happy
  4. This is unfortunately the side effect of a society it has the availability of porn. He most likely has the wrong concept and has probably been numbing his imagination to reality by watching women fake scream orgasms while a dick the size of a medium sized calf muscle gets rammed in them from some freak of nature well they pretend like that's what they want and like and so in real life when the opportunity comes to share intimacy with somebody they're completely let down by the reality of the fact that women don't just start coming and their eyes roll back the second you touch their shoulder. Don't worry too much about it there's a Groove to it that if you have the right partner you Groove together there's no trying needed it's the one thing that trying ruins
  5. Rather its "aloud" or "leaked " on the internet it doesn't matter because it's all within the boundaries of the aloud information that we can play with . I promise you that nothing goes unnoticed on the internet no matter what people say about it.
  6. I completely understand (well from a man's point of view) I was blessed with a good wife at 22yr old so I didn't play the dating game very long however my work friends and all my other friends I continually watch them go through the relationship and single game getting there heartbroken about two to three times a year and being very analytical I watch for personality traits and possible issues with people because apparently I have a sign on my back that says free counselor LOL And I can't help but notice the lack of depth and detail that these guys have to their personalities it's horrific it's shameful I mean these guys are 25 to 29 and to listen to a conversation from them is like what you would expect to hear from a 12 to 14 year olds they have no depth to their Curiosities or desires and goals in life and is all they care about is money feeling good and getting laid it's very sad. On the flip coin though I have noticed that when somebody that's very passionate philosophical don't get in a relationship with somebody that fits their criteria like you mentioned above shockingly it does not turn out good LOL it's kind of like a firecracker relationship when they're on the same page the intellectual understanding and passion is through the roof but when one of them disagrees you need a bomb shelter to hide from them LOL that much intellectual intelligence and passion Under One Roof is like owning a cobra LOL and I found it usually opposites seem to balance each other out and 90% of the time what we think we want in a relationship it's not what we actually need. Just my 0.2$
  7. Your welcome ? All these hoops that the new age movement has setup only add to the delay of true spiritual growth because we let are ego get caught up in the experience of "purifying " the soul only to eventually realize is was all still part of the game and so we created more pain then was necessary. In my experience that is.
  8. You feel you need to be those things because you have been programmed since birth to desire that. But don't worry because if you have an "ego death" and "lose all earthly desires " you will discover a new ego that enjoys the "pure nothing" attention and lifestyle . Adapting is what the human is best at .
  9. It kills me that people think he died in 1990 when the truth is that he planned and faked his death to try to start a movement that would make him the next "jesus"
  10. Failure loss confusion disappointment rejection/ tech just to name a few. You have to be scrubbed clean of the person you used to be so that the new you has the soil that it needs to grow.