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Posts posted by whatthefucksgoinon

  1. 4 hours ago, VeganAwake said:

    Yes it's been called consciousness or awareness or experience experiencing itself, or reality experiencing itself.

    You see, the self does not want to disappear... it will subtly sneak in the back door and claim it's now the True Self or Consciousness or Awareness or reality itself...

    This is still all within the dream of a separate individual that can be conscious here of everything else out there... it's another trick of the Mind.( it's still a subtle duality) it's still just mind tricks...

    When this is recognized, it can feel like the trap door is opened from underneath your feet, the illusory self Paradigm is shattered for good.

    It's been described as a free falling experience... but here it feels more like a free-floating with nothing to grasp ahold of...

    It's rare and undescribable for No One...❤





    I feel I may have fallen into this trap how do I recognize this? 

  2. On 07/05/2020 at 7:39 AM, Peo said:

    This is why i have decided to do spirtuality after having a life purpose and i'm done going after girls. I have decided to go a different path and use maslow pyramide as a map. I have decided to satify my egoic survival stuff like money, passion, sex, relationship, confident and self self esteem before going for spirtuality.

    You will never satisfy egoic survival. This is just the ego doing what is does best postponing it's own inevitable "death". Start now you wont regret it. You can live a balanced life with spirituality and worldly ambitions. Do it while you can you may not have any time or headspace when your supporting a family. 

  3. @Patrick_9931 keep at it while your mind is still developing. The older you get the more programming and baggage you acumilate. Just dont forget to build a foundation for your future as well start a career but never stop your practice!.

     I'm 20 years old and have lived as a monk for a year and alot of the elder monks told me that I was lucky to have started at the age I did while the mind is still receptive. 

  4. 11 minutes ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

    If you’re drinking every night you probs won’t feel great very often, and your body won’t thank you much. 

    If you’re drinking here and there as a celebration, why not enjoy yourself? 

    If you’re drinking as an escape and way to avoid what you’re feeling and whatever else, it’s coming from a sense of lack.

    But, this doesn’t only apply to alcohol- TV, Movies, Sex, Video Games, a lot of other activities.

    Are you doing them to escape how you feel and from a sense of lack. Or, are you doing them as a means to express happiness, have some fun and enjoy life. 

    That’s what makes all the difference. 

    Here’s a response from Francis Lucille regarding impersonal desire on this matter: 


    The wanting itself comes from the ego. Is this correct? Or is enlightenment, in fact, a way to manifest one’s worldly desires?

    Ignorance is the problem, not the ego. Our wanting comes from ignorance when we believe that our happiness depends on its fulfillment.

    Example of desire that comes from ignorance: I feel miserable. I don’t like it. I want to drink some champagne to get out of my predicament. The liquor store is closed, I feel even more miserable.

    Example of desire that doesn’t come from ignorance: for no reason whatsoever, I feel happy and lighthearted. I have this friend visiting me later today. It would be nice to celebrate friendship with some champagne. The liquor store is closed. No problem, it was just a nice idea, my happiness is not affected. The door bell rings: my friend appears, holding a bottle of champagne to celebrate the reunion.


    You see the difference??



    Thanks for the tips. Yeah its coming from a place of celebration. I've been living as a monk for the past year and recently found Rupert spiras direct path and realized I dont have to be celibate monk tucked away in an ashram my whole life to reach realization. I've been experiencing a ton of abiding peace from his method. So now I wanna go out and celebrate my freedom as enjoy being social. Thanks for clarifying ?

  5. 9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Consciousness becomes more conscious of itself. The variable that deepens is consciousness! Since consciousness is all there is.

    God awakens to itself at higher and higher levels.

    When God is fully Awake, it has complete omniscience -- complete understanding of how it creates itself and what it is.

    If you ain't conscious of how you created your own mother, you ain't Awake.

    Real Awakening is a sort of self-understanding. You understand what everything is at ever more total levels. This is not a mental or intellectual knowledge. Your understanding is fused with the being of universe itself. Your understanding is what creates the walls of your house. The walls of your house are made out of pure Understanding/Consciousness.

    This actually sounds pretty reasonable to me. To actually argue with Leo on this point wed have to take 5meo for ourselves and report back before we close ourselves to the possibility.