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Everything posted by whatthefucksgoinon

  1. Following Leo these days for me is more like watching a never before seen experiment will it work out or will it go wrong? Will he turn into a God or Devil? who knows? But it sure as hell is interesting only time will tell. We cant really judge until he pops out on the other side of this transition
  2. What your looking for the one that's lookin We are like fish in water looking for water
  3. It depends on your attitude in which you read the books. If you read each book and take its concepts as the ultimate truth then there will be confusion. Just see the books for what they are, don't attach too much authority to them. Essentially they are all pointing to the same thing.
  4. Just curious where did you get this information id like to look further into it?
  5. Read some of Rupert spiras books it will clear most of your questions up
  6. realise that you're not gonna get an answer. Your that which is AWARE of the question "who am I".
  7. Yeah worst part is you dont even exist in the first place
  8. Your meditation is dependant on how you live your day to day life. Focusing on being mindful as you do your daily activities and trying to be calm throughout the day will help. I would recommend studying books like Yoga sutras or something on mindfulness. So when you sit for meditation you get that absorption quick due to the mind already in a calm state. Your lifestyle will have an effect on your meditation.
  9. @Jkris Thank you for the advice
  10. Not sure if this has already been pointed out but I believe that Leo's infinite love awakening is something that can be achieved through Bhakti yoga - absolute devotion to God
  11. I'm confused inst boredom a construct of the mind ? So once the mind has been transended all that remains is pure non duality pure awareness. How is boredom even perceived when theres no objects of awareness
  12. @DoTheWorkWho's fucked ? The ego? You as God? Inst this suffering just within the Mind ?
  13. Its Interesting how these practices have made you experienced all lifetimes huge heights of spirituality yet you always seem to come back to this human form. Somthing always brings you back ?
  14. @Leo Gura infinite intelligence said when our lives end we will merge back into God does this mean a physical death or the type of death achieved through liberation. Does that mean theres no such thing as reincarnation not sure what your view is on that.
  15. Truth would be infinite times better because sex Is momentary truth is eternal. To my knowledge you cant properly pursue truth without giving up sex/materbation I may be wrong but from what I've seen all englightend humans I know of follow strict celibacy.