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Everything posted by whatthefucksgoinon

  1. @IAmTheHolySpirit I have a question for you. You seem to have a tendency to belittle I'm curious to why?
  2. I feel I may have fallen into this trap how do I recognize this?
  3. It's true it doesnt matter but in this life the body must do something why not help "others".
  4. You will never satisfy egoic survival. This is just the ego doing what is does best postponing it's own inevitable "death". Start now you wont regret it. You can live a balanced life with spirituality and worldly ambitions. Do it while you can you may not have any time or headspace when your supporting a family.
  5. What happened is just what happened. don't attach too much importance to it. id see them as signposts you're going in the right direction. Anyway try focus on that sense of being that's were truth lies
  6. I feel like going on a long run like forest gump
  7. @Patrick_9931 keep at it while your mind is still developing. The older you get the more programming and baggage you acumilate. Just dont forget to build a foundation for your future as well start a career but never stop your practice!. I'm 20 years old and have lived as a monk for a year and alot of the elder monks told me that I was lucky to have started at the age I did while the mind is still receptive.
  8. Hi I was just wondering on peoples experiences with alcohol and if it has had any negative impact on their spiritual life. Is it ok to have the occasional drink Or should one avoid it completely?
  9. Thanks for the tips. Yeah its coming from a place of celebration. I've been living as a monk for the past year and recently found Rupert spiras direct path and realized I dont have to be celibate monk tucked away in an ashram my whole life to reach realization. I've been experiencing a ton of abiding peace from his method. So now I wanna go out and celebrate my freedom as enjoy being social. Thanks for clarifying ?
  10. I experience Lucid dreams alot yet I never know what to do in them. And suggestions particularly things that are spiritual
  11. Amen, shouldnt we aleast be open to possibility that Leo's onto somthing here
  12. Leo's really under the microscope these days he cant breathe without getting crisized for it.
  13. Probably get so bored you end up creating a reality where you forget that your God and think you just a bag of meat and bones. ?
  14. This actually sounds pretty reasonable to me. To actually argue with Leo on this point wed have to take 5meo for ourselves and report back before we close ourselves to the possibility.
  15. Start at 5:00 ? not to negate the point Leo is making as no one can know the validity of Leo's experiences apart from Leo. anyway This conversation just reminded me of this video
  16. @Beginner Mind Remeber to when meditating try not to have goals or expectations like I want this meditation to be peaceful or I want to go into samadhi. These expectations are what's actually stopping these things from happening just sit and let whatever comes up come up dont control the exprience
  17. After the 5-meo wears off will this avatar of mine expreince abiding peace as like let's say a buddha or will I return to being at the level of consciousness I was at before just only having this experience to remeber
  18. I weirdly resonate with this post like its something I've forgot about
  19. @Beginner Mind watch Rupert Spiras guided yoga meditations they will help you deepen and expand the experience of resting in awareness. As you rest in awareness a purification process starts to begin so old emotions and resistance from the ego is gonna bubble up as this process unfolds just keep going the way your going soon you find peace starting to increase