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Everything posted by Dominick_Nec

  1. Hi, i'm a 17 years old guy from Italy... And yeah, you read right. I have this objective for my life. I want to learn the 99% of the things my brain can understand, study and memorize. I'm NOT saying i want to study really everything, i mean, it's impossible to study every freakin' word of every single topic of every single thing of the world, but i want to try to learn all i can. The problems are: I'm scared of my sanity. I've read some stuff about people who literally gone crazy trying to study all. I don't want that. What should i be aware and what should i avoid? I'm scared of wasting my time. What if i'll never learn in a good way? I mean, what if a day i'll forget all i've learned or kind of? Time... I want to learn at least all the basics things of all i can before i get older, i mean, i want to learn all as fast as i can but efficiently as possible. Is it possible? IF yes, how?! That said, please don't criticize, insult me, or think i'm mad or stupid or other things like that, i just asked. I would love to know what Leo thinks about that, maybe this will be something that will inspire some of his videos... Sorry for my bad english, still learning...
  2. Hi to all. I made some question about studying everything i can. This isn't the only thing i really need. What i really need is something to focus on. I mean, i can't just say: "k for the rest of my life i'll be trying to learn everything i can learn and my mind contain"... What about jobs? What about passions? I know learning is a passion for me but i have something like a "need" to have a specific subject. I've read that i'm in that age where everything is confusing, well... It's true, but i don't want to just sit here and wait for other 5 years or so, just to find a passion... The question now is: how can i find a passion? What if i don't have one? Please consider that i've already followed some Leo's videos about finding my passions, but nothing... And another fact: i'm scared about time: I'm in a highschool for computer science that sucks. Literally, we are in the 4° grade and no one except me in my class knows something about programming, hardware or anything else about these things. All the classmates hates studying, no one loves science except me. I can't wait to finish this sh... and go somewhere else, but the problem is: WHERE? Let's suppose i'll gain back the 4-5 years spent in this sh...y school, where i didn't learnt ANYTHING (the 90% of the things i know i learned them on internet) and i will be like the average science loving guy who likes studying and it's searching for a university.... What should i search? I Don't have a passion, i don't have something i love more than other, i don't have a "specialization" i don't have a talent, i literally don't know where i have to go. Am i supposed to do psychology? Physics? Cosmology? Math? Computer science? Biology? Music? Chemistry? I'm scared about my future. And i can't do nothing, even when meditating, (i don't to it every day unfortunately) when i think of that, i go crazy, i get frustated, angry, and so on... Any help? Thank you for your time. Have a nice day. Sorry for my very bad bad bad bad english...
  3. Thank you. However, i'm not trying to study just maths and physics... I'm trying to study everything i can learn. i.e: i find something interesting--> i read about it --> i study it.
  4. Thank you both for answering... I'd like to clarify that i've been in this status for almost 5 years... Still nothing found. By the way, i will surely study, but my feelings are the same, still no passion, i don't like nothing more than other. I mean, i like physics a little bit more than math, but if i'd choose one of them i'd choose none. With the idea of traveling: i'll work on it. I like traveling so much too, but i can't at this moment...
  5. I think living with the days counted is like living with a clock that every day reminds you how many days left you have. The last few years remaining of your life would be all pure concentrated fear, anxiety, anguish. It's good to live like everyday it's the last day, but not living on a countdown... (sorry for my bad english)
  6. Thank you for replying... However, i'm not closed minded, i'm opened to all but religions. I now hate religions since they are just loss of time, it's just like believing that there's another me in another universe that can move the things just with the force of the power of thought. They imposed me to believe in something since the little ages, and they are doing it to all the people of the world. That's why i hate religions, i find'em stupid (in my opinion, no offence wanted)... However, i'll try my best to be more open minded. P.S thanks to leo and other resources i finally understand the difference between spirituality and religions, i thought they was the same thing, lol... See how i'm dumb?
  7. Yeah, lot of people told me this bullshit and i reply to this in the same way: "Studying all i can at the best i can, will never make me this "jack of all trades bla bla bla". I love what i study, i love studying, and i have fun doing it, so i don't see any jack over here, lol. " I watch myself as the most dumb guy in the universe if you want to know. I was (not properly "was" since i'm still a little bit ...) depressed for 4-5 years (i don't have no more self esteem...) I discovered Leo for that, i was trying to get rid of my depression since i don't know how to do a f****, i'm noob in everything i tried to do and sucked in these too... (I'm still noob in everything btw)
  8. Then why you didn't said "nature"? That's the point this is what i don't understand. Why this and not other words?
  9. Then why the word: "God"?
  10. I just hate religions. However, sorry, i'll try to be more open minded and i'll try to understand what you mean by "god". ^^
  11. Yeah, the only thing that stops me from reading things is religion tho. I hate 'em all so much. However, i was reading the truth contest book, and obviously Leo's videos...
  12. Well "Me", as an Atheist, what should i think?
  13. Thank you so much for your answer. It helped me. As i said, i'm completely aware that i will never learn everything. I want to learn everything i CAN, i mean, what is possible to me. However, i forgot to say that i want to study mostly science things (Physics, chemistry, math, biology, psychology, IT, computer science, and so on) and art things (mostly music) and things like third eye, meditation, and, heh "self actualization"