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Everything posted by justinecactus

  1. Hi everyone I do believe everyone has the right to live happy and freely - doesn't matter when they are from. And the actual context of worldwide violence and immigration is very sad. I understand the impact of colonization and how we (as European) had (and still have) a huge negative impact but I also understand the difficulty to welcome and integrate migrants in a very close minded country (like France). So I am wondering... How can we integrate people from a different stage of the spiral dynamic ? How can you spread objectivity to very racist people ? As an example : How can you debate and argue properly with someone who does not understand the global context of immigration and who's lacking of compassion and open-mindness ? I am having hard time dealing with so much negativity Thanks for helping
  2. Hey everyone First post here and I have a few questions for you. 1- How does a conscious relationship look like ? - Obviously strong and honest conversation but do you have any other things to share ? 2- What's a conscious man ? 3- How do you deal with different values (dogma) cause no one will think 100% like you ? As an example - how would you deal (in a conscious way), if your man had rude words about migrants or foreigner people ? 4- What's healthy and unhealthy masculine and feminine ? 5- How do you introduce your man to Radical Honesty or the 5 Language of Love ? 6- How do you find conscious man or how do you raise awareness in a low conscious country ? (small town from France) Looking forward to your answers Much love J.