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Everything posted by Ariesleith

  1. I have been reading and listening to a website that claims to integrate all religious ideas into one model of development toward DIRECT PERCEPTION OF THE TRUTH. They claim to give people the tools they need to discover the TRUTH. They claim many things that leo does to, or think similarly. Such as : we are in the dark ages , you are god, etc. They literally allow you to read 47 FULL books for free and offer like 40 other courses. they are super radical, but honestly highly developed in their perspective and values, or in other words, highly developed on the spiral, i think at least. I recommend just reading the books... Here's a link to the books page:
  2. @Apparition of Jack @tsuki Ty, I am weirded about them. It is so funny how people are prone to make ideologies out of everything, i am realy careful to be open minded.
  3. might sound weird, but i'm pretty sure that tantra is essential to proper fasting
  4. Interesting topic. I think that spiral dynamics accounts for it pretty well? If not I would imagine that you could look at each moment in history as a sort of development of thought, thus if we look at how thats developed , or kind of graph it, we could predict? I think, personally, that humanity is going to evolve to a point were we are not working to survive, but rather to understand. So, in going to work everyday, you are actually being creative, in the way that a poet is creative, but the society is so kind and BIG that everybody naturally associates with a niche that cohesively accomplishes all needs. But yea, if not, we are gonna get TRUMPED.
  5. DOES THIS PROVE THAT WATER IS CONSCIOUS!!! I think that maybe the idea about the 4 or 5 elements from ancients was smarter than we think....
  6. A Druid's perspective on history and society... Amazing interview with a master of an ancient Christian-pagan order of "tele-paths"! There is actually allot of merging lines of thought with Graham Handcock and Randle Carlson, if you know him ( if not there is a bunch Joe Rogan podcast's with them). Talks about what the ancients thought about not only spirituality, but basically everything. Also, he mentions the Pelgianism heresy of Christianity and says it is actually an integration of ancient spirituality that is universal. Heres a link on that: highly recomend you read their perspective on free will because it is just like what leo says
  7. This Is a Taoist teaching coming out of China. This guy ( Mantak Chia), has allot of books that are free online, of which I will share in other topics. This book , which will be linked, claims in the beginning to have an ancient tradition of people having totally natural experiences that are founded on 5meo-dmt being produced and in the body, by the body. Just read the book, or what Scribd allows if you aren't a member, i'm not even.
  8. honestly dont want to read all of it, but I read the first part. There are some really great techniques that I have found that I would like to share for the energetic blockages,. So, i think it would be cool if you tried dummo , which is a really effective yoga coming out of for clearing blockages. plus this source (link down below) will show you, uh, allot. ty