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About mikelyons

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  1. Oi I miss the old leo who would post monthly videos! I can't keep up with the forum hey
  2. This guys explanation is almost Gura-ian.
  3. It seems like as your perspective increases in consciousness your understanding evolves similar to this gallery about music: https://imgur.com/gallery/38H31
  4. @Leo Gura : What would a self-contained newbie-conversion video look like? Would it be 400 hours long? Video request! Course request!
  5. @Leo Gura Do you have any advice for those of us who experience deep despair about these things happening in the world? Should we just ignore it and continue working on life purpose? I understand that there's no world to save, that it's all imaginary, but that's an understanding that is difficult to hold onto when my ego mind is sad and fearful about the consequences of all this.
  6. @SS10 You are imagining Leo. God (aka ss10) put Leo and Actualized.org into the world in your life so that you would discover it and be interested enough to come and make this post while you wrestle with developing your consciousness. Its one of the little hints, like Islam or The Bible, that God puts all over the world throughout your life to lead you toward discovering for yourself what Absolute Truth is.
  7. It's the ultimate bind but that's because it's the ultimate game.
  8. I have experienced a lot of suicidal ideation, but my integrity is staked on: The #1 rule of this work: I will not harm the physical body. I'll take good care of it, give it adequate rest, feed it well and good, and see a doctor when needed. This teaching stood out to me in recent Actualized video, it's explicit so it's inescapable. No matter what the content of the game, the structure is such that you must live your full life and fulfill your Life Purpose. So no suicide allowed! 800-273-8255 https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ https://www.sprc.org/ https://www.doh.wa.gov/YouandYourFamily/InjuryandViolencePrevention/SuicidePrevention
  9. BOOM BOOM BOOM. Does this mean that, if you have an overwhelming urge to debate, you're not yet at stage yellow (in a significant capacity?)
  10. @Leo Gura Suggestion: an obvious indicator in the video thumbnail of length / that this is a short video. Often when I share with friends and family, as soon as they see your chrome dome in the video thumbnail they're like, "I don't have 3hrs to watch this" even if it's a clips channel video. Maybe the video length in text in the corner? (the length doesn't show in url unfurls in chat apps, only on youtube.com currently) Good work toward making the material more accessible! :thumb:
  11. @Jon_Bundesen Just thought I'd add these too
  12. @Feelove Yes defo worth the $250. Getting more and more value out of the course every year after I bought it, consistently revisiting parts and the whole every year. It's the gift that keeps on giving in many ways. It's added to every aspect of how I think about what I do with my time, even outside business or my professional career. I'm in the middle of a big career change from what I've learned and it'll be a great guide for the future as well.
  13. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-56373202 This is something I am excited about because I have suffered from depression for many years, but have never had the opportunity to try DMT, neither the NN or 5meo variants. Edit: Hoping this isn't too thin / low-quality post. I'd delete if it is.
  14. Can't wait until I get God telekinesis, or shoot I'd even be down for some devil fingertip lightening tbh
  15. Ketamine is fantastic freedom from depression at lower doses, produces that grey temporal-lobe-seizure-like physical-death-like non-existence experience at higher doses. But doesn't last, and requires over-hydration to flush and not erode the bladder lining. It's just so much easier to obtain than synthetic 5meo, just defo watch videos about "ketamine bladder" so you get a healthy dose of fear to steel you against addiction first. 5meo should be on the WHO Essential Medicines List