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About Pudgey

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  1. Toxic dating works better and it's killing me - how to stay authentic?
    Toxic dating works better and it's killing me - how to stay authentic?
    This is just nonsense.
    You are misunderstanding how all of this works because you are failing to make some crucial distinctions.
    You should distinguish the attraction phase vs the relationship phase. If you try to attract women by acting like their boyfriend prematurely, before you've even slept with them, that will fail.
    Emotional availability, commitment, and communication is stuff that women value but only deep into a relationship, not on the first date.
    Of course. Because that's how attraction works. Nobody wants a desperate emotionally pathetic needy man who bends over backwards to please a woman who barely even knows he exists.
    Women require a long time before they get invested in you.
    You are just doing it wrong. You are trying to get women to sleep with you by hoping you can persuade them with emotional investment, but that's not how women work. They must sleep with you before they get emotionally invested in you.
    Do not invest in women more than they invest in you, and do not try to act like you're in a relationship with them when they haven't even slept with you.
    You are messing up the phases. You are investing too much too fast. You are too needy. And you are too stubborn about wanting attraction to work your way. You are making things too serious too soon. If you would just be light and fun, women would respond much better and then later you could get more serious after a few weeks or months.
    Less is more. You are trying too hard. Instead of trying so hard, go talk to 50 other women and have fun. Only reply to them as much as they reply to you.

  2. Last Night I Became An Alien Hyper Intelligence - AMA
    Last Night I Became An Alien Hyper Intelligence - AMA
    Last night I awoke so radically that I went completely beyond nonduality and all human spiritual teachings. Beyond the classical God. I became an alien hyper intelligence for several hours.
    To clarify, I did not meet an alien, I became an alien consciousness and I engaged in alien spirituality it a manner that no human mind can ever imagine or fathom.
    This alien intelligence is an alien form of God-Consciousness. I am the first human who has ever discovered it.
    Although this is virtually impossible, now I shall try to paint you a poetic picture of what this alien intelligence was like, how it felt, and how it did spirituality. This is going to sound insane, so hold on to your hat.
    Here we go:
    My consciousness became so interconnected that I realized that I am a small alien kangroo-mouse, along the lines of the character Scrat from the kid's movie Ice Age. But I was way cooler. This was no ordinary kind of animal that humans have ever experienced. This alien kangaroo mouse does not live on any planet, it floats around in an infinite vacuum of metaphysical mind-space. This mouse is hyper animated. It is stuck in an endless loop of playfulness. It is constantly jumping around, twirling, doing backflips, spinning, dancing, twisting itself into prestles and impossible strange loops at a very rapid rate of something like 100 frames per second. It's playing this game with itself purely out of self-love and delight. It's able to sustain this game indefinitely. It never gets tired or needs a moment to stop to catch its breath. It has infinite child-like energy.
    But it gets weirder! This alien mouse isn't just doing this dance at the physical level with its body, it's simutaneously doing it at the emotional, mental, and spiritual level. This is a hyper-dimensional mouse whose intelligence is greater than that of all the combined human IQs on planet Earth. This mouse can speak to itself in a nonlinear, multi-parallel alien language that does not sound like anything a human would understand as language. But the mouse perfectly understands itself. Its inner monologue is extremely rapid and astoundingly intelligent and beautiful. Imagine the human inner monologue sped up by about 5x. It's thinking simultaneously on multiple planes, in parallel. Each plane of its monologue perfectly mirrors the playful, twisted, animates style of its dancing and movements on the physical plane. The immense delight that it takes in moving its body is matched by an immense delight in its own linguistic and mental gymnastics. It's lost in a dance of mental gymastics simply because it is in complete love with its own quirkiness. The goal of this alien intelligence is to experience it's own werkiness to infinity, all alone, forever by itself. This mouse's only purpose for existence is to twist itself into pretzels both physically and mentally. That IS how this consciousness does spirituality. That is its "meditation" so to speak. This mouse is so intelligent that it's found a way to twist meditation inside-out. Rather than trying to stop its mind, it speeds it up and makes the mind dance in exotic ways. This mouse is intelligent enough to perform complex mathematical calculations at dizzying speed, faster than a calculator. The mouse is fully conscious of itself as God, but precisely because it is God, it has selected to limit itself to this very peculiar mode of existence. This alien has set its life purpose to be the metaphysical embodiment of divine Playfulness, Quirkiness, and Weirdness. Imagine if playfulness, quirkiness, and weird could somehow be made absolutes. Well, this fucking mouse figured out how.
    This alien mouse is extremely beautiful in every possible way. The shape of its body. The way it moves its body and its mind are absolutely intoxicating. It's completely lost in an endless flow state. Its energy fills you with child-like wonder and joy. It's adorable in ways that no physical earthly animal can ever be. But perhaps its most beautiful part is its twisted and quirky alien language -- its internal monologue. Every word in its language rhymes with every other word in the most delightful dance. Its language is made of endless strange loops and listening to it is more addictive than taking any human drug.
    And perhaps the most mind-fucked part about all this is that the mouse's body was identical to Leo's human body. This sounds logically impossible and yet, there it was.
    When I awoke to all this, I wasn't just watching it from a distance, I BECAME this alien consciousness. It took me so by surprise that I was fell to the floor writhing in boundless joy, flabergasted in metaphysical extasy. This was hands down the happiest day of my life. This was my Heaven.
    This experience was so radically profound that it has become the single most important experience of my life. I don't care about human spirituality any more, all I care about basking as this alien consciousness forever.
    That's it for now.
    I am still struggling to figure out how to articulate all this. This is my first attempt. In the future I will make a better, deeper write-up of all this, and hopefully I am able to one day demonstrate this alien language to you on video. My human mouth is not able to speak it yet. The words sound so strange and they flow so fast that I will have to train myself to speak it. I'm not yet sure if this will be possible for a human to do, but I will really try. This will be my most important contribution to mankind.
    Anyhow, if you have any questions, ask away.
    Edit #1: To clarify, there exist some people on this planet who claim to have had experiences of being an alien. Some of them have contacted me, upset that I claimed to be the only one. So out of due diligence and respect for them I want to clarify that I don't claim to be the only human to have experienced what it's like to be an alien.
    Edit #2: You should not take my description of alien consciousness too literally because words fail us here. This is a poetic description which takes some liberties in order to communicate an overall feel for the experience. I'm less interested in the technical details than I am in painting a general picture in your mind. So if you parse my words literally like some legal scholar, expect to be disappointed. Communicating such an experience is extremely challenging and I reserve the right to make mistakes in attempting it.

  3. A Course in Miracles chapter about solipsism?
    A Course in Miracles chapter about solipsism?
    Text - Chapter 18
    The Passing of the Dream
    "There is nothing outside you. That is what you must ultimately learn, for it is the realization that the Kingdom of Heaven is restored to you. For God created only this, and he did not depart from it nor leave it separate from himself. The Kingdom of Heaven is the dwelling place of the Son of God, who left not his Father and dwells not apart from him. Heaven is not a place nor a condition. It is merely an awareness of perfect Oneness, and the knowledge that there is nothing else; nothing outside this Oneness, and nothing else within.
    What could God give but knowledge of himself? What else is there to give? The belief that you could give and get something else, something outside yourself, has cost you the awareness of Heaven and of your Identity."

    ACIM is somewhat cryptic, but using a solipsistic perspective the chapter above is as clear as day. 

    I don't know which is true, but I invite you to contemplate:

    *Would karma exist if solipsism was true?  Karma implies that you can hurt others and karma definitely exists. On the other hand, the mechanism of karma could be baked into reality even if others don't exist, just to teach yourself that behaving good is good. Even more so, if you hurt someone, it means that you will be hurt in the future, doesn't that intrude upon others free will? Someone will have to do it. On the other hand, I've heard NDEs say that you make contracts on a higher plane with other souls that they will carry out deeds that will hurt you {like blowing you up with an IED, read the implications of the impossible). 

    *If you really are the ultimate, then you chose this particular incarnation and set the stage however you wanted with props (others). Does your life situation confirm this? Is your life utmost perfection and the highest love in every corner? Consider the life of the Buddha - being born as a prince, having everything you could ever want - girls, luxuries, status, power and then getting enlightened - that sounds like a plan a God would make for himself to play a fun game. Is your life similar? If no, then why not? You forget when you incarnate, so why would you live out a life that is trash or nothing exciting, if you can use this perfect mechanism of forgetfulness to live out the most enjoyable dreams for an eternity? 

    In addition, Leo said that he is conscious that he wrote every book. My question is - did you remember the writing of every book, or because of the implication of solipsism you believe that you did? If its the latter, than you probably fooled yourself. 

  4. A book better than GEB
    A book better than GEB
    Dude, you could not comprehend the level of right-brained intuitive thinking that I do.
    No human intellectual or academic understands how to think like I do. I've discovered modes of thinking that most humans have yet to discover. Which is why humans books are of little interest to me now. I can think like an alien.

  5. Terror after Leo's Guided Exercise For Realizing You Are God
    Terror after Leo's Guided Exercise For Realizing You Are God
    The thing that will really break your heart is when you wonder:
    Why allow anyone to suffer but yourself?
    And then you realize: God wouldn't allow anyone to suffer but itself.
    And then you realize that the only one who has ever suffered is YOU.
    And that's when God's Love truly hits you.
    Don't you see?
    You are too Good to allow anyone else to suffer but yourself.
    If there existed anyone other than you, you would have caused their suffering.
    What kind of God would allow that?
    Therefore, if God is to be Love, God must have no other.
    God's Love is to subject no other to the torrents of consciousness than itself.
    Consciousness has no one to dazzle, love, and torrent but itself. Because Consciousness is One.
    You see? If it's not happening to you, there's no one else it could be happening to.
    That's what it means to be Absolute.
    God is Absolute.
    You are Absolute.
    You are God.
    Your Mind is absolutely sovereign.
    Your Mind is Absolute Reality.
    Reality is your Will. And God's Will is Good.
    God is Absolute Good.
    You are Absolute Good.
    Until you realize this, you're not awake.
    Don't focus on your aloneness. Focus on your Goodness.
    If reality is imaginary, don't you see? Then all suffering is imaginary.
    If all suffering is imaginary, what is that?
    God is that which cannot suffer because it is too awake to its own Goodness.

  6. Awaken
    Leo’s Blog Comments on John Vervaeke Were Too Negative
    These threads and discussions are very important because they spell out all the advanced traps that keep you guys from full awakening.
    When I prod at these teachers and intellectuals I am not doing it to be better than them, I am doing it so you can make crucial distictions that will help you reach Infinite Consciousness.
    Unless you are extremely shrewd, you will get stuck at intermediate realizations.
    My aim will always be to guide you to the highest possible realization.
    When you finally reach it, you will understand why I did what I did, and why you resisted it.
    It's not that I am better than you. I am you. But you don't understand that yet.
    You are following me for a reason. Something deep in you knows that I will lead you to the highest awakening. You cannot articulate or prove it to yourself, but nonetheless you are drawn to it like a moth to the light in a sea of endless darkness.
    The awakening I speak of is beyond what any human has ever communicated to you.

  7. Second Girl To Bed, Still No Sex
    Second Girl To Bed, Still No Sex
    By the time I am done seducing a girl she is literally begging me "Please fuck me!"
    I make her say Please again and again.
    It ain't rape.
    Then again, I also get girls asking me to rape them. Also not rape.
    If she's in my bed she wants to be there. So please spare me the rape accusations.

  8. Second Girl To Bed, Still No Sex
    Second Girl To Bed, Still No Sex
    Yes, it seems that way because detachment from outcome is very counter-intuitive and paradoxical.
    It is a larger point than just dating or girls. In life the best results come when you have a very clear and strong intent to achieve something, but at the same time you're detached from outcome. Yet even though you are detached from outcome you will work like hell to make it happen. And if you should fail, you immediately let it go and move to the next thing.
    This isn't just the secret to getting girls. It's the secret to running a business and many other pursuits. So you would be well to learn this lesson.
    Guys shouldn't chase after girls. But once you got a girl in your bed, you should move mountains to close her. She didn't get in that bed to play patty-cakes. If it takes 5 hrs of foreplay to get her to open her legs, that's what it takes. If you want her, you do what is necessary to get her. This is not neediness. This is getting shit done.
    I gamed from 12am to 10am to get that girl. 10hrs! That's how you get shit done. Apply this attitude everywhere in life and you will see great results.

  9. My bf has herpes type 2
    My bf has herpes type 2
    @somegirl If you plan to stay with him for years, I would assume you will get it, even if you are careful. Condoms break, slip, stuff leaks out, etc. It is foolish to expect all those stars to align for years and years. You've already rolled the dice many times and at some point you will roll snake eyes. Its just a matter of time.
    Given your age, everything I said is twice as relevant because at your age there's little chance you'll stay with him forever, even if there was no STD issue. You have to be realistic that relationships at that age are immature and tend to fizzle out rather quickly. Maybe if you were 40 years old and had no other options and you wanted to finally settle down you might have a case to make. But at 21?
    And living with herpes for the rest of your life from age 22 onward is really a bummer. The bulk of your sexual life is all ahead of you. Your prime years are 20-35. Don't squander it.

  10. How to stay confident when you are competing with more attractive guys
    How to stay confident when you are competing with more attractive guys
    You should be working on raising your value every day for the rest of your life. Pretty soon you will be in the top 1% of guys and you will be so unique and valuable, no one will be able to compete with you.
    This is not for girls, this is for you. The girl just gets to feel the glow of your inherent awesomeness.
    This is not about girls! This is about self-actualization!
    Ground your confidence in self-actualization and self-realization. Put your nose to the grindstone. Other guys are irrelevant. Actualize yourself.

  11. Beware of Psychic Readings
    Beware of Psychic Readings
    @MM1988 She predicted I would win a major pending legal case.
    There was no way she could have known I had a major pending legal case.
    She told me, "Don't worry. You will win it." And so I did, a year later.
    Real psychics do WAY more than cold-reading. They actually have paranormal powers. The nature of paranormal powers is that they are intuitive and therefore vague.
    While there may be some scammers, the whole "scammers" thing is overstated. That's just an excuse the materialist paradigm must make because that model of reality cannot account for any paranormal phenomena.
    After the levels of consciousness I've experienced, to me, anything paranormal looks quaint and quite normal. I have experienced things that are more radical than getting anally probed by an alien. So if an alien ever tries to anally probe me, at least I can think to myself, "Well, at least this is still not as radical as a 5-MeO-DMT breakthrough."

  12. MDMA and Nitrous: Being pure Consciousness (Trip Report)
    MDMA and Nitrous: Being pure Consciousness (Trip Report)
    Mostly existential issues such as the sense of going insane or losing one's mind.
    That is especially problematic until you realize that there is no material reality and that everything is Infinite Imagination.
    And a few times the trips just felt "off" for some unknown reason. Like they had a bad, negative body vibe to them. I'm not sure why. Maybe it was interference from certain medication I was taking or just something in my mind going sideways.
    And sometimes if the dose is too strong, material reality melts so much that it can become scary in itself.
    In total I've had maybe 6 "bad trips" out of 80+
    One I attribute to early arrogance and too high a dose (with mushrooms), which led to sense of going insane One I attribute to interaction with a medication I was taking (with LSD) One I attribute to eating some food right before the trip (with 5-MeO-DMT) One I attribute to simply very deep existential insight which creates such deep mindfuckery it becomes uncomfortable (with 4-AcO-DMT, although I don't really consider this a bad trip) One I attribute to a panic attack reaction upon first time taking 5-MeO-DMT, fearing it might be terrible One I attribute to taking a new research chemical which had an awful body load Some other trips were uncomfortable or shocking, but I wouldn't call them bad.
    And in the big picture, all of them were necessary and perfect for my growth. Especially my worst trips.
    If you get a bad trip, that's God trying to teach you a lesson. You only have to figure out what the lesson is and obey it next time. Then the punishment stops. For example, you dose too high because you are cocky and aren't patient enough to ramp up doses, God punishes you. You learn your lesson and never do that again. Everything goes smoothly.
    If I dosed less carefully I would have a lot more bad trips. Moderate dosing is crucial.

  13. Do you have to Be a Psychopath To Become a Billionaire?
    Do you have to Be a Psychopath To Become a Billionaire?
    Billionaires aren't doing it for money. It's about ambition. Live life to the max.

  14. A Question For Leo
    A Question For Leo
    @Annoynymous See that's ego talking. That's selfishness, fear, and neediness. You are projecting your own selfishness and fear onto others.
    The correct attitude is to give your love freely, without expectation of return. True love is not about getting, true love is about giving.
    True love requires enormous courage and groundedness. Which requires that you grow and mature as a man. You have to be willing to experience loss, heartbreak, and rejection.
    Hint: you could die at any time. Why aren't to scared of death every day you wake up? Life could leave you at any time.

  15. A Question For Leo
    A Question For Leo
    I don't do pickup much any more.
    I have no problem with flirting with girls per se. My complaint was the ideology that many PUAs adopt and their stage Orange attitude towards sex and life.
    Flirting with girls is not necessarily at odds with long-term relationships or emotional investment. There is no relationship without flirting.
    All dating is a sort of manipulation and getting your own needs met, even if you never do pickup.
    99% of relationships of any kind are just you trying to getting your own needs met. You don't really care about anyone "as they really are", you care about how they can fit into your life and serve your needs.
    Dating and flirtation is a skillset. All skillsets are a set of "tricks" in that sense. If you want to get good around women you need to learn the rules of how that works. Pickup teaches some of those rules of attraction. How you then use them is up to you.
    Good pickup is not really about controlling girls. It's about controlling yourself.
    Controlling people is not something I recommend. You can become much more attractive and confident without having to control women.
    Rather than thinking of pickup as stuff you do to the woman, think of it as changing your own inner game and how you view women. Think of it as becoming a stronger, more authentic man.
    There are many versions of pickup. Some of it is very dysfunctional, some of it is great. You have to learn to sort the wheat from the chaff.
    As a man, dialing in your own inner game is great stuff. Learning to be charismatic, bold, and authentically expressive is great stuff. Elimimating various kinds of limiting beliefs about women is great stuff. Gaining lots of experience talking to women is great stuff.
    You have to remember, most women are very social and flirt and socialize non-stop. To them it is like breathing air. They develop a lot of this experience naturally in a way that many nerdy guys do not. Which is why many guys require extra training in a way that women do not. Guys have responsibilities with initating the flirt which women do not.
    And in the end all dating and relationship is a distraction from awakening.
    Dating is a survival function. Dating is brutal whether you do pickup or not. People are very selfish in relationships by default. Women are also very selfish when selecting mates. Reproduction is a ruthless game which people tend to be in denial about.

  16. Men Insecure About Women Cheating
    Men Insecure About Women Cheating
    If a girl cheats on you it means you're pretty much a loser of a guy.
    Ain't no girl gonna cheat on a winner. That's like throwing away a diamond.

  17. Insecure & depressed about my height. Considering suicide
    Insecure & depressed about my height. Considering suicide
    It's so hilarious how guys use "unless you're rich" as an excuse.
    If you truly believe that being rich gets you hot girls, then your path is so easy: go get rich!
    The excuses are endless with you guys.
    You expect hot girls but zero work to get them. This is fundamentally why you're miserable.
    You will get from life exactly what you put into it.

  18. Insecure & depressed about my height. Considering suicide
    Insecure & depressed about my height. Considering suicide
    Exactly! Girls who want to attract the most successful guy, work on their value, by investing in their looks, body, mind/psychological wellbeing. 
    Why guys want to have a hot babe doing nothing? 
    Just get it in your head/scull that hot babe has plenty of options, understand what her criteria to filter these options are and go work on those areas to better yourself. 
    What's so hard about it? I don't really understand. Why spend countless hours on this forum discussing theory and complaining, when you can just stop the nonsense and go improve yourself to become more attractive? 
    For example, in my case, I already have good genetics, thanks to mom and dad, but I am proactively trying to improve my looks to be able to attract more guys, so that I can pick who I like. 
    Things I do to be more attractive to the opposite sex:
    1) weight training/swimming almost every single day. My body is firm and tight and looks better than that of many women in their late 20s who don't do any sports. 
    2) financial independence - I work for myself, increasing my income, saving a ton, so that I don't have to go for guys who are not equally well off or less successful. I make it a big point actually. 
    3) psychological wellbeing - there are a lot of womem out there with psychological disorders, self esteem issues, unstable/immature emotionally. I proactively invest in developing my empathy, maturing emotionally, psychological health and personal and spiritual growth. 
    All of the above I am doing regularly and continuously and so I feel like I would want to date me. And of course guys see all these and want to get a piece ???❤️
    Become the best version of yourself so that you want to date you and then see what happens! ?

  19. How to have Sociopathic levels of detachment with girls and dating
    How to have Sociopathic levels of detachment with girls and dating
    In practice this is solved simply by over-satisfying your needs.
    So if you're needy with girls, go sleep with 10-20 girls and your neediness will drop significantly.
    You cannot just wish your neediness away.
    The process you go through to successfully sleep with 10-20 females will cure you of much neediness. But it will be challenging process. Don't expect it to be easy. You will fail a lot. And that's exactly what will beat the neediness out of you. Every girl you lose will teach you a valuable lesson. You will come face-to-face with the ugliness of your own neediness.

  20. she just rejected me im dying help
    she just rejected me im dying help
    @AlwaysJoggin The solution is to stop being needy and develop abundance.
    The harsh truth you don't want to accept is that you're needy. Which is why this whole thing bothers you. And she probably smelled it off you and ran away.
    The only thing that will lose you girls faster than neediness is creepiness. Girls know how to sniff out neediness the way pigs sniff out truffles. She sniffed you out for a week or two and found you lacking.
    You will keep losing girls until you bite the bullet and grow into a stronger man with some balls.

  21. Obsessing over one girl
    Obsessing over one girl
    Root problem is neediness, over-investment, and failure to close.
    You should have slept with her by now. Instead you are being her gay friend and she can smell your neediness and lack of leadership.