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Everything posted by Lincisman

  1. Does it take the same amount (9 years) to complete dental school or less? If I were you, I would turn to the wisdom of Cal Newport.
  2. Hello everyone, Leo, In one of your episodes, you said something along the lines of "if you want to have the most inspiring and motivating vision imagine yourself completely loving and completely selfless". Can you expand on this? Can a regular person include this thought into his vision to make it more effective? What do you include in your vision to make it better and more motivating? Are you able to visualize emotions? Personally, the closest I have come to good vision is imagining myself having my computer programming skills, and earning a lot of money off of it. At the same time having the freedom to travel and game while doing it + doing philosophy + learning to play nirvana songs on the electric guitar. Maybe this just needs more practice to make it realistic.
  3. For me, regular means being mostly orange and blue (I am like that). Sorry for just using the word without explaining what it means for me and making the question ambiguous, if that was what you don't like.
  4. In video 21:40 - 22:05, Leo said: "But that's painful, that's a painful process because literally parts of your mind have to die. Parts of your ego, yourself have to die as you're getting exposed to reality. And that's really what you fear, that's really what you're avoiding. You're avoiding the pain of the loss of parts of your mind ". How do you deal with the feeling of pain both in the moment and in the long run so it does not divert your actions? How do I treat this and all the other (I don't want to say "negative") unpleasant feelings?
  5. As far as I know, the best thing for your feet is wearing no shoes at all. If you have to wear shoes, I recommend buying those which give you the most barefoot-like experience.
  6. Every day I notice myself seeking distractions (food, YouTube) to avoid the things that I have to be doing. For instance, throughout this month, I have been avoiding studying. I did it by numbing myself, ignoring my understanding of situations, and always attempting to reach a state of blissful ignorance. I actively and sometimes aggressively silenced my mind, refused to see the facts, and evaluate the consequences of my inactions. Whenever I think about some tasks that I am refusing to do, I experience tension, irritation, and sadness. My mind goes "shut it down, shut it down, shut it down" and sometimes " Fuck this I am going to kill myself "(It flashes very quickly with these words) and then I need some way to get myself unconscious fast. In my opinion, these are the same dynamics that drug addicts experience. Poor reality orientation, avoidance of truth, lack of self-esteem, call it as you want, I sometimes really feel like a drug addict. So basically I need to fix my relationship with reality. Or maybe, as Leo said, I avoid not the situations but the feelings about them. Or maybe it is because I feel inadequate to the reality, as N. Branden would say. What do you think? How do I change it? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I also observed that my mind cannot register the question "What do I want out of life?" anymore. It is like it slips through my mental focus. I think it has something to do with my self-esteem. Anyways, essential question is: where do emotions come form? what is their source? Is it thoughts and beliefs or is it my subconscious mind or some other thing? Because it is all about emotions and feelings. Oh yeah, I want to learn to manipulate my emotions to feel good all the time. Even if I actively try to take responsibility and generate actions ( usually happens after I reached really bad state by living in a mental fog), this energy is short-lived and I get back to where I started.
  7. I am not talking about awakening here
  8. What I do is feel an emotion that makes my body unpleasant, and irritating in particular areas. My first reaction is to run away from the bodily sensation. Therefore, I try to distract and numb myself to not feel anymore. For example, when I feel low self-esteem I feel pressure on my temples. You are right, I need some tools to deal with these emotions (sensations) at the point when they occur. Otherwise, the avoidance strategy always leads me to a self-destructive state.
  9. Me: But Leo, how do I get laid? Leo: Practice! (Conversation in my imagination) This is just a conversation that I have with myself: The key to living a good life and getting results is regular practice. That which you do with your mind (where you concentrate your mental resources) on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. Consistent practice leads to an elevated level of skillfulness in that particular area which then translates into powerful action and results. (Isn’t it the case that the results are what you ultimately want?) Imagine if you practiced playing guitar (or meditation or any other skill) for 1 – 2 hours every day from age 5. Imagine you started programming at age 3 and kept doing it regularly for 10, 20 years. On the other hand, every practice be it good (like reading books) or bad (like watching TV) will lose its effect on your life without doing it consistently. Hard work- regular practice of worthwhile skills with no immediate results (otherwise it would be fun, therefore - easy) It is also important that you dedicate a distinct chunk of time to practice to give it the full focus (this is where the Time block planning technique comes into play [the idea of Cal Newport] ) My life only sucks in those areas where I have not practiced enough. It is bad only to the degree in which I failed to practice that which I need to practice to develop the skill which in turn gives me the power of solving the problem. Therefore, an essential skill of life and self-actualization is DEVELOPING REGULAR PRACTICE, without it, nothing will change, I will stay the same for the rest of my life Do you want to become more confident? Develop a regular practice for that- build it into your life. Do you want to improve your skill of sleeping? Practice! because almost everything that you do is a skill. Hence you can get better at it. LET’S BE REAL, YOU CAN NOT DEVELOP YOURSELF WITHOUT REGULAR PRACTICE, MAN. Leo has been telling you this all along and you only starting to understand the significance of this once you started to think about it on your own. This is the most complete idea that I have ever come across. By now my inner monologue has ended. My regular practice is meditation and visualization. What is your regular practice? What do you practice for your career? Just want to get more full of the scope of how much there is to practice and skill that I do not even consider exist.
  10. What is your current diet looks like? Have you tried carnivore diet? Just trying to provide practical solution here.
  11. Do you build confidence in pickup by doing it or by doing other things (career, skills, hobbies, etc.)? It appears to me that just as there are certain pc requirements for software in the same way men have to have a certain initial level of self-esteem, achievement in other aspects of life, and confidence in order to do pick-up. I am asking this because when I go out with my wings I feel anxious, shy, and obvious lack self-love to the point where these emotions source negative thoughts about myself. I feel like I am worthless, offer no value. Hell, when I am in the mood like this I would not want to sleep with myself if I were a girl. I think that if I do not feel good about my own life, there is no way in hell I can get results in this (pick-up)endeavor. Of course, some days are better than others and after a few approaches it gets better, and sometimes I feel really good. Do I build my self-esteem by gaming or by doing stuff that is outside of that? wait I know it is both. The question is to what extent. Which of these will increase my pickup results more? Or is it the case that I cannot have results in pickup unless I fix other things in my life that sources my low self-esteem? Maybe I should stop that and focus more on more basic things.
  12. Thanks for all the information. @JonasVE12 you seem to have a good grasp of emotions. What books have you read? These ideas that you are proposing are almost unheard of to me.
  13. I want skill and then fun and sex. To satisfy my biological and psychological machine. To learn about my mind and how it changes in this process. "I don't want just to become a player, I want to become the best player of all time !." - my mind talking
  14. I agree that letting go of these negative emotions in my body would increase my current level of satisfaction with myself. But I am not sure that I can build long-term self-esteem by letting go of negative emotions which are created by low self-esteem. I have read "the six pillars of self-esteem" and the thing is that I either have to practice the 6 pillars or/and change my values, beliefs, etc. to be more realistic and rational. This is how I understand it.
  15. If you want to fix your diet you will have to cook meals by yourself - it is inevitable. What I personally do is cook some ground beef (or any other meat, sometimes organs) on ghee or lard (tallow would be ideal but I cannot find any) when (after I take meat) I put in 5 eggs and eat it with butter and olives (or some fermented veggies) I do it every day It is simple and It is called real foods. Avoid eating seeds, roots, stems, leafs, since these parts are most protected by the plant by the toxic chemicals (fermentation helps in disabling these chemicals). Instead, eat fruit and honey for carbs. And this is how you simplify your diet. And no advanced cooking skills are needed -> just cook your meat and that's it Check out the work of Paul Saladino for more info about this way of eating. Anyway, this is what works for me.
  16. Thanks for the reply. Did not think about LP in this context. Of course, this is what I am lacking in my life.
  17. It did. Thank you for clearing that up.
  18. Now, this was refreshing. This thought was in the back of my mind but not fully explicit. Thank you.
  19. You are right. I cannot get the results in pickup without changing my inner self into a person who women find attractive, or can I? That would be so fake on my part.
  20. I have noticed that the act of using the conscious deliberate effort towards the achievement of some goal is not sustainable. Willpower quickly wanes and in the end, I am left with no energy or motivation for the task that I want to do. Forcing myself to do the task, that I do not feel like doing (eg. homework) will inevitably lead to failure. It is like the pain of doing it is greater than any other factor. I also have read Psycho-Cybernetics and the authors' point is that to act differently (instead of using willpower) one should change their subconscious mind since 95% of our actions and reactions are automatic and instinctual. As a practice, he recommends visualizing the desired result, and in this way actions towards the goal will be more effortless and automatic. What do I make of it? how do you solve this issue? (let's call it resistance to take effective action) Funny thing: When I visualized myself talking to girls in a bar on and of for the whole week, at weekend I was just drawn to the city center to socialize. I joined a group where I could find wings. It was night and I went there by myself. I would never have done that in my right mind. certainly, it's biology, man, and not some woowoo subconscious mind doing its' target seeking machinery stuff, right?
  21. For me the most meaningful thing is to understand how the mind works and how to change it.
  22. Eat ONLY meat, saturated fats, eggs, organs (good luck overeating that), Watch some Paul Saladino on best plant foods that are least toxic
  23. There were other important and more nuanced points (ex. self-image, beliefs, how the mind is a goal-seeking mechanism works.) So you say that my mind is not comfortable with doing the work. Hence I need to get used to mental strain gradually. Will it change my self-image? It has to if I were to keep it up. self-image is the thermostat that you are talking about, I believe. The author wrote that the self-image determines what I do and all of my actions must be consistent with that image (It is true based on my experience). The question is how do I change my self-image so that it does not subvert my efforts to do what I need to do?