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Everything posted by RightHand

  1. @Leo Gura Aren't some people just built to be workaholic freaks? I have seen, for example, Owen Cook say that his latest insights on happiness have been him spending every single waking minute of his life working on a project while maintaining presence. Even his rest periods are highly optimized (sauna, cold plunges, etc.). Owen's argument is if you spend years building momentum on your health, state, life purpose, etc., then you'd naturally want that kind of lifestyle. He also claims that hardcore engaging with the real world is one of the best ways to test your spirituality and see if you're actually grounded or just spiritual bypassing. Do you think there is something fundamentally flawed with that? From what I see, he seems like a genuinely happy guy. +He always claims that he hasn't been sick in 10 years
  2. I've always been a huge fan of AI; it can completely revolutionize our software systems and produce advanced research papers. However, when I think about complete post-scarcity economies, I can't envision them without robotics.
  3. Agree. And let's not forget that an ant is more sophisticated than any human made machine
  4. Same, can't wait to live in a world where no one would be forced to do a painful job to make a living. Hope we get there.
  5. I have a question for @Leo Gura. I would say that the highest levels of consciousness I have experienced were during lucid dreaming. I would literally tear up watching the beautiful landscape I was creating. I could talk to the people in my dream with absolutely no worries because I knew that I was creating them and my brain was 99.9999% turned off. When I wake up, I feel so frustrated because I know that in my natural state, I will never feel 1/100th of that love, beauty, bliss, that I experience in my dreams (I have never done psychedelics). My question is, did you have similar lucid dream experiences, and how do they compare to your deepest awakenings? Is the depth of feeling during trips 100 times greater than the best lucid dream you had?
  6. First of all, pardon me if my sentences seem barbaric and showcase a complete lack of understanding of what consciousness is, but try to meet me at my level. Did God (me) design this life right now as the beginning or the continuation of a much bigger quest later? In other words, will the experiences and insights that I get from this life be used later in another sequel of the dream/video game? Or is this life just a random fluctuation in the field of consciousness, and after I leave this physical body, it will be completely pointless and or forgotten?
  7. I needed to renew my OpenAI subscription to get GPT-4 for a project, and a friend told me that Anthropic released Claude 3 and that the free version is as strong as or stronger than GPT-4, so I tried it. (You might need a VPN to create your account if you're not from the US.) And yes, I've heard of Gemini after the announcement of the 1.5 version, but I have never tried it, to be honest.
  8. Aren't you afraid that after this dream is over you might find yourself in an other dream where evil imps torture you for 1 gazillion years ? Because I am
  9. I think Leo was just engaging in some fun haha memes.
  10. I prefer to call them an investment in our shared prosperity. (insert crying emoji)
  11. As a Frenchman, I thoroughly enjoyed having to pay a total of 0€ for my 5 years of college.
  12. @Leo Gura Oh, okay. I've heard Owen Cook talk about this point as well—the idea of 'digging the wrong hole' and having to climb back out once you realize you're wasting your time on soul-crushing activities.
  13. @Leo Gura Would you say it's not worth it because of the years "wasted" ?
  14. He left behind him an eternal legacy. Dragon Ball was a huge influence for millions of people. Goku was like a spiritual father to me. That's what I call a successful life purpose!!
  15. @ZenAlex Same here! I can tear up listening to some of the OSTs. I still vividly remember myself as a kid dancing to the opening on top of a table. When I didn't behave, my mom wouldn't let me watch the weekly episode, I would get so frustrated, lol. Have you watched (or read) Dragon Ball Super ?
  16. GPT 4 still has the best value proposition IMO. Its ability to receive images and files in prompts is just too amazing + its ability to search the web can be very useful.
  17. @Ry4n I'll add a nuance to this : I will almost never believe someone that says to me they don't care about sex unless they can prove that they can get sex whenever they want. If you can't, then you're just using spirituality to bypass your inability to attract people into your life.
  18. Arguing that porn is spiritually harmful is more of a reflection on the person making the claim than on the porn itself. We call that a self report my Guy
  19. Beware of spiritual bypassing
  20. @zurewNoob prompter spotted
  21. @Space A year ago, GPT-4 hadn't even been released. Now, you can talk with a stage yellow entity whenever you want, 24/7.
  22. @Thought Art Let the man enjoy his late night shenanigans !
  23. @Scholar If we use the metaphor of Adam and Eve eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, can we not envision a scenario where AI, having accumulated a vast array of intelligent functions, experiences an AHA moment that instantaneously grants it consciousness? Maybe using artificial DMT