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Everything posted by RightHand

  1. Thanks! We can see the Orc at Orange, surrounded by mountains, ready to climb to the top. Perhaps the skulls also symbolize the real work required to ascend to the next stage, making the mountains seem insignificant in comparison.
  2. That's a good interpretation! Perhaps it's only at the yellow stage that he truly understands what it took to get there, and therefore, he confronts it. He was too busy during the orange stage and too much in denial during the green stage
  3. I don't see the point of meditation and self inquiry when you have such a powerful tool. I mean, at a certain point you will even drop your identity and desire to be alive, that seems like a more powerful state than what meditation and yoga would ever get you. I wanna hear some thoughts about that, maybe it's just my ego deluding me haha
  4. @Aeris @Aeris Yes I do think that theory is very important, but at the same time the next (ultimate?) paradigm is to let go of all of that. It's almost like you go full circle, that's why I find it very easy for me to mistaken apathy for enlightenment, like both are the same note but with different frequencies. That's the side I hate about self help, having an arsenal of techniques and making it a chore to apply them daily. Like my first year of meditation was the heaviest thing I had to do, maybe it made me more receptive to that new letting go paradigm, but I think that not taking the spiritual work seriously but still doing it is the best way to go, by trying so hard to get "enlightened" we make things more difficult in my opinion But again, maybe I'm just deluded lol