Grateful Dead

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Everything posted by Grateful Dead

  1. This is solid stuff brother, I like it!! It has a nice groove and a chilled vibe. I would definitely listen to more from you.
  2. An absolute masterpiece of Truth music, unfortunately for you guys the lyrics are in German. So, are we all here? Great Then let's all take a look at each other We'll start on three Three Good morning, mankind, he calls himself the captain He's come to rap riddles for you Riddle one: who are you? Have you figured it out yet? Whoever knows the answer raises their hand now Here, here, me, me Wrong, my friend (ooh) It seems you missed the best subject Namely: Self-study or egoology Subject of your own private academy So catch up, get undressed, back straight, head up Get your notebook out, I'll dictate the Brockhaus to you Are you ready? Then it starts, take off your skirt Because if you tear your ass open, I'll pull the stick out of there Because it's 1-2, ding-dong, super duper questions fred He asks you laser questions, has a suit with the letter F on it And a small backpack full of questions questions questions Questions questions questions questions questions questions questions questions questions And he asks you them until your bladder bursts His name is existence, he's probably having fun Because without fun even asking isn't fun It has to be fun for him, otherwise it's no fun So this song doesn't make any sense at all No fun without fun? Where's the logic in that? So, if you come with questions and want an answer Then please remain serious while you ask So away from the fun and back to the point Who am I, what are you, is there a master, is there a dog Is the search for the reason unhealthy for the brain? Or why do so many people here take it for granted There are no puzzles, go back to your job You are what you do, so don't act as if There is still something to find out about us Presumptuous and childish, go out and live The only realization of man is called a career And so we withdraw from the puzzle affair And don't allow ourselves to be our own boss We allow ourselves to be dominated by games determined by others Like studies, jobs, children, houses, movies and TV quizzes What has to be done, has to be done, because it is what it is Well then run around, shop, watch TV, drink wine Pull the blanket over your head and start screaming quietly The captain wishes you a pleasant trip At his next picnic he will take you hostage And then he will get you fit and empty your glass And then he will pump it full of spring water fun Yes, so pure and so clear and so fresh and so fine He pours in the crème de la crème of frequency What? Oh how crazy, oh my God, what is that? A strange freak tells me something about fun So, thoroughly examined: does his sleeve have an ace in the hole Or is the metaphorical barrel That you're opening here like a party without a guest As pointless and shallow as a house without a roof Don't tell me anything about existence, don't tell me anything about fun And don't fill my glass with it Don't give yourself the authority to tell people so unashamedly and bluntly Ball flat, heart open, I want to torture you with love He brings us love, quickly shoot him Now we'll dance our worries out of our collars together And then we run out into the street and we scream our questions Full throttle into the garden and endure That the neighbors have no sense of humor for questions And never ever despair, even if we have scars If we never complained, this shit would get to me up to my neck too If we still had every one of you freaks On our two naked, modest and much too small colorful children's shoulders And will plague you until we die with thousands and thousands armies of unsolved existential questions Ding ding ding (round two, may the better question win) For example: why at all? And why? And what for? Why all this, am I warm, am you cold? Am I stupid, are you clever, am I bad, am I well? Do we know far too much or do we not know enough? I only know one thing, and I know that you know it too Education is memory that mostly revolves around itself Intelligence has nothing to do with memory Was that called hen or chicken in 1930? Or emperor or king, farmer or maid? Or country, republic, monarchy or state? I really don't want to say anything against factual knowledge? But we have to expand and venture into other areas Because 90 percent of school work Is learning by heart without inner reinforcement The things we need like courage, intuition Fear management and communication Breathing techniques and muscle relaxation Why isn't that a subject, these things would be worthwhile Attention, attention, class Now that we've all taken a look at ourselves Let's take a deep breath through the same and shout three times Hurrah, I'm a happy Homo Sapiens Hurrah, I'm a happy Homo Sapiens And if you start telling me now You would lack realism in this stuff Then unfortunately I can't react in any other way than with laughter Because reality is not fixed, reality is created By you and by me and by us and by everyone We throw away the know-it-all and do the fallen Try this life of ours for once Let go and affirm the shit positively And we don't always blame others Stop cursing ourselves and practice patience Let's all get over the shit with failure and guilt It feels like: we are overfilled with values Let's empty our heads and start again from scratch Throw our old life off our shoulders Let's accept what we are and find ourselves anew Let's unite with everything, separate the wheat from the chaff Become everyone's student, our own master Let's relax completely for once and awaken our Ghosts And once they're awake in the welcome club Once we've awakened them, we'll never get enough Yes, then we'll relax, because we know we've got time Because together with the dudes, the journey isn't far anymore And then we'll ask each other questions until we puke And stare out of newborn baby eyes We'll do it until it has an effect Until our cramps are released and our sick bodies heal And our spirits, freed from suffering, spread themselves unashamedly around the room And hand out freshly brewed coffee and a free cookie Oh, thank you! Sugar, milk? Er, both. No problem And then we'll stroke each other's brains tenderly and Finally offer our devils a friendly face and How can they be released into a ball of light? We'll create this together, don't be afraid either And put your finger in the wound! Cock on the table Heart on the tongue, the cards are shuffled We can play pride and honor for another hundred years You started it, no you, let's start a war So we're not getting anywhere, every child knows that It's time for harmony, my friend, otherwise we'll die blind Celebrate the shit, too, as weird as it sounds And just dance to every song that swings And applaud every thing that's alive That stands in the corners, apparently lifeless and motionless Because everything you see is permeated by life It's the same life that planets float through It's the same life in uncles as in aunts It's the same life in a street hydrant The same life swings in water as in bread And the same life lives in joy as in need The same life rages in white and in red And in ice and in shit and in duty and prohibition And it's the same life in life as in death In zero as the One as in the shadow and in the light Incidentally, the solution to the riddle is
  3. I think that to truly understand the Bible, one must also understand the culture, symbolism, psychology, mysticism, language, etc. of the ancient Near East. It is very different from our Western understanding. In addition, the traditional Bible is poorly translated. George M. Lamsa, an Armenian scholar, translated the Bible from the ancient original Eastern text and found that the versions we read here, such as the King James Bible, contain 1,000 to 1,200 translation errors. For example, they translated many phrases literally, when in fact they are metaphors that can only be understood if one understands the cultures' backgrounds. It was only after I did the necessary research and studied Near Eastern culture in detail that the richness of the Bible really opened up for me.
  4. Yeah! Theoretically you could meditate for 40 years without it having a big impact. But if you build up slowly and then manage, for example to meditate for 4-5 hours a day for a few years, it can have an impact on your experience that you can't imagine right now. So if you've been building up for 7 years now, you're in the perfect position to take it to the next level.
  5. It could be a trap if you just sit there and mechanically do exercises that you don't enjoy at all. For me, daily meditation was a game changer. In the beginning, 30 minutes a day is fine, but over time you should try to invest more and more time so that it really has an effect.
  6. Yeah, I also think that once psychedelics have served their purpose, you should put them aside and do whatever it takes to overcome your ego once and for all. I think a few hundred trips are appropriate, then you should have understood what is necessary.
  7. I like how Neem Karoli Baba said it: "LSD allows you to come into the room and pranam to Christ, but after two hours you must leave. The best medicine is to love Christ." Awakening with psychedelics can also feel very peaceful and natural, but set and setting must be optimal..
  8. You gotta stop taking psychedelics man. If you already have all the answers but you're still mostly sad, then what are you doing? You're obviously not taking responsibility for your life because you have some assumptions about how it should be. Instead, you're waiting for God to do something, but it's already done, as you must know by now. The people you hear about who have everything figured out after this and that are mostly either lying to themselves or just lying to everyone else. If you talk to people in real life, you'll see that the situation is very different than you think. Most are unhappy with glimpses of happiness and only a few are even looking for solutions, and of course that's a struggle since we've buried ourselves so deep in lies for most of our lives. You've already done good work, now keep going!
  9. My second favorite fiddler player after Alex Hargreaves
  10. Been getting into Waylon Jennings lately.. what a legend!! His stage presence is something else
  11. I think I know what you mean. But also remember that they nailed Jesus' body to the cross, and many other men of God suffered horrific martyrdom or were tortured and put in prison for long periods of time. So the body is only relatively safe while you are here in my opinion.
  12. That's your interpretation. I was sharing my experience, knowing very well how most here would interpret it.
  13. Lol, I am not going to show off just for you. Whether you believe me or not doesn't interest me.
  14. Honestly, I've noticed this too. I don't see it as God being on my side, but rather that my will is much stronger than most people's, so if someone wrongs me and I wish bad things on them, then that's what happens. Eventually it got so crazy that I couldn't ignore it anymore and I realized I have to be very careful about what I wish on others. Do you really want others to get sick or worse just because they hurt your feelings or whatever? Jesus said love your enemies and bless those who hurt you. That's good advice in this case, in my opinion.
  15. Lol If I remember correctly, I googled a website that does this. But let's not derail this thread any further now
  16. No, you can have that too. There are no really cool privileges for mods.
  17. Of course, I don't deny that they can be helpful. However, I observe that most people blindly trust them and end up disappointed. I have worked closely with many psychiatrists and therapists and it was an eye-opener for me. None of them were conscious people, they are trapped in the academic world and see people only as their work. I think someone like you is better off trusting only in themselves. That doesn't mean that you can still get help from others. Yeah I would sign that!
  18. Yes, I agree. But in the long run, the price you have to pay for this is too high in my opinion. That's why I said you should keep looking for better, healthier long-term solutions. And while you're at it, you can keep taking your medications. What I was mainly trying to say is that you shouldn't blindly trust your doctor on this matter. He doesn't really care about you... and he wouldn't give his own children this stuff every day, I can assure you.
  19. Ahaha I feel you brother !! Although I would choose my first LSD trip, deep in the forest with my best friends. @r0ckyreed My two cents: When it comes to shrooms, an empty stomach is a must! For me, that means eating a light breakfast and maybe a few snacks throughout the day (if I eat them in the evening), but nothing at all at least 4 hours beforehand.
  20. I have researched this topic extensively and therefore have strong opinions on it, but remember that this is just my opinion. In my view, ADHD does not exist and any mental health diagnosis is just there for the doctor to bill. Yes, many people have trouble focusing on tasks they don't want to do, but that just means you don't fit into this sick world we have created. However, I understand that most people want or need to fit in to some degree so they can achieve the goals they have set for themselves. ADHD medication can be very helpful in this, but is by no means the solution to your problem. Taking this stuff every day like a robot just because the doctor prescribed it is foolish. I think it's best to take it a maximum of 3 days a week (less is better) and on those days you can get all the work done that you normally wouldn't be able to do. And on the days you don't take it, look for ways to build a life where you don't depend on any substances to function and be happy.
  21. That's what I actually mean by forgiveness. Observing as loving awareness until your worries disappear. And yes, after that you can still make some changes if you want to.
  22. Forgiveness, brother. Let it wash over you like a wave and forget the past.
  23. When used like other psychedelics, cannabis is a great tool for spiritual work. But it is very tricky because it can easily be abused and then used unconsciously. Once it becomes a habit, it blocks your spiritual growth, so you have to be very disciplined with it. That is my experience anyway...