Grateful Dead

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Everything posted by Grateful Dead

  1. I started doing lsd and mushrooms with 19 and it worked very well for me and my friends. If you are responsible with the dose, set & setting there is not to much that can go wrong. But I would wait with 5 meo at least till 21 maybe even 25.
  2. "What you seek is seeking you" -Rumi
  3. Expect spiritual emergencies. They sometimes occur after a psychedelic experiences or some sort of spiritual awakening even without psychedelics. See here for example: Spiritual emergencies are pretty rare and can occur in many different forms.
  4. Leo is such a good Role model it’s amazing what you can learn by just seeing what he does.
  5. reminded me on this story was always curious how that would work..
  6. I think to trust in the universe could help you and also to ask yourself how strong your desire for truth really is. Maybe there are other things that are more important for you right now I dont know.
  7. Hm oke I also been there. Thats how I do it - Before the trip I set the intention to overcome my fear and to find out what its about. I lay down and do nothing and when the fear comes I let it overcome me. Then I investigate it like what is all that fear about? Whats the problem? How does it exactly feel and why is it there? This time can be really horrible and is not enjoyable at all but after some time there is a breaking point and for example last time I realized that I am fighting against my self and in that moment I just gave up. After that it was all love and bliss. I think you have to accept the fear to overcome it. Sometimes it takes 2-3 trips to work it out but in the end its always worth it. Hope this helps you!
  8. @OBEler It always seems to me that you want to avoid fear..if that is true you shouldn't do psychedelics, especially 5-meo. Its all about facing your fears and overcoming them. Have you worked with other psychedelics like lsd?
  9. I like the explanation in the first book of conversations with god
  10. What kind of ritual are you doing before the trip? I always wanted to do that before trips but didn’t find good information on what I could do
  11. you can find tutorials on youtube or just use google its easy
  12. Interesting podcast thanks for sharing! But I dont agree with him saying leo doesnt give enough practices
  13. I experimented alot with lsd and what works best for me is to take about 200ug and then when everything starts to clear up I take 1-2 hits from a joint. This way I can keep my tolerance down and have a transcendental experience every time I want to have it.
  14. There is a small book called "Psychedelic Prayers" by Timothy Leary. It is after the Tao Te Ching and contains prayers for before, on the peak and after the trip. I use it for a few years now and I am still in love with it Most of the time I use it at the end of the trip when the intense part is over. So check it out! And there is also a german version of it which is just called "Gebete" von Timothy Leary. I tried both versions but I like the german one more. edit: here is a example: Returning to the source-repose: Be empty Watch quietly while the ten thousand forms Swim into life and return to the source Do nothing Return to the source Deep repose is the sign That you have reached the appointed goal To return to the source is to discover The eternal law of seed He who returns to this eternal law is enlightened Being enlightended he is serene Serene he is open-hearted Open-hearted he is beyond social games Being beyond social games he is in tune with seed In tune with seed he endures Until the end of his life he is not in peril in german: Sei leer Sieh ruhig zu, wie die zehntausend Formen zum Leben erwachen Sieh, wie sie zum Ursprung zurückkehren Tu nichts Kehr zum Ursprung zurück Zum Ursprung zurückkehren bedeutet das ewige Gesetz des Werdens zu erfahren Wer in diesem Gesetz lebt, ist erleuchtet wer erleuchtet ist, ruht in sich selbst wer in sich selbst ruht, ist offen wer offen ist, braucht keine Masken wer keine Masken braucht, erstarrt nicht wer nicht erstarrt, dauert Bis an sein Lebensende ist er nicht in Gefahr
  15. uf that sounds terrifying did you post something on reddit recently? and sorry if you answered that before but have you dont any other psychedelics before that experience?
  16. @Thought Art The Drug is only a tool
  17. I have the blue light blocker in my normal glasses for about a year now and I noticed that I can fall asleep faster.
  18. Because covid I cant go dancing anymore and I dont like to do tinder dates and so on^^ Right now I masturbate like once a week but when I can go dance again I will stop it
  19. Are you regular weed smoker or no tolerance?
  20. I tried No-Fap for 3-5 months and the only change I noticed is that when I was out dancing girls went crazy around me. They approached me and basically gathered around me. Maybe it was a mental thing but my friends also noticed it.