Grateful Dead

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Everything posted by Grateful Dead

  1. @Emerald Has some similarities imo and she also has a youtube channel which goes into personal development
  2. Yeah thats what I am talking about and then
  3. No, Ram Dass asked the Guru if he thinks its useful and he said "it can be useful in certain situations"
  4. @James123 and why can't you just "be" on psychedelics?
  6. this will get 10 mio views
  7. I just listend to the audiobook last month ? was one hell of a ride .... and it's really hard to move on lol the overall message I got from the books is: It's all about Love ❤
  8. I like this channel 'Breathe and Flow'
  9. is your girlfriend open to try psychedelics?
  10. to help when you can
  11. dude wtf this is so crazy because the slogan for the german version is: Ja wir schaffen das! and chancellor merkel also used exactly this xDD
  12. damn I love this thread ?
  13. I think I cry like once a week mostly it's because I listen to beautiful music or watch a moving video/movie/series sometimes I cry while reading a book or just because of my thoughts I used to hold it back when I was younger but now I just let it go
  14. I am reading the book because of you and I love it!! thanks man
  15. One of my favorite podcasts so far. I share his perspective on almost everything but he should have gone deeper into what it means to be a grown up man. I think most people will interpret it as reaching a certain age but there is much more to it. What really hit me was when he talked about coming out of the closet.. He is so right about that and now I want to go further into this direction in my own life. Most drugs people know about I have tried and in my experience the most damaging ones are alcohol and tobacco and still this stuff is praised like it's holy (at least in germany). In a way he remands me of timothy leary just more realistic.
  16. Jerry Garcia from the Grateful Dead
  17. @Nahm@ForestluvThis is so helpful! Thank you guys ? Maybe you two should come together and write about about stuff like that
  18. Hello I never fasted for a longer period (only did 16-8 interval fast for a year). Now I want to do at least 3 days and if I can a 7 day water fast, just for basic body cleansing. But I would have to write 15 sites as an assignment during that time. Do you think that could be a problem?
  19. @infinitenrgyYeah that’s normal or at least for me too. I try to become aware of my thoughts and fears and then let them go. But when I can’t for what ever reason anymore then I contemplate. For me psychedelic experiences are a lot about facing my fears tbh