Grateful Dead

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Everything posted by Grateful Dead

  1. Come on bro this is a bit harsh.. the word junkie is so dirty, I think no fellow being should be called trash I see no problem with recrational use of psychedelics. There is basically no down side to it and they will make you a better person even if you just do them for fun, at least that happened to me and all of my friends. Of course if you do it every day or multiple days a week this will be a problem but you should be fine using them once or twice a month in moderate dosages.
  2. for self-introspection purpose I think LSD is better but you can just try both and see what works best for you weed tolerance won’t matter
  3. @cetus looks like he could have seen the dead in their prime lol
  4. Wtf man whats your secret?? How do you consume it? I really like weed but I stopped using it because the day after or even two days after I am so freaking lazy like nowhere near my normal state... Also used to smoke once or twice a week and a similar dosage
  5. The Neti-Neti Methode is pretty cool I think but I haven't done it enough to say much about it.
  6. Interesting.. Good point. I really need to investigate this more deeply thanks for the pointer ?
  7. Yeah I get it. But isn't that normal? I kind of feel like if you instantly realize you are God and you didn't get a taste of Infinity before it might be a bit to much to handle in the beginning. Maybe these are just my fears..
  8. did you realize that during your first 5-MeO experience? or even before 5-MeO with other psychedelics? I know that Tom watches your videos for years and even tried to do a podcast with you
  9. They are doing a study right now where they give people with autism micro doses of magic mushrooms and it seems to be pretty promising.
  10. @Gabith when you smoke 1 to 2 times a week dont you feel very lazy and hazy the day after you smoke? if not whats your secret ?? how much do you smoke when you use?
  11. Every drug can be used in a positive way. The key to successful drug use is psychological maturity. No one here on the forum can tell you what you should do, you need to decide for yourself if you can use this substances in a responsible way.
  12. We are all here to help each other, love each other, and be brothers and sisters. We've got one chance in this life, to get out of here whether we have to do it over and over or not. And that is to learn to love everybody else and treat them just like ourselves, or forget it. Let's all try to learn a few things and pick each other up when we're down. And not push anybody down cause we're up ?
  13. somebody drill that hole in my head already ?
  14. Mindblowing Documentary! Some crazy stuff in there haha ??
  15. Hey, dont worry to much about it, I think that's pretty common. I also very often have some background music from songs I listen to playing in my head. For example right now John Mayer's Queen of California is playing ? stepping down down down... I never had bad feelings about that and always vibe with it when I notice it You will eventually forget about the songs you dont like if you stop listening to them and maybe you could fill your head with new awesome music! Like this:
  16. wtf ??? did you take a shit before you plugged it?
  17. Other drugs can also show you that. The bliss you experience on psychedelics is different from drugs like heroin/cocaine/ketamine etc., you could say the bliss is more rewarding in a way. With psychedelics it's not guaranteed that you will have a good time, while hard drugs will always feel good (if you dont do them to much). The main difference for me is after you take 'hard drugs' you will feel bad after the effects wear off and lots of times you dont feel good for a week or so. But when I have an amazing psychedelic experience, for the next two weeks I feel better then I do usually and there is no down. So you could say the price you pay for psychedelics is different compared to 'hard drugs'
  18. Short but powerful!! Gotta love Bill Hicks
  19. a few drops of vinegar and a few drops of light coconut milk is what leo suggested
  20. when I do 'normal' doses of 2cb like 15-20mg it's very euphoric and fun but when you go higher it gets very psychedelic on normal doses for me it's like a combination of the effects from lsd and mdma 2cb is often used as a partydrug but it's highly underestimated never plugged it btw
  21. take them and you will see
  22. Micro-dosing might help but not as a long term solution. Yes what I mean is more like doing shadow work on a trip. When I do it, I take it and then I just lay down and work with whatever will come up. You describe that your anxiety/trauma is very present in the body and thats where psychedelics are particularly helpful, because they kind of set free that stuck energy and let it all out. It feels very much like a purification and once you are done you will literally feel lighter, generally in life. But as I said before that process can be very demanding on body and mind so be prepared for that. I like to go for it alone but maybe if you are comfortable with someone it could be helpful to have a trip sitter.
  23. wow thats very interesting! sometimes before a dmt breaktrough I hear something very similiar just must faster
  24. psychedelics are an amazing tool for that but it also can be pretty hardcore facing this stuff with psychedelics I think breathwork could also help a great deal but I don't know that from personal experience
  25. Yeah thats true. I get how you look at it but I still I am kind of suprised that so many people still support him. Well I mean if you saw his old videos it's almost a miracle that some fans dig his new stuff.. haha yeah man I think texans just dont give any fucks at all about covid, he must have had it by now.